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1、高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 2 单元写作指导与演练本单元的中心话题是对“人类教师会不会被AI教师取代?”的帖子进行回帖,是一篇正反对比类议论文。写这类作文时首先应引入讨论的话题,然后围绕这一话题论述正反两种观点,最后表明自己的态度、观点。文章要做到层次分明、有理有据。本写作可分为三部分:第一部分:开门见山,引出议论的话题;第二部分:列举优势和劣势;第三部分:表明个人观点【词汇积累】1.advocate n.拥护者;提倡者a huge advocate of.的忠实拥护者V.提倡;主张:支持:拥护advocate doing sth.提倡做某事advocate that sb.(should

2、)do sth.2.emphasis n.强调;重视;play/put emphasisonsth.强调;重视3.rather than宁愿.也不愿.rather than代替;would rather do A than do B宁愿做A也不愿做Bother than除了4.keep in touch with与.保持联系(kept/kept)= get in touch with反义词:失联 lose touch with (lost/lost)【句式积累】1.第一段开门见山,提出主题(12句)(1)We had a heated discussion about/on.(2)Differ

3、ent people hold different opinions.(3)Opinions are divided.(4)People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards.(5)People have different opinions on this problem.(6)People take different views on this question.2.第二段表达不同观点(1).of them hold the opinion that.(2).of them are in favor of the idea that

4、.(3)People who are for/against the idea think that.(4)Some people believe that.Others argue that.(5)However,.of them hold a different view./.of them hold the opposite opinion.(6)However,each coin has two sides.(7)Different from those.,people think.(8)On the other hand,people object that.3.第三段说明自己的观点

5、(1)As far as I am concerned.(2)In my opinion.(3)Its my opinion that.(4)In a word,only through.can we have a bright future【谚语积累】seeing is believing.眼见为实。Nothing so bad, as not to be good for something.塞翁失马,安知非福。Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it.无风不起浪。No safe wading in an unknown water.

6、未知水深浅,涉水有危险。No rule without an exception.有规则必有例外。No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。No root, no fruit.无根就无果。No piper can please all ears.众口难调。No one (or man) is born wise or learned.人非生而知之者。【万能写作模板】模板一Nowadays, there are a growing number ofHowever, they have both advantages and disadvantages.On the on

7、e hand, +优点 are helpful.Compared with we can easily get in touch with So we can ask to provide when we On the other hand, +缺点 also have some shortcomings.Firstly, they are, so they cant understand Secondly, they can only do, and cant deal withAlthough are becoming more popular, I dont think they wil

8、l模板二1.导入主题There is a widespread concern over the issue that (某个主题,需以句子形式呈现).But it is well known that the opinions concerning this hot topic vary from person to person.2.正方观点A majority of people approve of the opinion that (正方观点).From their point of view,there are two factors contributing to this at

9、titude,which are as follows:in the first place, (原因一).Furthermore, (原因二).3.反方观点On the contrary,some people differ in their opinions on this matter.They hold the view that (反方观点).On the one hand, (原因一).On the other hand, (原因二).4.阐明个人看法As far as I am concerned,I think we should take immediate measures

10、 to (个人观点).First of all,.In addition,.Only in this way can we.现在,网购正在被越来越多的消费者所接受。但是,由网上购物所引发的问题也引起了人们的高度关注。请根据以下内容,写一篇英语短文,分析网上购物的利与弊,并简述自己的观点。1.利:方便快捷,便宜,产品种类多。2.弊:无法保证质量,容易受骗,网上付款有风险。注意:词数100左右。参考词汇:网上购物online shopping 方便的convenient (adj.)便利convenience (n.) 保证ensure (vt.) 质量quality (n.)【审题思路】1.开头

11、:提出问题;2.主体:陈述不同的观点及其理由;3.结尾:说明自己的观点。4.主体时态:常用一般现在时。5.主体人称:议论文常用第三人称。【写作步骤】第一步明确要求本文为网购利与弊的正反观点对比类议论文。第二步确定段落Part 1引出议论话题Part 2网购的益处Part 3网购的弊端Part 4我的观点第三步词汇热身1.比较喜欢做某事prefer doing sth2.益处和弊端advantages and disadvantages3.人们普遍认为it is widely believed that.4.挑选choose from5.引起很多问题cause many problems6.确信

12、be sure about第四步连句成篇【佳作欣赏】With the Internet becoming popular,more and more people prefer going shopping online.In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in online shopping.Generally speaking,it is widely believed that there are several advantages as follows.We can buy things on the Interne

13、t without leaving our houses.Shopping online can save a lot of time for us.Whats more,there are many different kinds of goods for us to choose from,which may be cheaper than those in real shops.However,shopping online also causes us some problems.Since we can see only pictures of goods on the Intern

14、et,we are not sure about their quality.Besides,there are lots of advertisements on the Internet,making customers easily cheated.In my opinion,we should be careful while enjoying the convenience of shopping online.【亮点词汇】1.比较喜欢做某事prefer doing sth2.益处和弊端advantages and disadvantages3.人们普遍认为it is widely believed that.4.挑选choose from5.引起很多问题cause many problems6.确信be sure about【高分句型】1.随着互联网的流行,越来越多的人喜欢网上购物。(一般表达)As the Internet is becoming popular,more and more people prefer goin


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