Project 1 An animal school ( Period 1 )(教案)-2022-2023学年英语五年级上册

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Project 1 An animal school ( Period 1 )(教案)-2022-2023学年英语五年级上册_第1页
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1、Project 1 An Animal School (Period 1)Teaching objectives1. To introduce students to different animals and their characteristics.2. To help students understand the concept of a school for animals.3. To enable students to use adjectives to describe animals.Teaching content1. Vocabulary: elephant, lion

2、, giraffe, monkey, zebra.2. Adjectives to describe animals: big, strong, tall, fast, colorful.Teaching processWarm-up (5 mins)1. Greet the students and ask them to share their favorite animal with the class.2. Display pictures of different animals and have students identify them.Presentation (10 min

3、s)1. Introduce the concept of an animal school and explain that just like humans, animals also attend school to learn important skills.2. Display pictures of the animals to be studied (elephant, lion, giraffe, monkey, zebra) and ask students to identify and name each one.3. Use adjectives to describ

4、e each animal, emphasizing their unique characteristics.Practice (20 mins)1. Have students work in pairs to describe one animal using the adjectives introduced in the presentation.2. Teacher circulates around the room to provide assistance and feedback.3. Select a few pairs to share their descriptio

5、ns with the class.Application (15 mins)1. Have students draw a picture of an animal attending school.2. Have them write a short paragraph describing the animal, using the adjectives introduced in the presentation.3. Students share their drawings and paragraphs with their classmates.Review (5 mins)1.

6、 Recap the animals and adjectives studied in the class.2. Ask students to share what they have learned today.Extension activities1. Have students research an animal they are interested in and present their findings to the class.2. Have them create their own animal school with a drawing and a short paragraph describing it.Homework1. Write a short paragraph describing their favorite animal using at least three adjectives.2. Memorize the names of the animals studied in class.



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