广东省2023年中考英语专项复习 第一部分 短文填空(二)课件

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1、短文填空(二)短文填空(二)第一部分第一部分广广东中考英中考英语专项精精华卷卷短文填空(二)短文填空(二)训练1 1 There was a grocery shop(食品杂货店)in a town.Plenty of 1 lived in that grocery shop.Food was not enough for them.They 2 everything and destroyed all the bags.They also wasted the bread,biscuitsandfruitoftheshop.Theowneroftheshopgotreally 3 .He t

2、hought,“Ishouldbuyacat短文填空(二)短文填空(二)and let it stay at the shop.In this way I can save my things.”Heboughtanice,bigfat 4 and let it stay there.The cat had a nice time hunting(追捕)the mice and killing them.The mice could not move 5 now.They were afraid that anytime the cat would eat them up.So the mic

3、e had to do something.They 6 a meeting and all短文填空(二)短文填空(二)of them said,“Wemustgetridofthecat.Can 7 have a suggestion?”Allthemicesatandfelldeeplyinthought.Afterawhileasmartmousestoodupandsaid,“Thecatmovessoftly.Thatistheproblem.Ifwecan 8 a bell around his neck,thenthingswillbefine.Wecanknow 9 the c

4、at is coming.”短文填空(二)短文填空(二)“Yes,thatistheanswer,”shoutedallthemice.10 old mouse slowly stood up and asked,“Whowilltiethebell?”Aftersomemomentstherewasnoonetheretoanswerthisquestion.短文填空(二)短文填空(二)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ miceateangrycatouthadanyonetiewhenAn短文填空(二)短文填空(二)训练2Iliveinasm

5、allvillageinSichuanProvince.Thevillage 11 to be poor.In the past,wehadtogoalongwayto 12 water home.When we did the cooking,weusedtousewoodtomakeafire.Itmadealotof 13 in the kitchen.If we wanted to watch a play,wehadtogooutandwatcheditinthetheater 14 away.As短文填空(二)短文填空(二)for the school,itwasold.Thebu

6、ildingswere15 for the students to stay in.Now,thankstothegovernment,thingshave 16 greatly during the last few years.Now we have tap water in every house.If we want to use water,wecan 17 on the tap.The fresh water will run out at once.We no longer use the wood to短文填空(二)短文填空(二)make a fire.We use the g

7、as cooker.There is no smoke in our kitchen.Every family now can afford to 18 for a color TV.We can enjoy the interesting TV programs without going out.Because we have enough money now,we 19 a lot of money building a new school.The students can go to school happily.短文填空(二)短文填空(二)20 to our country,wec

8、anliveaveryhappylifeinthevillagenow.Ithinkwemusttryourbesttomakeourvillagebetterandbetter.短文填空(二)短文填空(二)11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._ 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._ usedfetch/carrysmokefardangerouschangedturnpayspendThanks短文填空(二)短文填空(二)训练3Birdsareourfriends.Wemusttakecareof 21 anywhere and anytime.Last Sunday

9、morning Jim went to the park to take a walk.On his 22 there,itsuddenlyrainedhard.Hedidnttakeanumbrella,sohewaswetalloverandfeltalittlecold.Justthenhesawabird 23 on the ground.It seemed that it短文填空(二)短文填空(二)was hurt badly and couldntflyanymore.Hewentuptohavea 24.Something was wrong with the birdsleft

10、wing.Itwascryingloudlyforhelp.Jimtookit 25 the animal hospital at once.The vet(兽医)looked it over and found the birdsproblem.Thenheputsomemedicineonitswounded短文填空(二)短文填空(二)26 .After that he asked Jim to take it home and 27 after it for a few days.Jim did as he said.A few days 28 ,thebirdswingwasallri

11、ght.Itcouldflywithoutanydifficulty.Jimcarriedittoanopenairandletitflybackto 29 nature.It seemed the bird was not willing to fly away.It 30 around Jim and sang songs happily.短文填空(二)短文填空(二)It was the way the bird was saying“Thankyou!”toJim.Jimwasveryhappybecausehecouldhelpthebird.短文填空(二)短文填空(二)21._22.

12、_23._ 24._ 25._ 26._ 27._ 28._ 29._ 30._ themwaylying/standinglooktowinglooklatertheflew短文填空(二)短文填空(二)训练4Doyouoftenbelieveinyourself?Ihopeso.WhenIwasayounggirl,Iwastoo 31 to talk to anyone.My classmates often laughed at me in or out of class.I was sad but could do 32 .Later on,somethinghappened.Andi

13、thelpedmealotandchangedmylife.MyEnglishteacheraskedmeto 33 part in an English speech contest.What 短文填空(二)短文填空(二)34 terrible idea!That was to say I had to speak in front of all the teachers and students in my school!I was very worried 35 it and I nearly gave it up.Then my English teacher encouraged m

14、e,“Comeon,girl.Believein 36 .You are sure to win.I am sure you can do it.”Thenmyteacherhelpedmechoose37 topic that I was going to talk.The topic was“BelieveinYourself”.Itriedmybest短文填空(二)短文填空(二)and 38 it over 100 times.With my teachershelp,Igotthefirstprize.Icouldnotbelievemyearswhenthenewscametomye

15、ars.I 39 the cheers(欢呼)from the teachers and students.Those classmates who once 40 at me,nowallsaidgongxi to me.Since then,everythinghaschanged.WheneverIdoanything,ItrytotellmyselfthatIamsuretosucceed.短文填空(二)短文填空(二)31._32._ 33._ 34._ 35._ 36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._ shynothingtakeaaboutyourselfthepract

16、icedheardlaughed短文填空(二)短文填空(二)训练5Longlongago,therewasaboycalledCaoChong.HewastheyoungestsonofCaoCao.Hewasvery 41 .Once one of Cao Caosfriendssenthimabigelephant.CaoCaowasveryhappyandthankedhim.Helookedatthebiganimalandsaidtoallhisfriends,“Whatabigelephant!Canyoutellmehow 42 it短文填空(二)短文填空(二)is?”Allhisfriendsdidntknowtheanswer 43 no scale(称)could lift it.They thought hard,butnobodycouldthinkofaway.Justatthatmoment,CaoChongwas 44 games with his brothers.When they heard this,theytriedtheirbestto 45



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