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1、安徽省天柱山风景区旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)神奇的北纬三十度,有一座山,峰擎日月名扬天下,星星的故乡白云的家。这里就是世界地质公园,国家首批风景名胜区,国家5A级景区安徽天柱山,这里巍峨峥嵘,雄奇险峻,群峰竞秀,万壑藏幽,置身其中,且听怪石低语,诉说沧海桑田的往事;幽泉吟诗,流淌文人墨客的传说。 大家好,今天我带大家穿越时空,领略天柱胜景之大美,管窥中华文明之浩瀚。 天柱山是一座历史之山,千古风流诠释着文化力量 打开尘封的历史,5000年前一支原始部族在天柱山下薛家岗一带繁衍生息,创造了灿烂的薛家岗文化,成为中国新石器文化重要代表;3000年前,天柱山为皖国都城,安徽称“皖”即

2、源于此;公元前106年,汉武帝南巡,拜天柱山为南岳,后隋文帝为开拓南疆,改封湖南衡山为南岳,天柱山由此长了个辈分,成为古南岳。 天柱山是一座诗意之山,满天星辰闪烁着浓浓诗意 “奇峰出奇云,秀木含秀气。清晏皖公山,巉绝称人意。”、“天柱一峰擎日月,洞门千仞锁云雷”.天柱山吸引了李白、白居易、王安石、苏东坡、陆游、杨万里等无数文人墨客来此访幽寻胜,寄情山水,咏出脍炙人口的诗词。长篇叙事诗孔雀东南飞讲述的是天柱山下的爱情故事。天柱山有一条山谷流泉,崖壁上刻着唐宋元明清历代诗书作品三百多幅,成为石刻博物馆,诗词长廊。天柱山还是小说大师张恨水的故乡。 天柱山是一座禅修之山,野花绽放着玄妙的禅意 天柱山、

3、司空山一带是中华禅宗重要发祥地。三祖寺是中华禅宗六大祖庭之一,禅宗三祖僧璨在此修行,留下著名的信心铭,为禅宗第一篇文字典籍。 天柱山是一座戏曲之山,鸟儿唱着京腔与黄梅 走出京剧鼻祖程长庚,黄梅戏艺术大师韩再芬,山水之间,徽调悠悠,黄梅飘香。 天柱山是一座爱情之山,流泉诉说着人间真爱 从孔雀东南飞故事发生地,到天仙配故事发源地,到三国二乔故里,雄奇天柱山从来不缺缠绵悱恻与唯美浪漫。 天柱山是一座英雄之山,雄关古寨回荡着历史风云 江淮要冲,兵家必争,成就多少英雄豪杰,巍巍天柱山,血染杜鹃红,铁骨铮铮,壮怀激烈。 天柱山是一座养生之山,满山松树都是寿星 只此青绿,高达98%的森林覆盖率,“物种基因库

4、”、“天然大氧吧”。东汉第一方士左慈、古代医药学家葛洪相继在此炼丹制药。炼丹湖波光潋滟,丹灶苍烟化作满山氤氲,舒适宜人的环境和瑰丽奇绝的风景,犹如仙境般的养生天堂。山上有著名的俄罗斯村,俄罗斯朋友不远万里来此修习养生功。 天柱山是一座居家之山,住满了风流名士 李白说:待我练好了仙丹,就投身归隐此地。天柱山所在的潜山市古称舒州,苏轼说:此生最爱舒州风土,要到那里养生终老。黄庭坚说:我家潜山,实在是名山福地。如今,天柱山四周民宿成群,是多少城市人梦里老家。 朋友们,欢迎来天柱山,观光揽胜,研学拓展,疗养度假。我带你们沿着当年汉武大帝行走的路线,移步换景,登高望远,笑看天下风云,触摸星辰大海,我在天

5、柱山等您。At the magical north latitude 30oC, stands a mountain, its top holds the sun and the moon, rising to fame, Its the home of stars and clouds. This is the World Geopark, the first batch of national scenic spots, national AAAAA Scenic Spot, Mount Tianzhu, Anhui. Its lofty and majestic, magnificent

6、 and precipitous, with peaks competing for the best, seclusion hidden in valleys. Here, you can hear whispers of strange rocks, narrate their vicissitudes; In the secluded spring reciting poems, flows legends of men of letters.Hello everyone, Im Shu Hanbing, member of the Standing Committee of Qians

7、han Municipal Committee and Deputy Director of Mount Tianzhu Management Committee. Today, Ill take you to transcend time and space, appreciate gorgeous Tianzhu, view the vast Chinese civilization.Mount Tianzhu is a mountain of history,interpreting the culture power with its eternal eleganceOpen the

8、dust-laden history, a primitive tribe thrived in Xuejiagang at the foot of Tianzhu 5,000 years ago, created a splendid Xuejiagang culture, became a key representative of Chinese Neolithic Culture; 3000 years ago, Mount Tianzhu was the capital of the State of Wan, thats why Anhui got the name of Wan;

9、 In 106 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty toured in the south, worshiped Mount Tianzhu as the South Mountain, later, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty exploited the South, renamed Hunans Hengshan Mountain as the South Mountain, Mount Tianzhu thus saw a higher seniority, becoming the ancient South Mount

10、ain.Mount Tianzhu is a mountain of poem,with twinkling poetry as stars shine“Strange clouds emerge from amazing peaks, iush trees cover the whole mountain. Cloudless Wangong Mountain and steep ridges are quite appealing.” “Mount Tianzhu holds the sun and moon, the deep cavern locks wind and thunder”

11、. Mount Tianzhu has seen poets like Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Wang Anshi, Su Dongpo, Lu You, Yang Wanli for sightseeing, expressing emotions through the scenery, and creating popular poems. The long narrative poem Peacock Flying Southeast tells the romance at the foot of Mount Tianzhu. Mount Tianzhu sees a

12、valley spring, and a cliff carved with over 300 poetic works of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, becoming a stone carving museum, and a poetry and lyrics corridor. Mount Tianzhu is also the hometown of Zhang Henshui, an eminent novelist.Mount Tianzhu is a mountain of meditation,with wild f

13、lowers blooming from mysterious ZenMount Tianzhu and Mount Sikong are birthplaces of Chinese Zen. Sanzu Temple is one of the six original temples of Chinese Zen, the third ancestor of Zen, Seng Can, practiced Buddhism here, leaving the famous Xin Xin Ming, the first written classics of Zen.Mount Tia

14、nzhu is a mountain of opera,with birds singing Beijing Opera and Huangmei OperaCheng Changgeng, the founder of Peking Opera, Han Zaifen, a master of Huangmei Opera, are from Mount Tianzhu, with beautiful mountains and rivers, melodious Anhui Opera, and renowned Huangmei Opera.Mount Tianzhu is a moun

15、tain of love,with the flowing spring telling the true love under heavenFrom the place seeing the story of Peacock flying Southeast, to the birthplace of Marriage of the Fairy Princess, then to the hometown of the Qiao sisters in the Three Kingdoms, fantastic Mount Tianzhu sees no shortage of sentimental love and arresting romance.Mount Tianzhu is a mountain of heroes,with history resounding in impregnable passes and ancient stockadesJianghuai point, is of vital military importance, seeing countless outstanding figures, imposing Mount Tianzhu, blood-stained azalea red, u


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