重庆市2023年中考英语 第1部分 教材知识研究 八上 Units 5-6课件

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《重庆市2023年中考英语 第1部分 教材知识研究 八上 Units 5-6课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市2023年中考英语 第1部分 教材知识研究 八上 Units 5-6课件(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一部分 教材知识讨论八班级(上)Units 5-6 重难点突破考点一考点一 mind的用法的用法考点二考点二 famous的用法的用法考点三考点三 be sure的用法的用法考点四考点四 promise的用法的用法考点五考点五 tooto句型句型 mind的用法的用法考点一 I dont mind them.我不介意它们。我不介意它们。(Unit 5 P33)【满分点拨】【满分点拨】mind用作用作名词名词时时,意为意为“思想,想法,头脑,思想,想法,头脑,心智心智”。常见的搭配有。常见的搭配有:change ones mind转变想转变想法;法;make up ones mind to d

2、o sth.下定决心做某事下定决心做某事;set ones mind to(do)决定决定(做做);keep.in mind牢记牢记;come into ones mind出现在脑海。出现在脑海。mind用作用作动词动词时时,意为意为“介意,对介意,对(某事某事)烦恼烦恼”。常见句型如下。常见句型如下:1.Would/Do you mind(sb./ones)doing sth.?意为意为“劳驾劳驾好吗好吗?”或或“(你你)介意介意(某人某人)吗?吗?”,常用常用来表示委婉、客气的恳求。来表示委婉、客气的恳求。如如:Would you mind(my)closing the door?你介意你

3、介意(我我)把门关上吗把门关上吗?Certainly not.当然不。当然不。2.回答该句型时回答该句型时,如果介意如果介意,可以说可以说:Yes./Im sorry,but I do./Youd better not.等;等;如果不介意如果不介意,可以回答可以回答:Not at all./Certainly not./Of course not./No problem.等。等。【试题在线试题在线】1.Would you mind my _ the window?We need more fresh air to get in.A.opening B.open C.to open D.open

4、ed2.Its getting cold.Would you mind closing the window?_.A.Of course not B.Youre right C.Yes,please D.Never mindAA3.看着她父母过着艰辛的生活,这个女孩看着她父母过着艰辛的生活,这个女孩 下定决心去努力学习。(完成译句)下定决心去努力学习。(完成译句)Seeing her parents live a hard life,the girl made _ her_ to study hard.upmind famous的用法的用法考点二 But one very famous sym

5、bol in American culture is a cartoon.但是在美国文化但是在美国文化中一个格外闻名的标志是卡通。(中一个格外闻名的标志是卡通。(Unit 5P37)【满分点拨】【满分点拨】famous为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“闻名的,出名的闻名的,出名的”,常用,常用搭配如下:搭配如下:短语短语意义意义用法用法例句例句befamousfor因因而出名而出名后接闻名的缘由,后接闻名的缘由,与与be known for同义同义。This place is famous for its cotton.这个地这个地方因其棉花而出名。方因其棉花而出名。befamousas作为作为而

6、而闻名闻名后接表示职业、后接表示职业、身份或地位等的身份或地位等的名词,与名词,与be known as同义同义。Jet Li is famous as an excellent actor in the world.李连杰作李连杰作为一位世界上优秀为一位世界上优秀的演员而闻名。的演员而闻名。拓拓 展展be famous to+sb.为某人所熟知为某人所熟知【试题在线试题在线】4.Lu Xun was famous _ his novels,such as The Story of Ah Q,My Old Home and Village Opera.A.of B.to C.as D.for5

7、.Do you know Running Man?Of course.And Deng Chao is famous_ the captain of the team.A.for B.of C.as D.at6.The Pyramid in Egypt is famous _ the people all over the world.A.as B.to C.for D.onDCB be sure的用法的用法(2011年年78题题)考点三 My parents want me to be a doctor,but Im not sure about that.我的父母想要我我的父母想要我成为一

8、名医生,但是我对那并不确定。成为一名医生,但是我对那并不确定。(Unit 6 P42)【满分点拨】【满分点拨】be sure to do sth.肯定要做某事(表示将来)。肯定要做某事(表示将来)。be sure about/of sth.确信或对某事有把握。确信或对某事有把握。be sure that(可省略)可省略)/if/whether+宾语从句。宾语从句。如:如:I am sure(that)Mary will win the first place.我我确定玛丽会赢得第一名。确定玛丽会赢得第一名。I am not sure if/whether Tom will come to my

9、 party tomorrow.我不确定汤姆明天是否会来我的聚会。我不确定汤姆明天是否会来我的聚会。注注 意意若从句中有若从句中有“or not”,则只能用,则只能用whether。【试题在线试题在线】7.We are sure _ some unpleasant experiences in life.What is important is we should learn something from them.A.having B.to have C.had D.have8.Im not sure _ the weather will be good or not tomorrow,so

10、 youd better take an umbrella.A.where B.which C.that D.whetherBD9.I believe Jim is sure _ the exam with a high score.He works much harder than before.A.pass B.passed C.passing D.to passD promise的用法的用法考点四 Its a kind of promise.这是一种承诺。这是一种承诺。(Unit 6 P45)promise sth.to sb.(=promise sb.sth.)许诺给某人某物许诺给某人

11、某物promise(not)to do sth.答应答应/承诺(不)做某事承诺(不)做某事keep/break a promise遵守遵守/违违背诺言背诺言 make a promise答应;许诺答应;许诺promise【满分点拨】【满分点拨】如:如:Once you make a promise,you should keep it.你一旦许诺,你就应该遵守它。你一旦许诺,你就应该遵守它。I promise not to be late for school again.我我承诺上学不再迟到。承诺上学不再迟到。【试题在线试题在线】10.He promised _ me a series of

12、 story books,but he never did it.A.to give B.giving C.gives D.gave11.To be an honest person,the first thing we should do is never _our own promises.A.breaking B.failing C.making D.keepingAA12.她信守诺言,定期去探望她的姑妈。(完她信守诺言,定期去探望她的姑妈。(完成译句)成译句)She _ her _ to visit her aunt regularly.kept/keepspromise too.to

13、.句型句型(2015 A卷卷79题题,2015 B卷卷79题题,2008年年70题题)考点五 Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有时这些决定可能会太难有时这些决定可能会太难而无法坚持。(而无法坚持。(Unit 6 P45)【满分点拨】【满分点拨】too+adj./adv.(+for sb.)+to do sth.(对某人而言对某人而言)太太而不能而不能。“too+adj./adv.+to do sth.”句型,可与句型,可与not.enough to do句型转换;也可与句型转换;也可与so/such.that.句型句

14、型转换,此时转换,此时that从句用否定结构。如:从句用否定结构。如:The problem is too difficult for me to work out.=The problem is not easy enough for me to work out.=The problem is so difficult that I cant work out.这道题太难了,我解不出来了。这道题太难了,我解不出来了。【试题在线试题在线】13.Cindy is too scared to _ alone in the evening.A.walks B.walk C.walked D.walking14.Jack got up _ late_ catch the early bus.A.so;that B.such;that C.too;to D.enough:to15.The little girl couldnt say a word because she was so frightened.(改为同义句)(改为同义句)The little girl was_ frightened_ say a word.BCtooto


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