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1、山东省沂南县城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)沂南,一个多姿多彩、亲近自然的地方,一个阅读历史、启迪智慧的地方,一个思考人生、感怀家国的地方。大家好,今天很高兴带大家走进智圣故里、红嫂家乡沂南。 智圣故里 古韵悠长 对沂南的认知,始于“古”韵悠长。沂南古称阳都,是智圣诸葛亮的出生成长地,也是唐代大书法家颜真卿的祖居地。距今1800多年的北寨汉画像石墓,是国家级重点文物保护单位,被誉为“齐鲁小敦煌”;千年徐公砚、西汉凤凰刻石、唐代信量桥,处处流淌着历史文化的浓郁气息。气势恢宏的诸葛亮城、鳞次栉比的十里汉街,让古老智慧绽放生机。 沂蒙精神 红色根深 对沂南的深情,源于“红”色根深。抗战

2、时期,这里是沂蒙革命根据地中心,200多位将帅在这里留下了浴血奋战的身影,涌现出了“乳汁救伤员”的明德英等沂蒙红嫂群体。“最后一粒米做军粮、最后一尺布做军装、最后一个儿子送战场”正是沂蒙人民拥军支前的真实写照。在战火纷飞的年代,歌曲跟着共产党走在这里诞生,“党群同心、军民情深、水乳交融、生死与共”的沂蒙精神世代传扬。 山清水秀 绿色怡人 对沂南的热爱,起于“绿”色怡人。沂南山清水秀,景色宜人,是国家全域旅游示范区。在这里,竹泉村茂林修竹、小桥流水,与红色传统村落常山庄先后荣获“全国十大最美乡村”;朱家林新田园风光秀美,获评“全国田园综合体示范基地”;沂蒙泉乡“泉依山出,竹绕泉生”,乡村旅游休闲

3、民宿集聚发展;智圣汤泉、松山温泉,成为文旅康养休闲度假目的地。生态为底、田园入画,徜徉在沂南山水田园间,您可以享受绕泉而居、瓜果采摘、清酒美食的悠闲,体验骑行、露营、民宿的乐趣,品味“山美水美人文美”的原乡风味。 沂河潺潺 蓝色潮涌 对沂南的向往,基于“蓝”色潮涌。沂南河湖汇流、山岭环抱,京沪、日东高速纵横,区位优势明显,是全国首批健康养殖示范县、全国最大黄瓜种植基地,现代农业产业链日益完善,优质果蔬畅销海内外。工业强县风帆正劲,安德鲁、中地乳业、帅客宠物食品等企业强势入驻,电子商务等新兴产业蓄势待发;传统产业升级提档,泉润食品、松冠食品引领预制菜品牌发展,全力建设“中国预制菜供应基地”。依托

4、良好的地域资源优势,沂南 正“走在前,开新局”,推进蓝色经济高质量发展,谱写更加富裕美好的新未来! 向沂南心怡然!我是侯占夫,我代表98万热情好客沂南人民,诚挚欢迎各界朋友到沂南观光旅游、休闲度假、投资兴业。Yinan, a splendid site close to the nature, a venue to read the history and enlighten the wisdom, is the destination to think about the life and feel for home and homeland.Hello, everyone, I am Ho

5、u Zhanfu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yinan County, Shandong. Today, I am very glad to guide you to Yinan, the hometown of intellectual sage and hometown of the “Chinese Red Armys spouses”.Hometown of Intellectual Sage Long Last Ancient CharmThe cognition for Yinan stems from lasting “ancien

6、t charm”. Yinan , Yangdu in ancient times, was the birthplace of Zhuge Liang, the Intellectual Sage, and the ancestral home of Yan Zhenqing, a great calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. North village Han portrait stone Tomb with a history over 1800 years is a national key cultural relics protection sit

7、e, is known as “Minor Dunhuang Resort in Shandong”; The Millennium Xugong Inkstone, the Phoenix- Carving Stone originated from the Western Han Dynasty and the Xinliang Bridge of the Tang Dynasty, are full of historical and cultural flavor. The magnificent Zhuge Liang ancient Town and bustling 5-kilo

8、meter Han-style street sparkle the ancient wisdom.Yimeng Spirit has Deeply Roots in Revolutionary TraditionThe affection for Yinan stems from the flavor deep rooted in “Revolutionary Tradition”. During the war of resistance, it was the center of Yimeng revolutionary base. Over 200 generals left hero

9、ic footprints here. Ming Deying who “saved the wounded with milk”and other Yimeng-based “Chinese Red Armys spouses” emerged. “The remaining grain of rice was used to act as the military grain, the last piece of cloth was utilized to make military uniform, and the only surviving son was sent to the b

10、attlefield”are epitome of Yimeng people supporting the army and frontline. In the war-ridden age, the song titled Follow the Communist Party to Move Forward was sounded here. The Yimeng Spirit that “the party and the masses are united, the military and the people are deeply attached, live the comple

11、tely harmonious life, and go through thick and thin together”has been passed on to generations.Picturesque Sceneries are Green and PleasantThe love for Yinan derives from the pleasant green color. Yinan, featured with scenic mountains and limpid rivers as well as pleasant sceneries, is a national to

12、urism demonstration area. Here, Zhuquan Village is interspersed with luxuriant bamboo trees, small-size bridges and flowing water, and Changshan Village, a traditional revolutionary-featured village, were awarded with “Top Ten Magnificent Villages in China”. Zhujialin, featured with splendid view of

13、 new idyllic style, is awarded with the “National Garden Complex Demonstration Base”; Yimeng Spring Town, “Bamboos Grow Surrounding the Springs”, rural tourism and bed and breakfast are clustered and developed; Both Intellectual Sage Hot Spring and Songshan Hot Spring become culture, tourism, health

14、, leisure and holiday destinations. Ecology, as the base, is joined by idyllic landscape to form a picture, is strolling amid the landscape and idyll. you may enjoy the leisure of living around the springs, picking melons and fruits, drinking fresh wine and tasting food, and experience the fun of cy

15、cling, camping and the bed and breakfast, as well as taste the native flavor of “Magnificent Mountains, Limpid Waters and Glamorous Beauties”.Yihe River Babbles Like Blue Flooding TideThe dream for Yinan is based on the “Blue” flooding tide. Yinan is converged by rivers and lakes, surrounded by moun

16、tain ridges, and crossed by Beijing-Shanghai Expressway and Rizhao-Dongming Expressway, is provided prominent geographical advantages, is one of the first batch of healthy breeding demonstration counties and the largest cucumber planting base in China. The modern agricultural industrial chain is more complete, and high-quality fruits and vegetables are sold well in do


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