2023-2023学年八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read(第3课时)课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 4 A good read(Reading2)leaning aims1.To get some ideas about Gullivers travel in Lilliput.2.To complete o some tasks according the text.Guide One (8)Please read and try to answer them within 2 minutes.1.When did Gulliver wake up?2.How did Gulliver feel?3.How big was the small man?4.When he shou

2、ted to the small man,what happened?5.Did he understand what the small man said?Have a match!Who can do it best?点拨:1.wake up醒来 如果宾语是代词,只能位于两词中间,即wake sb up.例:Wake me up at seven tomorrow morning,Mum.2.be tired out 筋疲力尽 竞赛过后,他筋疲力尽。He after the competition.3.fall over 跌 4.tieto 把捆到上5.a huge army of 一大群

3、我们需要一大群人来帮助我们完成剩下的工作。We need people to help us finish the rest work.Guide Two(3)Please look at the words and recite it within two minutes.1.against 2.stomach 3.until 4.tiny 5.continue 6.either7.manage 8.lift 9.tie 10.shouder 11.army 12.a huge army of 13.run away 14.unable Have a match!Who can do it

4、best?Class Exercise(-)依据句意及中文提示填写单词。1.Eating too much cold food is bad for your_ (胃).2.I need your_ (肩膀)to have a rest.3.Its difficult for a child to _(举起)the heavy box.4.The teacher and students _(牵强完成)to run out of the fire house.5.Anna had a fever yesterday,so she was _(不能的)to go to school.Class ExerciseClass Exercise(二)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.We want to give our (read)what they want.2.Last week,I (read)an interesting book.3.I usually do some (read)at hone on Sundays.4.The lecture was so (bore)that some people fell asleep while listening.5.The boring lesson makes us (bore).


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