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1、2023年湖南省教师招聘考试中学英语典型题汇编及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.As is known to us all, _ lion is in _ danger of becoming extinct.A.the, a B.the, 不填 C.a, 不填 D.不填, the2._,John remains modest and iswilling to accept suggestions from others.A.However his notable contributionsB.His making notable contributionsC

2、.For all his notable contributionsD.Instead of his contributions3._ was a protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s.A.Free Speech MovementB.The Womens MovementC.Anti-War MovementD.Counter Culture Movement4.All the donated money should be made full usethe homeless people.A.of he

3、lping B.to help C.of to help D.to helping5.Children may get into some bad habits _ they lack self-discipline.A.when B.unless C.though D.until6.What does Rory Cellan-jones think of the screen time?A.Precious B.Sufficient C.Pointless D.Harmful7.Even when_to such tough living conditions, the children w

4、ould never have anycomplaint.A.exposing B.exposed C.expose D.to expose8.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.A.other than B.rather than C.or rather D.or else9.Next summer after taking the nationalentrance examination, _ Ill stay in Hainan Island, wil

5、l surely be anexciting holiday.A.when B.which C.that D.where10.I accidentally found a photo that mymother took of _ when I was a student.A.her B.hers C.me D.mine11.Theres _ expression inChinese, Im afraid.A.no so B.no such an C.no such D.not such12.We can assign the work _ isreliable.A.to whoever B.

6、to who C.to whom D.who13.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision thatfree, tax-supported schools must be established in every town _ 50households to go to school.A.having B.to have C.to have hold D.having hold14.We consider it important that everycitizen _ good manners.A.has B.should be C.have D.is15.

7、All the following sentences areconditional sentence except _.A.Given another chance, I11 make full useof itB.He will succeed if he only does his bestC.So sudden was the attack that we had notime to escapeD.Should you need my help again, just giveme a ring16.Digital content is so easily accessible no

8、wadays that young people may just _ books to be free and are not ready to pay for it.A.suggest B.assume C.approve D.demand17.Nowadays with the development of science, more and more new technology_to the fields of IT.A.has introducedB.was introducedC.will introduceD.is being introduced18._ that my he

9、ad had cleared, mybrain was also beginning to work much better.A.For B.Now C.Since D.Despite19.At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom.A.opened and closedB.to be opened and closedC.being opened and closedD.to open and close20.There is a good social life i

10、n the village, and I wish I _ a second chance to become more involved.A.had B.will have C.would have had D.have had21. If_ for the job, youll be informed soon.A.to accept B.accept C.accepting D.accepted22.It was _ he said_ disappointed me.A.what, that B.that, that C.what, what D.that, what23.Until t

11、hen, his family _ from him for six months.A.didnt hearB.hasnt been hearingC.hasn t heardD.hadn t heard24.Well, weve come to a point ,_we have to decide which job is the best choice for.A.which B.where C.whose D.while25.You should take the part a good way oflearning _ in your study into consideration

12、.A.acts B.enjoys C.plays D.forms26.Most of them know they should resistthe temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isnt muchhelp _ it comes to shopping on line.A.before B.since C.when D.after27.There are two small rooms in the beach house,_serves as a kitchen.A.the smaller of w

13、hichB.a smaller of whichC.the smaller of themD.smaller of that28.Which of the following group of writers are the playwrights of the 17th century?A.Ben Jonson and John DrydenB.Christopher Marlowe and Daniel DefoeC.John Milton and Oscar WildeD.Ben Jonson and George Bernard Shaw29.The girl has awakened

14、 the feelings in him that his thought had been_long ago.A.called up B.taken up C.stamped out D.handed in30.Which of the following refers to the study of meaning in abstraction?A.Phonetics B.Pragmatics C.Semantics D.Sociolinguistics31.Nearly a month had gone by _ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.A.until B.while C.before D.so that32.English teachers can sometimes use TPR in classroom activities. TPR stands for _.A.total physical responseB.total participatory responseC.total practice responseD.total production respons



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