外教社2023新标准高职公共英语:实用综合教程(第三版)第3册 PPT课件Unit 2 The mobile era

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《外教社2023新标准高职公共英语:实用综合教程(第三版)第3册 PPT课件Unit 2 The mobile era》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外教社2023新标准高职公共英语:实用综合教程(第三版)第3册 PPT课件Unit 2 The mobile era(238页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、实用综合教程UNIT 2 The mobile era“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材3第三版新标准高职公共英语系列教材Warm-upText AText BGrammarWritingiOpinion:Chinese perspectiveComprehensive exercisesWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information1 From the Internet to the mobile InternetTraditionally,access to the Internet has been via fixed-line serv

2、ices on laptops and desktop computers.The mobile Internet refers to the Internet on handheld mobile devices,such as smartphones or tablet computers.The fast development of mobile technology has brought tremendous convenience toInternet users because they can virtually access the Internet anytime any

3、where.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground information2 Generations of the web and the mobile eraWeb 1.0 is the“readable”phase of the Internet.In Web 1.0,Internet users passively receive information from websites without the opportunity to post reviews,comments,or feedback.The year 1999 witnessed

4、the arrival of Web 2.0,which is the“writable”phase of the Internet.Web 2.0 allows users to interact with the websites and with each other.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBackground informationWeb 3.0 is the“executable”phase of the Internet.In Web 3.0,computers can interpret information like humans and i

5、ntelligently generate and distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users.This phase is also called Mobile Web 3.0 because it coincides with the emergence of smartphones.The Internet,therefore,enters the mobile era.Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upAThis is Erics smartphone.Do you know what these

6、 apps are called in English?Fill in the blanks with the names of these apps.almost everything on my smartphone.The first and last thing of my day is checking to see my friends posts and their comments on my posts.We dont have many English classes at school,but we do a lot of self-learning on .Its be

7、en a long time since I last went to a department store because I do most of my shopping online through .Hi,Im Eric.Im a 20-year-old college student in China.I doWeChat(Moments)_WE Learn_Taobao_Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upAThis is Erics smartphone.Do you know what these apps are called in English?Fil

8、l in the blanks with the names of these apps.I never carry any cash or credit cards when I go out because we can pay for everything with or .I dont read newspapers;I check for news.When I go travelling,I use to book my tickets and hotels.I never worry about getting lost because I have a navigation a

9、pp called to tell me where to go even at some remote places.And if I have to go somewhere in the city,I choose the integration of metro and .Its often faster and more economical than taking a taxi.Yes,life is convenient in the mobile era,as long as your smartphone doesnt run out of power.WeChat Pay

10、_Ctrip_Gaode Maps_Mobike_Alipay_Sina Weibo_Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upBWhat apps do you often use?Look at your smartphone and try to describe your life in the mobile era.You may include the following information.lWhats the name of the app?lWhat is it used for?lWhat convenience or benefits does it b

11、ring to you?Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsText AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionscompass/n.指南针火药模仿,仿效记者新闻学;新闻业imitate/v.gunpowder/()/n.模仿;仿制品Is this an imitation diamond?

12、imitation/n.数字的,数码的digital/adj.journalist/n.journalism/n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsdigit/n.数字,数位数字化 More than 200 photos have been scanned and digitized for the online archive.数字化平台不同的,各种各样的digitization/n.platform/n.

13、diverse/adj.digitize/v.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions使多元化;从事多种经营We must diversify our products.大量的,可观的多样性,多元性 She teaches the studentsto appreciate the diversity of other cultures.生态,生态学ecology/n.diversify/v.diversity/n.

14、substantial/adj.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions生态的;关心生态的 Water pollution has destroyed the ecological balance of the lake.革命,大变革 Britain led the world into the First Industrial Revolution,powered by coal and steam.revolut

15、ion/n.革命,使发生革命性巨变revolutionize/v.ecological/adj.实施,贯彻,执行工具implement/v.n.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions革命的,革命性的革命者使用;访问(计算机)通道;接触的权利或机会泊位;(电子设备)扩展坞无需泊位的access/v.n.dock/n.dockless/adj.n.问题,议题发行,颁发,发布issue/n.v.可获得的,可用的avail

16、able/adj.revolutionary/adj.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressionsQR Code二维码不用现金的现金 Can you lend me some cash?创新的,新颖的创新,改革We must constantly innovate to ensure success in a growing market.cash/n.innovate/v.cashless/adj.innovative/adj.Text AReading comprehensionVocabulary buildingListening and speakingWords and expressionsWords and expressions创新,创造;新思想,新方法创新者法定货币货币,通货legal tendercurrency/n.全国性的,全国范围的全国,在全国商人,商家merchant/n.innov


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