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1、江苏开放大学综合商务英语(基础)综合性大作业单选题题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:11This painting is fairly _ of his early work.A:representingB:typicalC:representD:typically正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:12Our company is _ Paris.A:based atB:based inC:based forD:baseD:正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:13Were having difficulty _ enough qualified

2、 staff.A:recruitingB:recruitC:findingD:finD:正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:14He is a _ of engineering from Tsinghua University.A:graduateB:studentC:graduatesD:graduation正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:15Bruce is thinking of applying for this _ .A:placeB:positionC:titleD:location正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:

3、16May I speak to Jane? _.A:This is she.B:Jane speaking.C:All above正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:17She is quite _ the new market.A:negative toB:positive aboutC:negative forD:positive for正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:18She _ the doctor for her son.A:made appointment withB:made an appointment withC:appoint

4、ed withD:appoint正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:19I left early to avoid the _ .A:rush hourB:dash hourC:rush flowD:rush traffiC:正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:110Hes always been very enthusiastic _ sports.A:aboutB:forC:atD:to正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:111We need to establish a good _ in the industry.A:comp

5、any statueB:company lookC:corporate imageD:corporate appearance正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:112_ is important in German business.A:PunctualityB:PunctualC:In timeD:On time正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:113There probably wont be much _ at the start of the meeting in the US.A:casual talkB:personal talkC:sm

6、all talkD:big talk正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:114Our guide,_ was an excellent cook.A:who was a French Canadian,B:that was a French Canadian,C:which was a French Canadian,D:was a French Canadian,正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值1分难度:一般得分:115Banks normally _ large businesses when deciding on loans.A:give priority to

7、B:give priority forC:take priority toD:give priority over正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:中等得分:316【阅读理解七,对应以下7-1至7-5题】Amid rising global commodity prices, Indonesia and Malaysia have expanded their exports, which has helped with recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to analysts.Indones

8、ia recorded GDP growth of 5.44 percent year-on-year in the second quarter, while Malaysias GDP rose by 8.9 percent in the same period.Indonesia and Malaysia are among the few in the region which are net exporters of commodities, including agricultural, oil and gas, minerals and metals.The rise in co

9、mmodity prices has boosted second-quarter growth in the two major exporting economies.The “commodity price boom” has been stabilizing Indonesias currency, the rupiah. This has limited the “negative fallout associated with expensive imported food”.The Russia-Ukraine conflict brought mixed results to

10、Indonesia and Malaysia. While their export revenues were up, both countries have also needed to deal with higher food prices, as they are both importers of wheat and corn. For example, the two countries are exporters of palm oil. The surge in global vegetable oil prices, due to the tight sunflower o

11、il supply from Ukraine, has raised Indonesian and Malaysian export revenues. The situation is the same regarding the two countries exports of other commodities, including coal and natural gas. Indonesias exports in June surged more than 40 percent year-on-year to $26.09 billion, while Malaysias expo

12、rts expanded by 38.8 percent in June.However, inflation, on the back of higher food prices, has reined in Indonesias and Malaysias growth prospects. Indonesias inflation rose to a seven-year high of 4.94 percent in June, and Malaysias inflation increased by 3.4 percent.Wheat is widely used in Indone

13、sia, while Malaysias poultry industry uses imported corn as feed.The international prices of all the cereals fell in July. Nevertheless, international wheat prices were still 24.8 percent above those of July last year. Worried consumers have paid more for less, and will continue to have “food inflat

14、ion worries” as they have to deal with higher grocery bills.High food costs are “beginning to reflect in (the Indonesian and Malaysian) economies inflation prints”. This is because food accounts for around 25 to 35 percent of the two countries consumer price indexes.The Indonesian government earlier

15、 banned palm oil exports to curb rising prices of cooking oil in the local market, and the Malaysian government has offered food subsidies and temporarily halted chicken exports to keep inflation at bay.7-1. What is the influence of rising global commodity prices on Indonesia and Malaysia?A:These two countries have expanded their exports.B:They have expanded their imports.C:They become net commodity exports.D:There is no influence.正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:中等得分:3


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