Unit 5 What are the shirts made of_知识点复习课件2022-2023学年人教版九年级英语全册

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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of_知识点复习课件2022-2023学年人教版九年级英语全册_第1页
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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of_知识点复习课件2022-2023学年人教版九年级英语全册_第5页
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1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?知识点总结1.be made of 由.制成(物理变化,能看出原材料)e.g.The book is made of paper.2.be made from 由.制成(经过化学变化,成品中看不出原材料)e.g.The paper is made from wood.3.be made into 被制成.e.g.The wood can be made into paper.4.be made by 被.制成 e.g.The table is made by Tom.5.be famous for=be known for

2、因.而著名 be famous as=be known as作为.而有名 e.g.China is famous for tea.Tom is famous as a writer.6.produce v.-product n.7.wide-widely e.g.a wide river English is used widely.8.grow-grew-grown9.send-sent-sent10.by hand=with the hand11.be good for对.有好处 e.g.Reading in the sun is not good for our eyes.12.anot

3、her+单数名词 another city13.so many+可数名词复数 so much+不可数名词 so little+不可数名词 so few+可数名词复数14.things made in China过去分词做后置定语15.continue=go on 继续 continue to do sth continue doing sth continue with sth16.everyday=daily每日的 everyday life17.avoid doing sth 避免做.e.g.We must avoid making the same mistakes.18.被动语态的特殊

4、结构:(1)sth be given to sb (2)sth be shown to sb (3)sth be bought for sb (4)sth be seen to do sth (5)be laughed at 被动语态中 介词不能省19.be covered with 被.覆盖 e.g.The ground is covered with yellow leaves.20.each+可数名词单数 each student every+可数名词单数 every student21.its 形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词 its legs=its22.from.to 从.到.23

5、.turn into=change into e.g.We want to turn the old house into a hotel.24.send out 放出,寄出 e.g.She sent out many invitations.25.light v.点燃 light-lighted/lit-lighted/lit26.rise-rose-rosen e.g.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.27.be seen as=be regarded as=be considered as=be treated as 被看做pl

6、ete v.-completelye.g.We have completed the plete adj.We can make complete sentences.29.be produced be known be grown be picked be sent be packed be allowed be paid be spoken be covered be cleaned be brought be used 30.seem用法:seem+adj.He seesms sad.seem to do sth He seems to be tired.It seems that 句子

7、 It seems that he is tired.31.没有被动的单词短语:(1)happen take place e.g.What happened to you?(2)rise e.g.The sun rises in the east.(3)come out e.g.The book came out last year.(4)belong to e.g.The pen belongs to me.(4)感官动词 The food tastes delicious.练习题1.Cheese _(make)from milk.2.Parents and students _(invite)to the school concert last night.3.The underground parking lot _(close)at midnight every day.4.There is a llot of research on how languages_(learn)5.Some classic films _(show)at that cinama last week.is madewere invitedis closedare learntare shownTHANKS


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