《Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A Grammar focus 3a-3c》教学课件1-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】

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《Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A Grammar focus 3a-3c》教学课件1-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】_第1页
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《Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A Grammar focus 3a-3c》教学课件1-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】_第2页
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《Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A Grammar focus 3a-3c》教学课件1-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】_第3页
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《《Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A Grammar focus 3a-3c》教学课件1-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 1 My name’s Gina Section A Grammar focus 3a-3c》教学课件1-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ana keya pena cupa rulera mapa jacketa quiltorange1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._1aWrite English words for the things in the picture.clockbasketballcapkeybookrulerschoolbagcupmapclockglassesbookcapbagbasketballListen and number the conversations.A:Whats your name?B:Alan.A:Hello,Alan.Im Ms.Brown.A:Good m

2、orning!Im Cindy.B:Hello,Cindy.Im Dale.A:Nice to meet you!A:Hi.My names Gina.B:Im Jenny.Nice to meet you!A:Nice to meet you,too.1b123ListeningIm Linda.My names Linda.LindaIm=I amMy names=My name isWhats your name?Introduce oneself and greet people.CindyDaleGood morning!Im Cindy.Hello,Cindy!Im Dale.Gi

3、naJennyIm Jenny.Nice to meet you!Hi.My names Gina.Nice to meet you,too.Practice the conversations above with your partner.1cA:Hi!Good morning.My name is Alan./Im Alan.Whats your name?B:My name is Gina./Im Gina.A:Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you,too.Greet your classmates by using the following sentences.Linda假如你们班上新来了三位美国的交换生,你初次见到他们三人,你想认识一下他们,请写出你们之间的对话。TomJennyYou:Hello.Im Whats your name?Tom:_You:_Jenny:_You:_Linda:_


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