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1、高考英语读后续写情感心理素材(一)喜悦1.She was so excited that she smiled through tears .2.He was in high spirits , and felt like being on top of the world .3.I was excited , beyond description .4.She shed tears of joy .5.She was overflowing with happiness .6.Her smile bloomed like a flower .7.A bright smile spread a

2、cross her face .8.She laughed , her eyes shining / twinkling with excitement .9.She could hardly conceal her excitement .10.They were in cheerful spirit , feeling like being on top of the world .11.Because of that smile , our hearts jump and dance for joy , sweetness from the heart filling the body

3、.(二)同情1.I m sorry to learn about the accident.2.I regret to tell you that the school meeting has been cancelled due to the Covid -19.3.His painful eyes seem to beg me to spare him .4.Please accept my heartfelt sympathy .5.Seeing her condition , I immediately felt a huge sympathy for her .It was comi

4、ng deep from within my heart .6.She pressed my hand in sympathy .7.Seeing this , his heart ached for the homeless children .8.Franklin stood silently , torn by sorrow and compassion , weighing what to say .(三)感动1.She was so deeply touched that she could hardly speak .2.With tears streaming down her

5、face , she thanked him again and again .3.Moved to tears at the story , she failed to utter a word .4.A warm current rose in her heart .5.As Susan bent her head , she heard the remark and she wiped away tears .6.I was deeply moved by what he had done , tears rolling down without control .7.Tears wel

6、led up in her eyes .8.Tears dropping from his eyes , he ran to Mum s warm hug , and said gently , Mum , thank you .9.She was deeply moved by what the old man had done , with tears rolling down without control .(四)好奇1.They asked me so many questions that I got confused .2.I m puzzled why you didn t t

7、ry for a university scholarship .3.When I stood up to speak , my mind went blank .4.It was so unbelievable that he made his eyes wider ,5.Curious about what had happened , Henry crept back to school the next day .6.It was so unbelievable that she made her eyes wider .7.People gathered round , curiou

8、s to know what was happening .(五)宽慰1.She stroked her fingers through my hair and said , Things are going to be fine .2.He reached out his hand with his finger forming a heart , saying , I ll always be there with you .3.She held my hands , weeping , Thank you so much ! You have no idea how much this

9、means to me .4.Hearing this , I felt a warm flow spreading inside of me .(六)鼓励1.They re sitting outside in the cool night on a wooden porch , comforting and encouraging each other quietly .2.My mom wearing a smile on her face , always encourages me .3.Thanks to the encouragement , which calms me dow

10、n gradually , I began to accept that failure is a part of great value .4.He held my hand weeping , Thank you so much .You have no idea how much this means to me .5. You matter . I said that sentence to myself , feeling a warm glow spreading inside of me .6.He smiled with satisfaction , patting me on

11、 the shoulder and said , Well done !(七)希望1.A spark of hope kindled in their hearts .2.After all the problems , we are finally beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel .3.Her hope of going to college went up in smoke when her father lost his job .4.James felt more hopeful about his future

12、 after his chat with his professor .5.Life bloomed with happiness and hope .6.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst .7.With any luck , we ll have this finished by the end of the day .(八)激动1.Felt her heart racing and her blood rushing .2.Her heart melted when she heard the encouraging words fro

13、m her again .3.A shiver of excitement passed through her stomach when she heard the news .4.His face is glowing with excitement .5.He was so thrilled that he could hardly speak .6.Her heart was beating like a freed bird s as she leaned down and gathered the gifts to her breast .(九)愤怒1.He stormed out

14、 of the room with anger, shutting the door hard behind him.2.She was about to explode.3.He was really angry, shaking his fists.4.Boiling with anger, Tom shook his fist at me.5.His voice trembled with anger.6.She cast an angry look at him.7.Unable to contain his anger, he turned and roared in anger,

15、Who on earth did it?8.Her color went up, a heavy rage came over her like a dark cloud.9.Boiling with rage, Jim shook his fist at me.(十)悲伤1.He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.2.She burst into tears and ran out of the room,3.They were emerged in sorrow.4.She walked to me, with great sorrow, the light in her eyes darkened, and said with sadness, I failed.5.I saw an old lady crying with fist beating her chest in the street corner.6.When he embraced me with his arms open wide, I felt my throat choke with sob.7.Her eyes were flooded with tears.8.She shook her head miserably, tears


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