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1、2021年高考英语普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(二)(含解析)第二部分阅读(共两节,满 分 50分)第 一 节(共 15小题;每小题2.5 分,满 分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AGuide to Hik ing on the Appal achian TrailHow do 1 Leave No Trace on the Appal achian Trail?”At about 2,1 8 9 mil es,the Appal achian Trail is the l ongest singl e unit ofthe Natio

2、nal Park System.With the number of peopl e visiting this pl aceincreasing each year,the chances are great that any of us may damage the naturalenvironment al ong the Trail and affect the experience for others.So pl ease doyour part by fol l owing these hik ing and camping practices,and encourage oth

3、ersto l earn about and adopt these techniq ues.1.Pl an ahead and prepare.Eval uate the risk s associated with your outing,identify campsites anddestinations in advance,and use maps and guides.Prepare for extreme weather,dangers,and emergencies-especial l y the col d-to avoid impacts from searches,re

4、scues,and campfires.Learn when areas are most crowded and try to avoid thosetimes.2.Dispose of waste properl y.Pack out al l trash and food waste,incl uding that l eft behind by others.Don t bury trash or food,and don t try to burn pack aging material s incampfires.Use the privy(茅房)for human waste o

5、nl y.Do not add trash.If thereis no privy,dispose of human waste by burying it in a hol e,a hol e at l east200 feet(8 0 steps)from campsites,water sources and shel ters,and wel 1 awayfrom trail s.3.Leave what you find.Leave pl ants,cul tural artifacts(文物)and other natural objects where youfound them

6、 for others to enjoy.Do not damage l ive trees or pl ants;green woodburns poorl y.Col l ect onl y firewood that is dead,down,and no l arger than yourwrist.Leave dead standing trees and dead l imbs on standing trees for thewil dl ife.4.Minimize campfire impacts.Use stoves for cook ing-if you need a f

7、ire,buil d one onl y where it sl egal and in an existing fire ring.Keep fires smal l.Never l eave your campfireunattended,and drown it when you l eave.Do not try to burn trash,incl udingpl astic,gl ass,cans,tea bags,food,or anything with food on it.These itemsdo not burn thoroughl y.They create harm

8、ful fumes,and attract wil dl ife l ik esk unk s and bears.5.Respect wil dl ifeDon,t feed or disturb wil dl ife.Store food properl y to avoid attractingbears,varmints,and rodents.If you bring a pet,k eep it l eashed.()1.Before you hik e on the Appal achian Trail,you are advised to _.A.Leave your pet

9、dog at homeB.bring some food for the wil dl ife thereC.prepare for bad weather and emergenciesD.avoid crowded periods and book a hotel in advance()2.The underl ined phrase“dispose of“probabl y means.A.tak e care of B.hide awayC.mak e use of D.get rid of()3.If you need a fire on the Appal achian Trai

10、l,you shoul d.2A.col l ect firewood that is l arger than your wristB.k eep it smal l and drown it when you go awayC.burn or bury your trash before you l eaveD.use it to drive away wil dl ife l ik e sk unk s and bear【分析】本文是一篇说明文。作者给那些去阿巴拉契亚山道徒步旅行的户外探险者们提出一些应该学习和遵守的事项。1 .细节理解题。根据文章第一条建议中的 Prepare for

11、extreme weather,dangers,and emergencies-especial l y the col d-to avoid impacts(影响)from searches,rescues,and campfire s.z/为极端天气、危险和紧急情况(尤其是寒冷)做好准备,以避免搜索、救援和营火带来的影响。可知,在阿巴拉契亚山道徒步旅行前,作者建议人们做好应对极端天气和紧急事件的准备。故选C。2.词义猜测题。根据文章第三段by burying it in a hol e,a hol e at l east 200feet(8 0 steps)from campsites,w

12、ater sources and shel ters,and wel 1 away fromtrail s.”把它埋在一个洞里,这个洞距离露营地、水源和庇护所至少200英尺(8 0步),远离小径。可知如果没有厕所,人类的应该通过埋坑的方式处理排泄物。所以换线词的意思为“处理”。故选D。3.细节理解题根据文章第四条建议中的 if you need a fire,buil d one onl y whereit s l egal and in an existing fire ring.Keep fires smal l.N ever l eave yourcampfire unattended,

13、and drown it when you l eave.*如果你需要生火,只在合法的地方和现有的火场建一个。保持火要小。不要让你的营火无人看管,离开时把它熄灭。可知,如果需要在阿巴拉契亚山道生火,要保证火势很小,离开时用水把火熄灭,故选BoBLAS VEGAS It was different in the light of day.There was no pop,pop,pop“of gunfire,no screams.Just a quiet lot ofcars abandoned by those,like Kassidy Owen,who escaped with their

14、lives.“It s strange to hear the silence,“Owen said,abecause all I rememberwas the noise.”The 2 2-year-old was one of dozens of concertgoers who returned to the sceneof the Route 91 Harvest festival on Wednesday morning to fetch the vehicles theyleft behind as they fled from a gunman raining down bul

15、lets from high above inthe tower of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino across the street.Survivors of the deadly mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday needed theircars to move on with their lives-to get back to work,to school,home.Itwas the first time they were returning to a scene that would forever

16、 change them,when joy and celebration and music turned into killing and horror.Before they could move forward,they had to go back to the place where theythought they were going to die.Owen had run to her car to hide and had tried to drive away,but she couldn,t.People were running,bodies dropped to the ground,and cars bottlenecked in theparking lot.During a brief pause after more than 1 0 minutes of gunfire,sheworried the lights of her SUV made everyone inside a shining target.They re shooting ag



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