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1、promotion of employment, form a reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution, build a more fair and sustainable social security systems, medical and health system reform. The plenary, innovation of social governance, must focus on the maintenance of fundamental interests of the overwhelming

2、 majority of the people, maximize factors, enhance social development, improving social governance, the interests of national security, ensure that the people live and work, social stability and order. To improve social governance, stimulating social organization, innovative and effective system of

3、preventing and resolving social conflicts, improving the public security system, set up the National Security Council, national security systems and national security strategy to ensure national security. Plenary session, the construction of ecological civilization, you must establish systems of eco

4、logical system, using the system to protect the ecological environment. To improve natural resources asset property right system and use control, red line of delimitation of ecological protection, resources paid use system and ecological compensation system in ecological environment protection manag

5、ement system reform. Plenary session, centering on building a listening party command, can win and having a fine style of the peoples army, a strong army under the new situation of the party Goals, restricting the development of national defense and army building is solved outstanding contradictions

6、 and problems, innovation and development of military theory, enhance military strategic guidance, improve the military strategy in the new period, building a modern military force system with Chinese characteristics. To deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy a

7、nd system reform, promote the development of military and civilian integration depth. Plenary session stressed that comprehensive reform must be to strengthen and improve the partys leadership, give full play to the core role of the party commands the overall situation and coordinating all parties,

8、improving the partys leading water . Margin. Challenged the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong thought by Deng Xiao-pings flag, replaced by three representatives and the harmonic society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost a

9、ll political makeover. Characteristics of socialism public ownership is shifting to private ownership, planned regulation and market regulation, the proletarian regime controlled by the elite. Of universal equality, fairness and basic principles of distribution system is socialist society, however a

10、fter economic monopolized by powerful, vested interests grow, employers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social distribution. State key protection of capital interests rather than the interests of citizens, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat2012年一级建造师水利水电工程考试真题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,

11、只有一个答案正确)1. 兴利库容是水库死水位与()之间的库容。A.校核洪水位 B.正常蓄水位 C.防洪高水位 D.设计洪水位2. 大坝水位变化区域的外部混凝土,应避免采用()水泥。A.硅酸盐 B.普通硅酸盐 C.矿渣硅酸盐 D.火山灰质硅酸盐3.下列截流方法中,属于无戗堤法的是()截流。A.平堵 B.立堵 C.混合堵 D.定向爆破4. 下列指标中,不属于施工导流围堰级别确定依据的是()。A.洪水标准 B.保护对象 C.事失后果 D.工程规模5. 帷幕灌浆施工完成后的质量检查应以检査()为主。(P421)A.灌浆施工过程记录 B.灌浆结果标准C.检查孔压水试验结果 D.检查孔岩芯获得率6. 评价

12、土地平衡调配合理性的主要指标是()。A.运输条件 B.运输距离 C.运输时间 D.运输费用7. 面板堆石坝坝体分区丛迎水面到背水面依次是()。A.过渡区、垫层区、主堆石区、次堆石料区 B.垫层区、过渡区、主堆石区、次堆石料区C.垫层区、过渡区、次堆石料区、主堆石料区 D.过渡区、垫层区、次堆石料区、主堆石料区8. 混凝土拌合机的主要性能指标是()。A.工作容量 B.设备功率 C.生产能力 D.生产效率9. 右图所示,混凝土重力坝分缝分块属于()分块。A.通仓 B.竖缝 C.平缝 D.错缝10. 碾压混凝土坝的混凝土强度在施工过程中是以( )进行控制的。A.钻孔取芯 B.压水试验 C.监测密度

13、D.留置试块11. 爆破法拆除围堰工程,严禁采用()起爆法。A.导爆管 B.导爆索 C.火花 D.复式网络12. 根据水工程建设规划同意书制度管理办法(试行)(水利部令31号),下列部门中不受理申请和审査签署水工程建设规划同意书的是( )。A.水利部 B.流域管理机构 C.省水利局 D.市水利局13. 根据水利水电工程标准施工招标文件(2009年版),河道疏浚工程质量保修期为 ( )年。A.零 B.半 C. 一 D. 二14. 根据国家电网公司水电建设项目法人单位安全生产管理规定,水电站工程中可以由分包单位单独承建的是( )工程。A.大坝 B.主厂房 C.导流隧洞 D.泄洪隧洞15. 根据关于

14、贯彻落实进一步加强水利安全生产工作的实施意见(水安监201257号), 安全生产“三项行动”不包括( )。A.执法 B.预防 C.治理 D.宣教16. 根据水利建设工程安全鉴定规定(电综【1998】219号),水电工程蓄水验收前应由 ( )指定有相应资质的单位进行工程安全鉴定。A.项目法人 B.管理单位 C.项目审批部门 D.验收委员会17. 根据水利基本建设项目竣工财务决算编制规程(SL192008),大型水利工程建设项目可预计纳入竣工财务决算的未完工程投资及预留费用应控制在总概算的( )以内。A. A.3% B. 5% C. 10% D. 15%18. 根据中华人民共和国水土保持法,水土保

15、持方案在实施过程中,水土保持措施需要作出重大变更时,其变更方案应经( )批准。A.原编制单位 B.项目法人 C.原审批单位 D.当地人民政府19. 根据水利水电工程启闭机制造安装及验收规范(SL3812007),为检査启闭机制动器的工作性能,应进行( )试验。A.静载 B.动载 C.荷压 D.耐压20. 工程规模为小(2)型的水库工程,其相应的注册建造师执业工程规模为()型。A.大 B.中 C.小 D.小(2)二、多选题(每题2分,多选一个不得分)21. 兴建水库可能产生的工程地质问题有()。A.渗漏 B.塌岸 C.淤积 D.岩石风化 E.诱发地震22. 确定施工导流设计洪水标准的方法有()。A.可靠度法 B.安全系数法 C.实测资料分析法 D.常


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