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1、四川省攀枝花市盐边县城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)安逸四川,滋味盐边。这里,曾有昌意降居若水的千古佳话;这里,地处北纬26度最美风景线和大香格里拉旅游环线,这里是四川盐边。大家好,非常荣幸能和大家一起领略滋味盐边的独特魅力! 雅砻江畔 璀璨明珠 盐边位于四川西南部、攀枝花中北部,地处金沙江、雅砻江、安宁河交汇区域,境内有成昆铁路、京昆高速,还有二十世纪建成投产的中国水电丰碑二滩水电站,是全国康养百强县、四川省乡村振兴先进县、四川省民族团结进步示范县。 历史悠久 千年古县 盐边早在新石器时代就有人类活动,是南丝绸之路、茶马古道的重要通道。3000多年的历史长河,藏羌文化走廊融合共

2、生,彝族、苗族等31个民族守望相助,笮山锅庄、傈僳族婚礼等23项非遗珠璧交辉,绘就了绚烂多彩的笮山若水人文画卷。 发展强劲 产业热土 盐边矿产、水能、风能、光热等资源富集,是“攀西聚宝盆”的核心区。已探明矿种48个,钒钛磁铁矿储量42亿吨,是全国钒钛磁铁矿储量第一县、全国最大的钛原料供应基地、全球最大的EB炉集群。 物华天宝 大地温室 盐边是全国五大热作区之一,一年四季瓜果飘香,春有柑橘桑葚、夏有蓝莓西瓜、秋有芒果菠萝、冬有草莓枇杷,是中国果桑之乡、中国名优农产品示范基地、国家级出口芒果质量安全示范区。 川派餐饮 美食名片 盐边菜麻辣鲜香、风味独特,亦川亦滇、自成一派。源于好山好水孕育的绿色天

3、然食材,加之传承千年的独特烹饪方式,盐边羊肉米线、盐边油底肉、盐边泡菜鱼入选四川省100道“天府名菜”,还有各具特色的松露菌汤、浑浆豆花,以及铜火锅、手抓饭都是舌尖上的美味。 得天独厚 康养胜地 盐边素有“宝山秀水”之称,境内有攀枝花最高峰海拔4196米的柏林山,全县森林覆盖率65%,空气负氧离子数稳定在每立方厘米5000个左右,是中国气候宜居城市、中国天然氧吧。天然温泉、万亩盘松、飞瀑林海、高峡平湖等自然人文景观星罗密布,有全国最大的野生杜鹃花海,有四川省最美十大草原日都尼西草原,有全国知名的综合性亚高原训练基地,是国际冬训天堂和康养度假胜地。 我们诚邀朋友们到盐边投资兴业、康养度假。“钒钛

4、首县、滋味盐边”欢迎您!Leisure and carefree Sichuan, a bite of Yanbian. A fairytale of Changyi demoted and dwelled in Ruo River area was circulated here; Located at the most beautiful scenic spot of 26 degrees north latitude and the Grand Shangri-La tourism route, here is Yanbian, Sichuan. Hello, everyone, I a

5、m Wang Xingquan, Secretary of Yanbian County Party Committee, Panzhihua, Sichuan. It is an honor to appreciate the unique charm of Yanbian with you!A Shining Pearl beside the Yalong RiverYanbian, situated in Southwest of Sichuan and Central and North of Panzhihua, is at the intersection of Jinsha Ri

6、ver, Yalong River and Anning River, there are Chengdu-Kunming Railway and Beijing-Kunming Expressway within the territory, Ertan Hydropower Station, a monument of Chinese hydropower built and put into operation in the 20th century. Yanbian is one of the Top 100 Counties of Healthcare in China, Advan

7、ced County for Rural Revitalization in Sichuan, and Demonstration County for National Unity and Progress in Sichuan Province.Millennial Ancient County with Long HistoryHuman activities existed as early as the Neolithic Age in Yanbian which is an important channel of the Southern Silk Road and the Te

8、a Horse Ancient Road. With a history over 3000 years, the Tibetan and Qiang cultural corridors are integrated and coexist, 31 ethnic groups, including Yi and Miao, offered mutual helps, 23 intangible heritages including Zuoshan Guozhuang and Lisu wedding are glowing; depicting a splendid and colorfu

9、l cultural scroll of the Zuo Mountain and the Ruo River.Vibrant Development Hot Spot for IndustriesYanbian, rich in mineral resources, hydropower, wind power, photothermal energy, is the core area of “Western Panzhihua”. There are 48 kinds of proven minerals, Vanadium-titanium magnetite reserve of 4

10、.2 billion tons in Yanbian, which is the number one county with vanadium titanium magnetite reserves in China, the top titanium raw material supply base in China, and the largest EB furnace cluster in the world.Precious Treasures, Greenhouse of EarthYanbian, one of the five tropical crops areas in C

11、hina, is teemed with fragrances from melons and fruits all year round, from oranges and tangerines and mulberries in Spring, blueberries and watermelons in summer, to mangos and Pineapple in autumn as well as strawberries and loquats in Winter. Yanbian is the origin of Chinese fruits and mulberries,

12、 Chinese famous agricultural products demonstration base and national mango-export quality and safety demonstration area.Famous Sichuan-style CuisineYanbian cuisine is spicy and fresh with unique flavor, and a mix of both Sichuan and Yunnan favors, forming its own style. Green and natural food ingre

13、dients bestowed by nature combined with unique cooking style inherited for thousands of years, Yanbian Mutton Rice Noodles, Yanbian Youdi Meat and Yanbian pickled fish are selected as “Sichuan Cuisines 100“ in Sichuan Province, besides, Truffle Mushroom Soup, Tofu pudding as well as Copper-Pot Hot P

14、ot and Hand-Grasp Rice are yummy.Natural Healthcare ResortYanbian, known as “Precious Mountains and beautiful Rivers”, is featured with Bolin Mountain with altitude of 4196 meters at peak in Panzhihua. The forest coverage rate of the county is 65%, and negative oxygen ions density is 5000 per cubic

15、centimeter approximately. It is a livable city and a natural oxygen bar in China. Natural hot springs, tens of thousands mu of pine trees, waterfall and forests, high gorges and placid lakes are scattered distributed. There are the largest cluster of wild rhododendrons in China, one of top ten beaut

16、iful grasslands in Sichuan Province - Ridunixi Grassland and well-known comprehensive sub-plateau training base in China. It is International Winter Training paradise and healthcare resort.We sincerely invite you to invest and spend a vacation in Yanbian.I am Wang Xingquan, “Number one vanadium and titanium County, A bite of Yanbian” is wai


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