Unit 4 When is the art show?(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级下册

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Unit 4 When is the art show?(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级下册_第1页
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Unit 4 When is the art show?(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级下册_第3页
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《Unit 4 When is the art show?(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级下册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 When is the art show?(教学设计)人教PEP版英语五年级下册(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 When is the art show? - Teaching PlanIntroductionIn this unit, students will learn how to ask and answer questions about the time and date of an event, specifically an art show. They will also learn related vocabulary and phrases.Objectives To ask and answer questions about the time and date

2、of an event To learn related vocabulary and phrasesMaterials PPT slides Flashcards of related vocabulary Worksheets with questions and activities Different colored markers or chalkProceduresStep 1: Warm-up (10 minutes) Greet the students and review what theyve learned in the previous units. Ask for

3、the days of the week and write them on the board. Ask for the months of the year and write them on the board. Review vocabulary related to time (e.g.clock, hour, minute). Play a game of Simon says with time-related movements (e.g.touch your toes at 12 oclock, hop on one foot at quarter past).Step 2:

4、 Vocabulary (10 minutes) Introduce new vocabulary related to the art show and write the words on the board: art show, exhibit, paintings, sculptures, artists, gallery, museum. Show flashcards of related vocabulary and have the students repeat after you. Use the flashcards to play different games and

5、 activities, such as matching games, memory games, and grouping games.Step 3: Listening (15 minutes) Play an audio clip of a conversation between two people asking and answering questions about the art show. Ask students to listen carefully and circle the correct date and time on a worksheet. Play t

6、he audio again, and have students check their answers.Step 4: Speaking (20 minutes) Go through a dialogue with the students, asking and answering questions about the art show. Model the correct language structure. Divide students into pairs or small groups and have them practice the dialogue. Walk a

7、round and listen to their conversations and provide feedback and corrections.Step 5: Writing and Reading (15 minutes) Give students a worksheet with questions related to the art show, and have them write their answers. Collect the worksheets, shuffle them and redistribute to different students. Have

8、 those students read aloud the answers they have received and check if they match with the questions they have.Step 6: Extension (10 minutes) Give an exercise by asking the students to draw one of the artworks from the art show. Ask students to present their artwork to the class and describe what th

9、ey drew. Provide feedback and encourage students to ask questions and give compliments to each other.ConclusionIn this unit, students have learned how to ask and answer questions about the time and date of an event, specifically an art show. They have also learned related vocabulary and phrases. The focus has been on developing their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.


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