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1、河南省平顶山市城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)应国故地,古韵沉雄;中原明珠,鹰击长空。 平顶山,地处巍峨险峻的伏牛山脉东麓。山是这座城的傲然风骨,水是这座城的千年乐章,得天独厚的山水资源优势,让这里成为了旅游度假胜地, 大家好!很高兴带领大家共同走进美丽的平顶山,观尧山、沐温泉、赏汝瓷、品文化! 观神奇尧山,享中原独秀 尧山,是国家5A级旅游景区,一年四季,各有其美。“春山淡冶而如笑,夏山苍翠而欲滴,秋山明净而如妆,冬山惨淡而如睡”,这是大自然的丹青妙笔呈现出的唯美画卷。新华社原社长穆青曾两次登上尧山,欣然留下“中原独秀”的墨宝。 仁者乐山,智者乐水。这里有“日出而林霏开,云归而

2、岩穴暝”的朝暮变化,有“野芳幽香,木秀繁阴”的四时之景。曾经婉约在文人墨客笔端的山水之美,在尧山也随处可见。游山玩水,是享乐平顶山的幸福体验,尧山大峡谷漂流、梦幻漂流、画眉谷漂流每年吸引大量游客戏水、避暑,来到这里,您可以欣赏绿水青山的宁静,还可以体验落差150米、全长9公里的惊险漂流! 沐百里温泉,享天地精华 平顶山温泉历史悠久,早在1500年前,西晋王廙在洛都赋中赞之为“痿瘵痱疴,浸之则痊;功迈药石,勋著不言”。北魏郦道元在水经注中称之为“可以疗万疾”。因此,自古泡汤泉就是一种流行趋势,让人们一洗尘嚣、身心愉悦。 这里有我国10大著名温泉之一汝州温泉,还有延绵百里的鲁山温泉带上汤、中汤、下

3、汤、温汤、神汤五大温泉群,平均泉水温度为61-63度,含有硼、锂、氟、镭、氡等十多种微量元素,也是非常难得的优质热矿泉。 平顶山温泉具有修身养性、保健理疗之功效,平顶山也被誉为温泉康养胜地。 赏中华名瓷,享古今风雅 汝瓷,是平顶山市的特产,中国国家地理标志产品。它的历史可追溯至唐朝中期,盛名于北宋,位居宋代五大名瓷之首。它胎质细腻考究,色泽清雅含蓄,造型简洁大方,就如同风致楚楚的美人儿,于清明简净中娉婷袅娜,于玲珑剔透中端庄秀丽。汝瓷之雅,雅在素简。那独有的天青,蕴含着深邃、迷离、含蓄、淡雅,如同雨后天空梦幻般的色彩。汝瓷之美,美在韵致。有寒梅傲雪的风骨、有青莲初绽之典雅,不张扬、不浮夸、典雅

4、大方、质朴无华。汝瓷,彰显着北宋静观沉思的精神理念,还有清新淡雅之美学追求。 品优秀文化,享文明盛宴 平顶山历史悠久,著名的孟姜女哭长城、叶公好龙、孔子问政、仓颉造字、昆阳大战等故事都从这里传扬。这里还作为三苏故里、张良故里,留下许多佳话。 传承700多年的马街书会、千变万化的中国魔术、巧夺天工的花瓷、金镶玉、栩栩如生的剪纸、绢花、糖人儿等非物质文化遗产,诉说着平顶山的灿烂文化。 550万鹰城人民,靠一双双勤劳之手,奋力建设着美丽家园,创建打造岀中国优秀旅游城市、中国曲艺城、中国书法城、中国魔术之乡、中国尼龙城等一张张国家级城市名片! 近者悦,远者来!我在美丽的平顶山等您来!As former

5、 Ying State, its been powerful from ancient times; Pearl of the Central Plains, with eagles soaring high.Pingdingshan, sits at the east foot of the towering and steep Funiu Mountains. Mountains stand for the pride of the city, Waters represent the millennium movement of the city. With unique landsca

6、pe resources, it becomes a tourist resort.Hello everyone! Im Xu Yuan, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Cultural Broadcasting and Tourism Bureau of Pingdingshan, Henan Province. Its my pleasure to be your guide in beautiful Pingdingshan, lets visit Yaoshan, bathe in hot spring, apprec

7、iate Ru porcelain and feel the culture!Visit magical Yaoshan and have fun in uniqueness of Central PlainsYaoshan, a national 5A tourist attraction, boasts different charms in four seasons. “Spring sees its smiling delicacy, Summer sees its amazing verdancy, Autumn sees its dressed clarity, Winter se

8、es its drowsy loneliness”, This is a gorgeous scroll by the nature. Mu Qing, former head of Xinhua News Agency, visited Yaoshan twice, leaving his calligraphy of Uniqueness in Central Plains.A wise man loves water, a virtuous man loves mountains. Feel day-long fickleness of “dispersed forest fog upo

9、n the sun rises, darkened valleys upon clouds amass”, see year-long “Fragrant wild flowers, luxuriant woods”. The beautiful scenery in the writing of literati can been seen everywhere. Have an exhilarating trip in Pingdingshan, Yaoshan Grand Canyon Drifting, Dream Drifting and Thrush Valley Drifting

10、 see countless tourists in summer each year, Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the beauty here, to enjoy the drift down along a drop of 150 m and the length of 9 km!Baili Hot Spring, the essence of heaven and earthPingdingshan Hot Spring has a long history, as early as 1500 years ago, Wang Yi o

11、f the Western Jin Dynasty, praised it in Luo Du Fu,“the hot spring cures chronic diseases, its efficacy outperforms medicines, without publicizing its roles”. Li Daoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty described it asa panacea for thousands of diseases in Shui Jing Zhu. The hot spring has thus been a tr

12、end since ancient times, for cleanness and relaxation.Its home to one of the top 10 Chinas famous hot springs - Ruzhou Hot Spring, its home to stretching Lushan Hot Spring Belt Hot Spring Cluster of Upper Spring, Middle Spring, Lower Spring, Warm Spring, Magic Spring, with the average spring water t

13、emperature of 61-63 , and over ten trace elements, such as boron, lithium, fluorine, radium and radon, making it a rare quality hot mineral spring.Pingdingshan Hot Spring cultivates peoples mind, provides health care, known as a hot spring wellness resort.Enjoy famous Chinese porcelain, feel ancient

14、 and modern refinementsRu porcelain, a specialty of Pingdingshan City, is a national product of geographical indication. It can be traced back to the middle of the Tang Dynasty, and rose to fame in the Northern Song Dynasty, ranking first among Five Famous Porcelains of the Song Dynasty. It has deli

15、cate and exquisite body, light and subtle colors, simple and elegant shapes, just like a pretty beauty, graceful in brightness and simplicity, demure in exquisite. Simplicity showcases the elegance of Ru porcelain. With its unique azure, implying profundity, bewilderment, subtlety and elegance, like the dreamy color of the sky after rain. Charm showcases the beauty of Ru porcelain, with the spirit of plum blossom in winter, the elegance of green lotus. It is humble, modest, elegant, and unaffected. As an epitome of the spirit of contemplation in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the aesthetic


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