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1、福建松溪县城市介绍旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(城市介绍英语作文)“纸扇笑天下,清茶谈古今”。朋友们,大家好!我来自“中国名茶之乡”福建省松溪县,很高兴为 “松溪绿茶”代言。 一方松间净土,一袖溪畔清风。光是松溪两个字,就道尽了这块土地上良好的自然生态、独特的风土人情。松溪位于福建北部、闽江源头,这里峰峦叠嶂、溪流纵横,气候宜人、土质肥沃,是国家生态县。人们说:好山好水出好茶,我们松溪不仅是中国茶业百强县,全国绿色食品原料(茶叶)标准化生产基地县,也是福建省最大的蒸青绿茶出口基地。境内茶园面积 10.5万亩,其中,实施绿色认证3.5万亩, 获得有机食品认证6200亩,可以说是实至名归的生态茶

2、区、健康茶区;出产的“松溪绿茶”、“松溪红茶”,被列为中国地理证明商标产品。 千年古县,文风丕显;百里松荫,茶韵悠长。提起松溪,大家都知道松溪有三宝:湛卢宝剑、松溪版画、九龙窑青瓷,其实松溪绿茶也是我们一张靓丽的文化名片,松溪的历史就浸润在清远淳厚的茶香之中。据史料记载,松溪绿茶自北宋起,就是历代贡茶。 到上世纪80年代,松溪茶叶单产和茶品质都跃居全省前列,被誉为“茶叶状元县”。从此,“南有安溪,北有松溪”的美誉便广为流传。自然的慷慨馈赠,历史的厚重绵长,让松溪人对茶的理解更加深刻。我们种茶制茶、饮茶痴茶,在不断的尝试中寻求对茶香茶韵的灵感,在不断的传承中固化对世道人心的感悟,形成了以蒸青绿茶

3、、抹茶为代表的独特制茶工艺。缕缕清香,滋滋回甘,这不仅代表了一种气定神闲,更代表了一种健康时尚。 今天的松溪绿茶,最大程度地保留了茶叶天然的营养成分。它外形紧秀绿润、内质清香持久,以卓尔不群的品质走进千家万户,成为人们首选的健康饮品。进入新世纪,松溪把茶产业作为发展县域经济的支柱产业,形成了产业服务、科研开发、质量监测等体系,松溪绿茶的产量和品质不断攀升,多次获得了国家级各类奖项。 如今, 松溪绿茶的销售网络已经遍布全国,走向世界。绿茶是心灵的饮品,喝完茶,行囊也轻了,步履也轻了。我们将茶园运动、茶事体验、茶品鉴赏等融入山水游、民俗游、养生游,形成了一系列独具特色的茶文化旅游线路。如果您到松溪

4、做客,在游览山河形胜、体验民风民俗、寻觅小城故事之余,我更希望您泡上一壶绿茶度过一段从容的时光。“七碗爱至味,一壶得真趣。”我代表热情好客、质朴如茶的松溪人民,喊你一起“吃茶去”! A paper fan, a conversation. A cup of tea, a talk. Hello, everyone! I come from Songxi County in Fujian Province, the hometown of Chinese famous tea.I am happy to speak for our Songxi green tea. A paradise in

5、the pine woods,a breeze on the brookside “Song” and “Xi”, these two characters have fully portrayed the exceptional natural environment and unique culture of this land。Songxi is located in the north of Fujian Province and it is the headstream of the Minjiang River. Ranges of mountains, Criss-crossin

6、g rivers, comfortable weather, Fertile soil, It is the national ecological county. People say that good environment produces good tea. Our Songxi is not only the Top 100 Tea Industry in China, the National Green Food Ingredients (Tea) Standardized Production Base County, but also the largest export

7、base of the steamed green tea. The area of tea garden is about 70 square kilometers. Especially, 23 square kilometers of the tea garden has received the “Green Certification”. 4.13 square kilometers of the tea garden has received the organic food certification. So as to say ,it is well-deserved to b

8、e the ecological tea district and healthy tea district. The Songxi green tea and Songxi black tea produced from here are listed as the China Geographic Indication product. The millennium ancient county. The splendid literature. The vast pine tree shades. The lasting flavor of tea. When Songxi is men

9、tioned, we all know that Songxi has three treasures. Zhanlu sword, Songxi printmaking, Jiulong Klin celadon, Songxi green tea is also our bright cultural name card. The history of Songxi lives in the lasting and rich tea aroma. According to the historical records, Songxi green tea, starting from the

10、 Northern Song period, is the attribute tea for many dynasties. Until the 1980s from the last century, Songxi tea per unit yield and the tea quality rank ahead of the entire province. It is so called the Number One County of Tea. From now on, there is a saying circulating that the south has Anxi and

11、 the north has Songxi. The gift from nature. The profound history. Allow Songxi people understand the tea culture a bit deeper. We plant tea and make tea. We drink tea and dream about tea. We continuously try to look for the inspiration of tea culture. By passing on the heritage to generations, we s

12、olidify the understanding about humanity. The unique tea-making technique represented by steamed green tea and matcha has been formed. Wisps of the refreshing smell. The lasting taste of each drink. It not only represents a kind of peace of mind, but also represents a kind of healthy fashion. Todays

13、 Songxi green tea has largely maintained the nutrition of the natural tea. It is tight, slender, green and humid. The refreshing smell is long-lasting. Relying on the exceptional quality, it has become the first-choice healthy drink for people. Entering the new century, Songxi has set the tea indust

14、ry as the pillar industry for developing its economy. The systems of industrial service, scientific research, development and quality examination have taken shape. The output and quality of Songxi green tea are becoming better.It has received multiple national-level awards. Currently, the marketing

15、network of Songxi green tea has been widely sold in the nation.It has been exported to the world. Green tea is the drink for the mind. After drinking the tea, the baggage becomes lighter. The footsteps become lighter. We incorporate tea activities, tea experience, tea appreciation and so on into lan

16、dscape travel, folk culture travel and healthy travel. A series of unique tea culture tourist line comes into shape. If you come to Songxi, you are welcomed to browse the beautiful landscape, experience the folk customs and culture and search for little city stories. Apart from that, I hope you can also make a pot of green tea and enjoy the relaxing moment. 7 bowls made with love. A pot of t



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