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1、2023黑龙江省教师招聘考试中学英语典型题汇编学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.The deserter was _ of running awaywhen the enemy attacked.A.scolded B.charged C.considered D.accused2.Although he knew little about the largeamount of work done in the field, he succeeded _ other morewell-informed experimenters failed.A.which B.t

2、hat C.what D.where3.Well, we ve come to a point ,_we have to decide which job is the best choice for.A.which B.where C.whose D.while4.Which of the following sentences isincorrect?A.I dont like carnets.Me neither.B.This one is the better of the twoC.You are not so lazy as himD.Everyone has his own id

3、eas5.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily in the past ten years.A.was B.were C.has been D.have been6.To air these predicaments is notanti-medical spleen-a churlish _ against medicine for its victories,but simply to face the growing reality of medical power

4、not exactly without responsibilitybut with dissolving goal.A.reprisal B.revenge C.retribution D.rapprochements7.This experiment ought to _ lastweek.A.be done B.have been done C.have done D.do8._ that my head had cleared, mybrain was also beginning to work much better.A.For B.Now C.Since D.Despite9.E

5、nglish teachers can sometimes use TPR in classroom activities. TPR stands for _.A.total physical responseB.total participatory responseC.total practice responseD.total production response10.When it was time for our ticket to be_, I couldnt find mine.A.controlled B.bought C.checked D.overlooked11.It

6、_ be quite cold in winter eventhough the city is in Hainan Province.A.shall B.should C.can D.must12.Children are very curious _.A.at heart B.on purpose C.in person D.by nature13.The mere fact _ most people believenuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.A.that B.which C.what D.w

7、hose14.Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _ to a certain book or article that has some beatingon the subject being studied.A.comment B.reaction C.impression D.comprehension15.Not that John doesnt want to help you,_ its beyond his power.A.but that B.for that C.and that D.in that16.

8、This programme will examine the writers booksin detail, _ an introduction to her life.A.followingB.having followedC.being followedD.to be followed17.People appreciate _ with himbecause he has a good sense of humor.A.to work B.to have worked C.working D.having worked18.Much of the debate on an ongoin

9、g society in China has focused on the extended families_ the number of empty-nets is growing by the millions every year.A.that B.when C.where D.which19.If_ for the job, youll be informed soon.A.to accept B.accept C.accepting D.accepted20.Which of the following italicized parts is an inflectional mor

10、pheme?A.unlock B.government C.goes D.off-stage21.Leave the reference books behind,_ you wont able to think independently.A.or B.and C.so D.but22.As is known to us all, _ lion is in _ danger of becoming extinct.A.the, a B.the, 不填 C.a, 不填 D.不填, the23.I am _grateful for the manykindnesses you have show

11、n to my son.A.excessively B.much C.certainly D.exceedingly24.Most of them know they should resistthe temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isnt muchhelp _ it comes to shopping on line.A.before B.since C.when D.after25.An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the sou

12、thern island discovered _ a long lost antique Greek vase.A.at random B.by chance C.in turn D.on occasion26.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A.A weak seatB.Safe and soundC.Knock and kickD.Coat and boat27.It is reported that many a new house_ at present in the dis

13、aster area in Gansu province.A.are being built B.is being built C.was built D.were built28.It is very interesting that the children,_music lessons,have improved more on general memory skills.A.to take B.taken C.being taken D.taking29._ he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A.As he likes her muchB.A

14、lthough much he likes herC.Much as he likes herD.Much although he likes her30.She wont be available between 6 and 8,for she _ an important meeting.A.has had B.had had C.would have had D.will be having31. I should not have laughed if I _ you were serious.A.thought B.would think C.had thought D.have thought32.I knew _ Donald Trump, but not_ famous one.A./; a B.a; the C./; the D.the; a33.The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect _ has on the youth can not be ignored.A.that B.which C.it D.one34.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has t



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