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1、山东省乳山市城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)大家好!很荣幸向大家推介我的家乡乳山。 乳山,是一座底蕴丰富 文化厚重的红色之城,革命战争年代,这里是胶东特委的诞生地。“马石山十勇士”、“红色乳娘”的英雄事迹是党和人民生死与共、以命相助的见证,冯德英先生的“三花”故事映照了乳山人民艰苦奋斗、英勇顽强的革命精神。硝烟岁月中的乳山人义无反顾投身革命事业,和平年代里的乳山人不忘初心赓续红色血脉,让红色基因、革命薪火代代相传。 乳山是一座山水齐胜、生态宜居的康养文旅之城,地处北纬37,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒,是最适合人类居住的城市之一,有“东方夏威夷”的美誉,也是中国长寿之乡、天然的养生天堂,百

2、岁老人占比远超世界长寿之乡标准。大自然的鬼斧神工造就了山海湾滩岛泉共生的滨海盛境,这里有绵延199公里的“中国最美海岸线”“天下第一滩”银滩、“中国休闲旅游最佳目的地”大乳山、国家级森林公园岠嵎山、全真教发源地圣水宫行走在乳山,能够体验“临山观海赏潮起潮落”的海天一色,也能享受“绿杨烟外晓寒轻,红杏枝头春意闹”的田园乐趣。 乳山,是一座鱼粮满仓、瓜果飘香的富饶之城,拥有苹果、牡蛎、海参、对虾等25个国家地理标志农产品,位居全国县级首位,是著名的水果之乡、水产之乡。170余万亩的海洋牧场水质达到国家一类标准,盛产的乳山牡蛎个大、汁多、肉美,含有丰富的蛋白质和牛磺酸,深受国内外消费者的青睐,是名副

3、其实的“中国牡蛎之乡”。 乳山,是一座政通人和、商机无限的活力之城,地处青岛、烟台、威海三座滨海城市中心腹地,与韩国、日本隔海相望,是山东省确立的胶东经济圈产业承接聚集区,也是环渤海经济圈重要节点城市。 现在的乳山正蓄势待发,加速推进绿色低碳高质量发展先行区建设,大力发展海上风电等新能源产业和先进制造业,全面打造现代产业集聚发展的新高地。诚邀海内外朋友走进乳山,一同沐浴母爱;旅居乳山,一起品味山海;创业乳山,共同逐梦未来! 有梦想,就出发,让梦不止于想! 我在乳山等您来!Hello, Im Wang Dazhi, Mayor of Rushan City, Its my honor to in

4、troduce my hometown - Rushan.Rushan, is a red city with rich legacy and culture. During the revolutionary war, it saw the birth of Jiaodong Special Commission,Sagas of Ten warriors in Mashishanand Red wet nursewitness the shared life and death between the Party and the people, Mr. Feng Deyings Three

5、 Flowers story series epitome the revolutionary spirit of struggling and tenacious Rushan people. Rushan people in the war years, desperately devoted to the revolutionary cause; Rushan people in peaceful days, stick to their original aspiration, pass down revolutionary spirit from generation to gene

6、ration.Rushan, is a wellness and tourism city, an eco-habitable and scenic city. Situated on 37north latitude, it enjoys cool summer, and warm winter, as one of the most habitable cities for human. Known as Oriental Hawaii, it is also Chinas hometown of longevity and a natural wellness paradise, wit

7、h the ratio of centenarians far exceeding the standard of the world hometown of longevity. Its home to a coastalscenic spotof Mountain Bay and Tandao Spring created by the nature, “Chinas most beautiful coastline of 199km, Silver Beach, “The best beach under heaven”, Mount Rushan, “Chinas best desti

8、nation for leisure tourism”, Mount Juyu, a National Forest Park, and the Holy Water Palace, the birthplace of Quanzhen Sect. Rambling in Rushan, enjoy the sea melting with the sky, like view the sea from the mountain to enjoy rising and falling tides, and the pastoral fun, likeBeside the misty green

9、 willows, the morning chill is light.On the apricot blossoms, the spirit of spring has burst forth a glorious sight.Rushan, boasts abundant fishes, grains, fruits and vegetables. With 25 national agro-product geographical indications, like apples, oysters, sea cucumbers and prawns, it ranks top amon

10、g counties nationwide, as a famous hometown of fruits, and a hometown of aquatic products. It has a 1.7 million mu of marine ranch, with national Class I water quality. Its Rushan oysters, big, juicy and delectable,rich in protein and taurine, are favored by global consumers, making it a veritable C

11、hina hometown of oysters.Rushan, is a vibrant city with a well-functioning government, kind people, and unlimited business opportunities. Located in the hinterland of coastal cities of Qingdao, Yantai and Weihai, it is offshore across from South Korea and Japan, as an industrial undertaking cluster

12、of Jiaodong Economic Circle of Shandong Province, also an important node city Bohai Economic Rim.At present, Rushan is gaining momentum, expedite the construction of green, lowcarbon and high-quality development pilot area, develop offshore wind power and other new energy industries and advanced man

13、ufacturing industries, fully build a new highland for growing modern industrial cluster.Welcome friends at home and abroad, to bathe in mother love in Rushan; enjoy mountains and seas; and start businesses for dreams.If you have a dream, just get started, to go for your dream! Im Wang Dazhi, waiting for you in Rushan!


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