《Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 1a-1e》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】

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《Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 1a-1e》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】_第1页
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《Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 1a-1e》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】_第2页
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《Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 1a-1e》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】_第3页
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《《Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 1a-1e》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section B 1a-1e》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 SectionB(1a-1e)教学设计Teaching objectives 教学目标Language goals 语言目标1. Key Words and Chunks For applying: half,past, quarter, homework, run, clean, walk, do (ones) homework, take a walk, 2 For comprehending: 3 Sentence Structures1) When do students usually eat dinner?2) They usually eat dinner at a

2、quarter to seven in the evening.3) I want to know about your day.4) I do my homework at about five.5) When do you get up? Usually at about half past five, then I run at six oclock.4.Grammar Focus1) When do students usually eat dinner? (when用于提问时间的特殊疑问句)2) They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seve

3、n in the evening.(to用于逆读法表示三十分钟以后的时间,英语中用quarter表示一刻钟,在晚上in the evening。)(morning,afternoon,evening表早、中、晚的时间词用介词in)3) When do you get up? Usually at about half past five, then I run at six oclock.(past用于逆读法表示三十分钟以前的时间,英语中用half表示半小时。英语中整点用oclock表示)4) I want to know about your day. (know about意为了解)5)

4、I do my homework at about five. (具体时刻介词用at,about在这里是大约的意思)6) When does Tom usually get up?(第三人称单数,助动词does)7) He usually gets up at half past five. (注意动词变为单三形式gets up)Ability goals 能力目标1学生能灵活运用目标句型What time/When do you.? 进行对话和交流。3 学会用past和to 表达相应时间以及quarter和half的用法。3学生能听懂谈论日常作息时间,并获取有效信息,同时发展对目标语言的听说

5、能力。Emotional goals 情感目标学生通过本课时学习能学会用正确的目标语言询问他人日常活动并正确表达自己的日常活动安排,反思并养成良好作息习惯。Important and difficult teaching points 教学重难点1 学习并掌握用past和to 的逆读法来表达相应时间,quarter和half 的使用方法。2 熟练使用目标语言谈论自己和询问他人的日常作息习惯。3.学习并记忆更多描述日常生活的动词短语及目标语言。Student analysis学情分析:通过前面两个课时的学习,学生对时间顺读法应该有一定认识和理解,而本课时将学习更高层次的时间表达法,用past和t

6、o的逆读法,这对于初一的学生是比较困难的,同时本课时会用到half和quarter这两个时间表达词汇,以及in the morning/afternoon/evening等的出现对初一的学生来说都是一个不小的挑战。通过Section A的学习,因为本班学生属于中等层次的水平,学生都有很大的提升空间,乐于通过学习与交流,找到适合自己的学习方法。尤其是本单元话题内容与学生生活实际密切相关,学生在有一定知识储备的基础之上更乐于对该话题进行讨论,教师应该抓住契机,引导学生养成积极的学习态度。Teaching methods教法建议:task-based teaching method任务型教学法com

7、municative approach交际法question and answer method问答法situational teaching approach情景教学法Teaching procedures 教学进程1 Leading-in and warming-up 引入与激趣活动Test Ss and review how to read these times.Ask Ss to stand up and read the time loudly.2New points input 新知输入1)Show the two new words. a quarter = 15mins ha

8、lf an hour= 30mins an hour=60mins introduce the two new words: past and to以6(半点)为界限,6之前的用past: 几点过几分6之后的用to: 差几分几点2) Show the new words and expressions: the time of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening a.m. and p.m. Help students to say the time using a.m. and p.m.6:30 a.m. half

9、 past six in the morning3:15 p.m. a quarter past three in the afternoon6:45 p.m. a quarter to seven in the evening9:45 p.m. a quarter to ten in the eveningPractice using quarter and half, past and to. 12:15 a quarter past twelve 10:45 a quarter to eleven 3:15 a quarter past three 6:45 a quarter to s

10、even 9:45 a quarter to ten 12:30 half past twelve Practice the sentence pattern and the time:T: What time is it? /Whats the time?S: Its eleven five. /Its five past eleven.4 find the rules of expressing the time.Three ways to express the same time 整点:整点数+oclock o clock 有时可省eg: 7:00 seven oclock 10:00

11、 ten oclock1. 顺读法:整点数 + 分钟数 eg: 6: 15 six fifteen 7: 29 seven twenty-nine2. 逆读法: 30分 分钟数 + past +整点数 eg: 6: 15 a quarter past six 7: 29 twenty-nine past seven 8: 30 half past eight 3. 逆读法:30分 差分钟数 + to +下一整点数 eg: 5: 45 a quarter to six 9: 39 twenty-one to ten 15分钟还可用quarter表示2:15- a quarter past two

12、 4: 45- a quarter to five30分钟还可用 half 表示8:30- half past eight介词的使用:1) at: 后接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。 at five oclock; at noon; at the beginning of the month, 2)in: 后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。 in 2006; in May, 2004; in the morning; in spring注意英语时间表达由小到大语序、注意时间状语的语序。at five oclock in the morning, a quar

13、ter past two in the afternoon5.2.1.5Two ways of telling the time:Practice telling the time in two ways.5.Work on 1a, 1bPresent some pictures of activities, study the phrases with Ss.Ask the Ss to answer the questions:A:When do students usually do these things? B:They usually eat dinner at a quarter

14、to seven in the evening.Match the activities with the time of day.Check the answer like this: When does the boy usually do homework? He usually does homework at a quarter past three in the afternoon.5 Listening practice 听力训练 Pre-listening听前指导 Work on 1c,1dLook at the phrases in 1c.Read the activitie

15、s together.While-listening. 听中任务1) Listen and circle the activities you hear.2) Check the answers 3) Listen again try to write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c.Post-listening. 听后任务1) Ask the Ss to do an exercise after listening.Short-term memory test: Fill in the blanks.2) Ask and answer questions about Tom. Ask the Ss to practice in pairs. When does Tom usually get up? He often gets up


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