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1、辽宁省大连市中山区2022-2023学年七年级下学期期末英语试卷(解析版)第卷.语音。A.根据所给单词,选出划线部分发音不同的一项。11(1分) 根据所给单词,选出划线部分发音不同的一项。()A eastB heavyC teachD cheap12(1分) 根据所给单词,选出划线部分发音不同的一项。()A pianoB robotC hopeD modern13(1分)请选出下列各组单词有几种读音。watch along fan ask()A一种B两种C三种D四种14(1分) 请选出下列各组单词有几种读音。finished answered decided liked()A一种B两种C三种D

2、四种II.单项填空。从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.15(1分)Betty,are these your crayons or_?Oh,theyre yours.()A myB meCID mine16(1分)_beautiful music she sings!()AWhat aBHowCWhatDHow a17(1分) There_schools in the future.Students will study at home.()A is going to haveB will beC wont haveD wont be18(1分)We Chinese ofte

3、n when we meet visitors.()AsmileBsmiledCwill smileDare smiling19(1分)Yes,the strawberries are fresh._()Half a kilo.AHow much are they?BCan I help you?CWhat do you want?DHow much would you like?IV.完形填空。阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。20(5分)It was a sunny morning.Daniel sat down at the table a

4、nd had his favorite breakfast. What do you want to do today? Daniels mom asked him. Im going to play in the woods (树林) behind the house, Daniel said. Daniel quickly finished his(1) and ran to get dressed. Mom,Ill be back later! When he opened the door,Daniel felt the warm air.He smiled at the sun.Pe

5、rfect weather to play,he thought.The leaves were just beginning to grow on the trees. Daniel picked up a long stick (木棍) and used it to(2) a way through the woods. Suddenly,he found a small bird among the leaves.He looked around and didnt see any birds around.Then,he ran to tell his mom about all th

6、is. His mom looked carefully at it. Lets try to(3) it! she said.She picked up the bird and put it in a box.Then she said, We can take it to the animal hospital in town. They took the bird to the animal hospital.After a few days,with the bird,an animal doctor(4) Daniels house. The animal doctor said,

7、 The bird is ready to go back to its home in the tees. Daniel was so(5) He looked at the bird and said, Im happy youre all right.I hope I can see you again.Bye!(1)A.houseworkB.studyC.mealD.game(2)A.changeB.pickC.knowD.clear(3)A.saveB.findC.sellD.keep(4)A.leftB.checkedC.visitedD.noticed(5)A.intereste

8、dB.excitedC.kindD.luckyv.阅读理解(一)A.阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(8分)Body language does not use words.It uses the movement of our body the way you stand,a hand gesture (姿势) or a big smile.Lets have a look at the following body language. Eye contact (接触) Look into peoples eyes when you talk with them.It

9、 makes your idea more believable.Most people like to have eye contact with their listeners. Smile Smile when you talk to some people.It is not only polite but also makes you feel relaxed. Stand up straight (笔直地) It shows your respect (尊敬) to others.It also makes you more confident(自信的). Cross your a

10、rms This means you are upset (不安的) and uncomfortable.Keep your arms open and you will feel more relaxed. Slouch in your chair It shows that you are not interested in what others say.Sit up straight and lean (倾斜) a little forward to look more interested. Touch your face in a talk It shows that you ar

11、e not confident of your words.Youd better put your hands down.(1)When should you make eye contact according to the passage? A.In an exam.B.During a talk.C.In a basketball game.D.At any time.(2)What should you do if you want to show your confidence? A.Cross your arms.B.Touch your face.C.Talk without

12、a smile.D.Stand up straight.(3)What does the underlined word Slouch mean in Chinese? A.无精打采地坐着B.严肃端正地靠着C.挺胸抬头地站着D.不拘小节地躺着(4)Whats the passage mainly about? A.Six ways to show your kindness.B.Different ways of greeting (问候).C.Six kinds of body language.D.Different ways of shaking hands.22(8分)Have a l

13、ook at the picture.There is a fairytale(童话) treehouse in it.Radamshome,a lovely dad,built it for his daughter.It is really beautiful,isnt it? Radamshome is an artist (艺术家) .His job is to make video games.One day,his daughter said that she dreamed(梦想) to have a fairy tree in her bedroom that she coul

14、d sit and read books inside.So Radamshome decided to build a fairytale treehouse for his daughter. Radamshome said that he began with an idea,and then drew a picture.Next,he made a scale model(比例模型).He prepared(准备) all the things he needed.He first built a tree with steel and cement(钢筋和水泥).Then he painted the tree in beautiful colors.He even decorated(装饰) the tree with flowers,birds nests,butterflies and some Christmas lights.The treehouse looks very beautiful and special when the lights are on at night.There are also some animal toys near the tree. Radamshome spent eighteen months fi


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