中考英语一轮复习单项选择题分类训练专题26 现在完成时100题 (含解析)

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1、中考英语单项选择百题分类训练专题26 现在完成时100题1(辽宁丹东中考真题) Its a pity that there is no ticket for sale. Dont worry. I _ the tickets.Aam buyingBbuyCwas buyingDhave bought2(山东滨州中考真题) What is the Trip Code (行程码) used for? Its used to show where you _ in the last 14 days.AwereBwill beChave beenDhad been3(贵州黔西中考真题)Our scho

2、ol life _ a lot since 2021. We have more activities now.AchangeBis changingChas changedDwill change4(辽宁大连中考真题)Sally _ with a Chinese family since she came to Dalian.AstaysBwill stayChas stayedDwas staying5(辽宁沈阳中考真题)The Art of War is great and I_ it many times so far.AreadBhave readCam readingDwill r

3、ead6(黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)Your watch is so cool! When did you get it?On my 12th birthday. I _ it for 3 years.AboughtBhave hadChave bought7(辽宁营口中考真题)David is very productive and _ five books in the past ten years.AwritesBwroteChas writtenDis writing8(贵州铜仁中考真题)Mike, why are you standing outdoors?I _ my keys. I

4、have to wait here until my mother comes back.Ahave lostBwill loseChad lostDlose9(湖北鄂州中考真题)Would you like to see the movie Changjin Lake this evening? Oh, its a good movie. But I _ it already.AsawBhave seenCseeDwill see10(四川遂宁中考真题)You dance so well, Alice.Thanks. I _ Chinese dance since I was 5 years

5、 old.AlearnBlearntCam learningDhave learnt11(2021四川资阳中考真题)So far, high-speed trains _ most of the big cities in China.Ahave connectedBconnectedCwill connectDconnect12(湖南怀化中考真题)We _ each other since I came to Changsha, but we often send emails.Ahavent seenBdidnt seeCdont see13(江苏南通二模)Where is your un

6、cle?He _ France for two years. Sam does his work instead now.Ahas gone toBhas been toChas been inDhas left14(重庆市綦江区东溪中学一模)He didnt go back to his hometown for Spring Festival this year._. This is the most special festival that I _.ASo did I; have spentBSo did I; spentCNeither did I; have spentDNeith

7、er did I; spent15(河北廊坊一模)You neednt wash your T-shirt. Your mother _ it.AwashBwashedChas washedDwas washing16(河北唐山市第十二中学一模)How do we turn on the camera?I _ you, werent you listening?AtellBam tellingChave toldDwill tell17(黑龙江哈尔滨一模)Shanghai Disneyland _ for a few years, attracting millions of families

8、 to play in the park. Ahas openedBhas been openedChas been open18(黑龙江肇东市第七中学校二模)Its five oclock p.m. Annie and Kate _ their homework, so theyre playing with the cat now. AfinishBare finishingChave finished19(黑龙江佳木斯二模)My uncle _ his hometown for 4 years, we really miss him. Ahas been leftBhas leftCha

9、s been away from20(河北二模)You _ so many interesting stamps, Monica? Can I have a look?AcollectBwill collectCwere collectingDhave collected21(甘肃武威二模)Which of the following is RIGHT?AThe school art school held by some students.BMy Chinese teacher has come here for six years.CThe meaningful sentences wer

10、e written by Lu Xun.DThe bridge between these two villages is built last year.22(吉林白山二模)Secret Superstar is the most moving movie that I ever seen.AwasBhasChave23(黑龙江哈尔滨市萧红中学校一模)Covid-19 has had a great influence on our life and study.Right. We _ the online classes in the past few months.AhaveBhave

11、hadChad24(海南陵水黎族自治县教研培训中心二模)Our computer is working again. Yes. Mr Wu _ it. It took him about an hour.Ais fixingBwill fixChas fixed25(福建福州模拟预测)Look! Its reported that Fuzhou Metro Line 5 _ for two months.Yes, it opened on April 29.Ahas runBranCruns26(吉林长春市第一八学校模拟预测)The number of bike riders in Yueqi

12、ng _ greatly since the government built more cycle ways.AincreasedBhasincreasedCwasincreasingDwasgoingtoincrease27(江苏泰兴市济川初级中学模拟预测)How long _ Hepburns successful career _?About 40 years.Awas; lastedBhas; lastedChad; lastedDdid; last28(西藏谢通门县中学二模)Lily and Danny have never had Chinese food, _?Ahave th

13、eyBarent theyCdont theyDhavent they29(湖北阳新县富川中学模拟预测)Do you know anything about Zhang Guimei?(改编)Yes, she _ many girls with chances to get free education in Yunnan in the past 40 years.AprovideBis providingChas providedDwill provide30(辽宁丹东市第十九中学二模) Why wont we play basketball with Class 4 this aftern

14、oon? Because they _ Hangzhou for a study trip.Ahave gone toBhave been toCwent toDhad been31(辽宁大连二模)Confucius ideas _ Chinese society for more than 2,000 years.AinfluenceBare influencingCinfluencedDhave influenced32(广西梧州二模)Jack _ to Guangxi already.Really? When will he be back?AgoesBwentChas beenDhas gone33(黑龙江哈尔滨市第十七中学校模拟预测)I h


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