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1、人教版新选必修二全七册词汇英汉互译检测(英译汉)-2024届高三英语一轮复习XB2U1第 8 页 共 8 页1. cholera2. severe3. diarrhoea4. dehydration5. frustrated6. once and for all7. contradictory8. infection9. infect10. germ11. subscribe12. subscribe to13. proof14. multiple15. pump16. water pump17. household18. suspect19. blame20. handle21. inter

2、vention22. link23. raw24. pure25. substantial26. decrease27. thanks to28. statistic29. transform30. epidemiology31. microscope32. thinking33. protein34. cell35. virus36. finding37. initial38. vaccine39. framework40. theoretical framework41. solid42. cast43. shadow44. rainbow45. pour46. concrete47. p

3、lasma48. aerospace49. patriotic50. mechanical51. mechanic52. break out53. aviation54. defend55. jet56. assistant57. in charge of58. missile59. leadership60. trace61. outstanding62. gifted63. come down64. abstract65. steady66. concept67. astronomer68. astronomy69. telescope70. besides71. brilliant72.

4、 furthermore73. above all74. fault75. shift76. vividXB2U21. complex2. recall3. qualification4. qualify5. ambition6. ambitious7. adaptation8. comfort9. tutor10. cite11. participation12. participate13. participate in14. presentation15. speak up16. feel at home17. engage18. engage in19. involve20. get

5、involved in21. messenger22. edition23. culture shock24. zone25. comfort zone26. overwhelming27. homesickness28. motivated29. motivation30. motivate31. advisor32. reasonable33. expectation34. applicant35. firm36. exposure37. expose38. insight39. departure40. setting41. grasp42. dramatic43. expense44.

6、 cost an arm and a leg45. tremendous46. behave47. surroundings48. surrounding49. mature50. depressed51. depress52. boom53. strengthen54. deny55. optimistic56. gain57. perspective58. competence59. competent60. envoy61. cooperate62. angle63. outlook64. belt65. initiative66. sincerely67. budget68. side

7、 with69. logical70. as far as I know71. as far as I am concerned72. in summary73. generally speaking74. outcomeXB3U31. cuisine2. prior3. prior to4. consist5. consist of6. pepper7. recipe8. bold9. chef10. peppercorn11. vinegar12. stuff13. slice14. slice.off15. onion16. lamb17. lamb kebab18. elegant19

8、. dim sum20. exceptional21. minimum22. consume23. temper24. vegetarian25. junk26. junk food27. garlic28. bacon29. ham30. sausage31. cabbage32. bean curd33. brand34. olive35. fig36. ingredient37. dessert38. dough39. stable40. haggis41. canteen42. cafeteria43. bun44. chilli45. pork46. red braised pork

9、47. pearl48. somewhat49. madam50. calorie51. association52. regardless53. regardless of54. category55. vitamin56. fibre/fiber57. quantity58. dairy59. moderation60. ideal61. fundamental62. chew63. consistent64. modest65. trick66. overallXB4U41. airline2. bay3. craft4. antique5. pleasant6. arise7. mas

10、sive8. literally9. breath10. take ones breath away11. bound12. scenery13. awesome14. spectacular15. peak16. highlight17. goat18. grizzly bear19. drill20. freezing21. freezing cold22. freeze23. mall24. prairie25. anticipate26. bunch27. a bunch of28. thunder29. frost30. curtain31. border32. duration33

11、. harbour34. enrol35. quarry36. idiom37. contrary38. contrary to39. anyhow40. alongside41. proceed42. proceed to43. shore44. astonish45. misty46. mist47. steel48. dusk49. advertisement50. accent51. photographer52. owe53. owe to54. toast55. cobblestone56. coherentXB5U51. technique2. leaflet3. organ4.

12、 toxin5. ray6. sense of touch7. radiation8. acid9. millimeter10. minor11. layer12. electric13. electric shock14. victim15. swollen16. swell17. blister18. underneath19. nerve20. fabric21. loose22. urgent23. ease24. paramedic25. swallow26. wrap27. bathtub28. bath29. slip30. mosquito31. elderly32. carp

13、et33. operator34. ambulance35. delay36. needle37. IV needle38. vital sign39. ward40. drown41. sprain42. ankle43. bleeding44. bleed45. panic46. interrupt47. scream48. fellow49. diner50. choke51. steak52. throat53. desperate54. slap55. help.to ones feet56. practical57. obstruction58. fist59. grab60. tightly61. tight62. motion63. face up/down64. justify65. welfare66. collapse67. manual68. sleep in69. out of shape70. foggy71. suburb72. membership


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