《Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A 》PPT课件2-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】

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《《Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A 》PPT课件2-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A 》PPT课件2-七年级上册新目标英语【人教版】(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7hatT-shirtjacketsweaterskirtshortsshoestrousers看图说出下列物品的英语单词。看图说出下列物品的英语单词。socks1.sock(复数复数)_ 2.shoe(复数复数)_3.dollar(复数复数)_ 4.big(反义词反义词)_ 5.long(反义词反义词)_ 6.white(反义词反义词)_7.多少钱多少钱 _ 8.绿色的毛衣绿色的毛衣 _9.红色的短裤红色的短裤 _10.怎么样?怎么样?_11.要我帮助吗?要我帮助吗?_12.三美元两双三美元两双 _13.我将要买它(们)。我将要买它(们)。_shoesdollarsshortsoc

2、ks按要求写出正确的单词或词组。按要求写出正确的单词或词组。smallblackhow much is/are?the red shortsHow about/What about?the green sweater Can I help you?three dollars for two pairs Ill take it(them).Work in pairs.Ask and answer.How much is the T-shirt?Its seven dollars.How much are the socks?Theyre two dollars.How much询问价格询问价格1

3、.询问单数物询问单数物品品 How much is the/this+单数单数名词名词?回答回答Its+数额数额.例句例句 How much is the red T-shirt?这件红色的这件红色的T恤衫多少钱恤衫多少钱?Its ten dollars.十美元。十美元。2.询问复数物询问复数物品品How much are the/these/those+复数名词复数名词?回答回答Theyre+数额数额.例句例句 How much are the black shoes?这双黑鞋多少钱这双黑鞋多少钱?Theyre eight dollars.八美八美元。元。3.其他表其他表 达方式达方式Wha

4、ts the price of+sth.?回答回答Its+数额数额.例句例句 Whats the price of the hat?这顶帽子多少钱这顶帽子多少钱?Its ten yuan.十元钱。十元钱。Whats the price of black socks?这双黑袜子多少钱这双黑袜子多少钱?Its nine dollars.九美元。九美元。【拓展拓展】1.how much还可以用来询问数量的多少,还可以用来询问数量的多少,但后面跟不可数名词。但后面跟不可数名词。e.g.How much milk do you need?你要多少牛奶?你要多少牛奶?Two boxes.两盒。两盒。2.h

5、ow much还可以用来询问程度的深浅。还可以用来询问程度的深浅。e.g.How much do you love your school?你多么热爱你的学校?你多么热爱你的学校?the,this,that,these,those3aMake sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes.yellow,green,purple,blue,brown,red,white,blackT-shirt,hat,trousers,skirt,sweater,socks,shorts,shoes,jacket,bagHow much is

6、?the yellow T-shirtHow much are?the black shortsthe purple hatthis black jacketthis green skirtthat red bagthat purple sweaterthe brown socksthe red shoesthese white trousersthese blue shortsthose purple socksthose green trousersthat white skirtthis brown jacketthe blue T-shirt在名词前面应先说定冠词在名词前面应先说定冠词

7、the,或指,或指示代词示代词this,these等,再说表示等,再说表示颜色颜色的词的词。如:。如:the blue bag 那个蓝色的书包那个蓝色的书包those black shoes 那黑色的鞋子那黑色的鞋子1.How much is that hat?_2.How much is the bag?_3.How much is the T-shirt?_ Its five dollars.3bLook at the pictures and write the questions and answers.Its six dollars.Its ten dollars.4._ They

8、are three dollars.5._ Its nine dollars.6._ Its eight dollars.How much are the socks?How much is this sweater?How much is that skirt?Students A,look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your book.Student B,ask questions.3cB:How much are the socks?A:Umm,theyre three dollars.用用be动词的正确形式填空。

9、动词的正确形式填空。1.How much _ this computer?2.What _ the price of the dictionary?3.How much _ the red shoes?4.What price _ the blue T-shirt?5.How much _ these bananas?6.How much _ those black shorts?7.What color _ your big sweater?8.What color _ your long trousers?isisareisareareisare .单项选择。单项选择。1.What _ d

10、o you like?Green.A.clothes B.color C.thing 2.Marys _ is red and white.A.T-shirt B.shoes C.shorts3.I need a pencil box _ school.A.with B.on C.for BAC4.The socks are only 2 yuan.Ill _ them.A.like B.take C.ask 5._ is the MP3?Its 20 dollars.A.What color B.How about C.How muchBC6.I like that watch._ is i

11、t?Its 20 yuan.A.How many B.How much C.What color 7.My T-shirt _ white and my shorts _ yellow.A.is;are B.are;are C.are;is 8.I want _ the blue T-shirt?A.get B.gets C.to get BA C9._,sir?I need a pair of sports shoes.A.Can I help you B.How do you do C.What do you do 10.Can I use(用用)your eraser?Yes._.A.Thank you B.Youre welcome C.Here you are AC1.复习记忆复习记忆Grammar Focus部分部分的内容。的内容。2.你想买一个黑色书包上学用,你想买一个黑色书包上学用,编写一个与售货员的对话。编写一个与售货员的对话。


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