《Unit 2 What time do you go to school》优秀教案2-七年级下册新目标英语【人教版】

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1、课堂教学设计表课程名称 英语 设计者章节名称 七年级英语下Unit 2 What time do you go to school?学时1学习目标课程标准:义务教育课程标准 7年级本节(课)教学目标:知识和能力: Learn new words, phrases and sentences.过程和方法: Practice sentences in pairs and groups and present themselves.情感态度和价值观:Help the students to understand the value of time and make good use of time

2、to study hard. 学生特征Interest in the best teacher. The students in Grade Seven are interested in their daily life especially about their daily routines, which are included in this lesson. So they are willing to talk about todays topic and eager to express themselves in English. Meanwhile, as star fans

3、, the activity about stars life will arouse their interest to study hard in this class.学习 目标描述知识点编 号学习目标具 体 描 述 语 句7.2-17.2-27.2-3知识和能力: 过程和方法:情感态度和价值观:法:1.Words & phraseshalf, past, quarter, homework, do ones homework, run, clean, walk2. Key sentencesWhat time do you usually go to school?I usually

4、go to school at 7 am. Practice sentences in pairs and groups and present themselves in English. Through the practice, master the way to talk about ones daily life. Help the students to understand the value of time and make good use of time to study hard. 项 目内 容解 决 措 施教学重点(1)Time expression (2)The us

5、e of the third person singular verb(1) First analyze the way of reading time,then give students chance to practice again and again.(2) Emphasize the verbs of sentences when the subject is he, she, it or other third person singular教学难点Write an essay about their daily activities.Master the expressions

6、 of time and daily routines, and make sentences in different situations.教学媒体(资源)的选择知识点编 号学习目标媒体类型媒体内容要点教学作用使用方式所 得 结 论占用时间媒体来源2B-12B -22B -32B -4知识和能力过程和方法情感态度和价值观课件1(图片、音频、文字)课件2(图片、文字)课件3(音乐)课件4(图片、音乐) 钟表滴答声钟表表盘句型实例课本录音短语图片明星图片励志歌曲 B、B、IB、JIB、EG音频导入,激发动机。结合语境,引出重点短语和关键句型,适时操练。创设更多语境,重复练习重点句型,力争当堂掌

7、握。拓展延伸,为学生创设更多练习的机会,并播放相关音乐,促进感情升华,以达到情感目标。2分5分2分2分下载后加工自制网上下载自制媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.自定义。媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑播放讲解;B.设疑播放讨论;C.讲解播放概括;D.讲解播放举例;E.播放提问讲解;F.播放讨论总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H. 边播放、边议论;I.学习者自己操作媒体进行

8、学习;J.自定义。板书设计Unit2 what time do you go to school?Section B 1a-1eWhat time is it?Whats the time?What time do you get up?When do you get up?What time does he get up?He gets up at 6.Screen of the computerCompetition makes perfect In the morning-am In the afternoon/eveningpmSunshine VS Beyond 教学模式:启发式教学

9、、联系型教学、师生互动教学教学过程结构:开始 一、激情导入 钟表滴答声英国大本钟图片引用钟表滴答声引出本课课题。在情境中走进文本。创设和再现情境,以美妙的音乐引领学生融入文本,是本环节的关键。激发兴趣,创设乐学氛围。 否 是 是二、复习时间表达法 ,整体感知 出示不同钟表表盘复习时间表达,为进一步操练做好准备。多个表盘,促进语言熟练 和积累。 Do you know how to express time?提出2个介词。 提出问题:时间表达法创设情景继续练习,直至学生自己得出结论。 体会语言运用 否 是 三、新知识的引入和操练 出示问题提问:what do you do in the morn

10、ing?说出:get up, run,havebreakfast, go to school. 图片看图回答,引入重点短语。提问:what do you do in the afternoon? 图片提问:what do you do in the evening?在情境中学习相关短语。学生结合刚才掌握的时间表达和动作短语,操练更多的例句。提问:what time do you get up? 出示例句 在练习过程中,应鼓励学生在生活中学习语言。联系生活实际,操练更多句子,体会句型应用,总结语言 规律。 否四、拓展延伸图片(1a)创设情境,提问:when do the students get up?发挥想象力,图文连线。图片(1b)猜测总结quarter的意思和用法。继续练习句型,在答语中引出quarter.课本录音(1c)创设情境,提问:circle the activities you hear?认真倾听,划出相关信息。课本录音(1d)在对应的动作后补上对 应时间。再听一遍,关注相关时间。图片(1e)创设情境,提问:when does Tom get up?练习主语是单三的情况。 引领学生将例句与情境相融合,通过重复训练生成语感是关键。拓展和延伸,有利于进一步对学生进行口头表达训练。 否 是五、布置作业


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