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1、河南省巩义市城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)巍巍嵩邙,汤汤河洛,衍生出了华夏文明的重要发祥地、河洛文化的摇篮巩义。 大家好,今天由我来为您讲述诗圣故里、河洛巩义的千载风华。 巩义地处河南省会郑州和古都洛阳之间,原名巩县,1991年撤县建市,是黄河流域和隋唐大运河沿线的重要节点城市,市域面积1043平方公里,人口85万。南依嵩岳千峰百壑,北濒黄河万里流川。先后荣获全国综合实力百强县市、全国文明城市、国家卫生城市、国家园林城市、全国双拥模范城、中国优秀旅游城市和中国最具幸福感城市等荣誉称号。 走进巩义,感受工业文明的薪火相传 2000多年前,铁生沟冶铁技术助汉家帝王开疆拓土;隋唐时期

2、,唐三彩和巩县白瓷在这里出发由丝绸之路送到欧亚各国;民国初年的孝义兵工厂再次为巩义植入工业文明的基因;1975年回郭镇领办社队企业被一代伟人誉为“伟大的光明灿烂的希望”,巩义由此被称为中国乡镇企业的发源地之一。巩义有工业企业6千多家,上市公司6家,已经形成了高精铝、新材料、特色装备制造三大产业集群和门类众多的工业体系。北京冬奥会开幕式上夺人眼球的飞扬火炬、比赛场馆内蔚蓝色的地毯、具有科技范儿的移动造雪车,都有巩义制造的身影。这里有国内最大的铝板带箔产业基地,全国近三分之一的铝板带箔出自巩义,产品出口40多个国家。 走进巩义,触摸悠久深厚的文化底蕴 巩义历代人才灿若繁星,被孔子誉为“天下贤士”的

3、程本,头悬梁、锥刺股,刻苦读书,后佩六国相印的苏秦,西汉治国理财名臣桑弘羊,中国最早的植物学家嵇含,人民艺术家常香玉。这里还是诗圣杜甫的故乡,自古人杰地灵、人才辈出,在中华文化史上占据独特地位。 时光流转,千年一瞬。如今的巩义,深厚的文化积淀与现代的城市文明交相辉映,共叙华章。 走进巩义,体验古今对话的城市魅力 今天的巩义,您可以在神都山上俯瞰河洛汇流的太极奇观,遥想伏羲画卦的浑然天成;也可以走近中国百年百大考古发现的“河洛古国”,一观5300年前的都邑风貌! 您可以到青龙山中聆听“释源祖庭”的慈云钟声;也可以到巩县石窟一睹堪称国内绝品的“帝后礼佛图”和“飞天”造像! 您可以到伊洛河畔体验曹植

4、笔下洛神赋中的美丽胜景;还可以在“七帝八陵”感叹北宋王朝的成败兴衰! 您可以去康百万庄园探究一个家族兴盛13代富裕400多年的奥秘;还可以去国家传统村落海上桥一睹清代民居的过往风采! 您可以去竹林长寿山一观“霜叶红于二月花”的壮美秋景,也可以到嵩顶国家森林公园享受万亩松林、天然氧吧! 今天的巩义,工作、读书、运动、文化、美食.15分钟便民生活圈带来的多元化的慢生活元素一应俱全;大家可以放慢脚步,放松心情,深度体验城市里融入的山水人文元素、科技智慧理念;还可以信步城乡之间,体会高颜值的公园城市和美丽城镇、美丽乡村带来的诗情画意。 “花径不曾缘客扫,蓬门今始为君开”。我是袁聚平,我代表85万巩义人

5、民,以千年不变的热情,在诗圣故里、河洛巩义,真挚地迎接来自海内外的八方宾朋!Lofty Mount Song and Mount Mang, vast Heluo, give birth to an important birthplace of Chinese civilization and Heluo culture - Gongyi.Hello everyone, Im Yuan Juping, Secretary of Gongyi Municipal Party Committee, Henan Province. Today, Im going to tell you about

6、 the millennial allure of the hometown of the Sage of Poetry, Gongyi, Heluo.Gongyi sits between Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, and Luoyang, the ancient capital, as former Gong County, it become a city in 1991, serving a key node along the Yellow River basin and the Sui and Tang Dynasty Gr

7、and Canal. It covers 1043 km2 and has a population of 850,000. Rolling Mount Song on its south, endless Yellow River on its north, it became one of the National Top 100 Counties and Cities in Comprehensive Strength, a National Civilized City, a National Health City, a National Landscape Garden City,

8、 a National Double Support Model City, A Top Tourist City of China and a Chinas Happiest City.Feel the inherited industrial civilization in GongyiHan emperors expanded the territory by Tieshenggou iron smelting 2,000 years ago; The tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty and the white porcela

9、in of Gong County were sent to Eurasian countries from here along the Silk Road during the Sui and Tang dynasties; Xiaoyi Arsenal in early Republic of China re-implanted the gene of industrial civilization into Gongyi; Huiguo Town led to run commune-brigade enterprises in 1975, as a great and brilli

10、ant hope by a generation of great men, Gongyi is thus known as one of the birthplaces of Chinas township enterprises. Gongyi has over 6,000 industrial enterprises and 6 listed companies, forming three industrial clusters of high precision aluminum, new materials, and special equipment manufacturing,

11、 with a diversified industrial system. The flying torch at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the blue carpet in the venue, the hi-tech mobile snowmaker, are all made in Gongyi. Its home to Chinas largest aluminum plate, strip and foil base, producing nearly one third of the m

12、aterials nationwide, which were exported to more than 40 countries.Experience long and profound cultural in GongyiGongyi sees a myriad of talents of all generations, like Cheng Ben, a sage under heaven by Confucius, applying himself assiduously to study, Su Qin, carrying seals of prime ministers of

13、six countries, Sang Hongyang, famous for governing the country and managing the finance in the Western Han Dynasty, Ji Han, Chinas earliest botanist, and Chang Xiangyu, a peoples artist. It is also the hometown of Du Fu, the Sage of Poetry, and a place cultivating talent for generations, occupying a

14、 unique position in the history of Chinese culture.As time goes by, todays Gongyi boasts both profound culture and modern urban civilization to create a magnificent chapter.See ancient-modern charm in GongyiStand on Shendu Mountain to overlook Tai Chi of converged Yellow River and Luo River in today

15、s Gongyi, and to imagine perfect Fuxis divinatory symbols; Take a look at city scenery of 5300 years ago at “Heluo Ancient Country”-one of Chinas centenary top 100 archaeological discoveries!Listen to the bell in Buddhist Ancestral Court” Ciyun Temple at Qinglong Mountain; Enjoy national top Emperor

16、 and empress worship Buddha and Flying Apsaras statues at Gong County Grottoes!Have a sightseeing of The goddess of the Luo by Cao Zhi near Yiluo River; Immerse yourself in rises and falls at the “imperial mausoleum” of the Northern Song Dynasty!Explore the secret of a familys prosperity of 13 generat



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