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1、Unit6 Lets go shopping 第一课时(Story time)一、教学目标 Learning objectives:1. Read and know the new words: dress, skirt, shorts, T-shirts, blouse, hat, lets, go shopping.2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: Look at this I dont like it. How about ?二、教学重难点:重点:Important points:1. Read and know the new wor

2、ds: dress, skirt, shorts, T-shirts, blouse, hat, lets, go shopping.2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: Look at this I dont like it. How about ?难点:Difficulties:Read and know the new sentence pattern: Look at this I dont like it. How about ?三、教学时间: 1 课时四、学情分析:Analysis of the students:Students m

3、ay have difficulties in pronunciations of the new words; I should concern about their needs and pay more attention to them.五、教学准备:Preparations: PPT cards六、教学方法: Teaching methods:Interesting stimulating methodTask-based teaching method七、教学过程: Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming up 1.Greetings. T:Good

4、 morning, boys and girls.Ss:Good morning, Miss Lu.T: Lets chant the rhyme: I canStep 2. Presentation(1)1. Show a picture of different clothes.T: Look, we have many beautiful clothes here. Brain storming: What clothes do you know? Ss: coat, scarf, beanie, sweater2. Look and say:Today, well learn more

5、 clothes. T: We wear it in summer. Its for girls. What is it? Ss: skirt dressTeach: skirt (Use different ways to drill) dress (Use different ways to drill)T: Boys like to wear it in summer. What is it? Ss: shorts T-shirtTeach: shorts (Use different ways to drill) T-shirt (Use different ways to drill

6、)Use the similar way to teach: blouse hat (Use different ways to drill)Pair work: A: Look at thisIts B: I like it./ I dont like it.Step3. Presentation(2)Story time1.Watch and answer: Where are YL and her mum?2.Read and answer:What does mum say in Picture 1?Does YL like the dress?What does YL like?Te

7、ach: Lets go shopping How about this skirt? (Use different ways to drill)3. Listen and imitateRead together/ in groups/ in pairs.4. Act it outStep4. Consolidation1. Magic eyesTo review the new words and sentences. 2. Talk about clothes: A: Lets go shopping. Look at this B: Oh, I like it. How about y

8、ou? A: I dont likeI like3. Lets talk八、作业设计:Homework:1. Read Story time after the tape2. Copy and recite the new words九、板书设计Unit6 Lets go shoppingLook at thisIts dress, skirt, shorts, T-shirt, blouse, hatUnit6 Lets go shopping 第二课时(Fun time)一、教学目标 Learning objectives:1. Understand and use the key wor

9、ds: dress, skirt, shorts, T-shirts, blouse, hat, lets, go shopping.2. Understand and use the sentence pattern: Look at this I dont like it. How about ?3. Apply the sentence patterns to similar situations.二、教学重难点:重点:Important points:Ss can understand and use the key words: dress, skirt, shorts, T-shi

10、rts, blouse, hat, lets, go shopping.Ss can understand and use the sentence pattern: Look at this I dont like it. How about ? 难点:Difficulties:Ss can apply the sentence patterns to similar situations.三、教学时间: 1 课时四、学情分析:Analysis of the students:Some students may have difficulties in sentence patterns,

11、the teacher need to focus on the key points and create more real situations for students to practice.五、教学准备:Preparations: PPT, cards六、教学方法: Teaching methods:Situational teaching methodTask-based teaching method七、教学过程: Teaching procedures:Step1 Warming up:T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morn

12、ing, Miss Lu.Enjoy the chant: I canStep2 Revision:1. Magic eyes(dress, skirt, shorts, T-shirts, blouse, hat, lets, go shopping, Look at this I dont like it. How about ? )2. Lets chantSample 1Dress, dress, look at this dress.Nice, nice, its so nice.Blouse, blouse, look at that blouse.Cute, cute, its

13、very cute.Sample 2 , , look at this . , , its so . , , look at that . , , its very . 3. Lets match4. I can spellStep3. Fun time Show the picture of Fun Time, and guide Ss to practice. 八、作业设计:Homework:1.Recite story time2.Recite the new words and get ready for a dictation九、板书设计Unit6 Lets go shopping , , look at this . , , its so . , , look at that . , , its very .Unit6 Lets go shopping 第三课时(Song time)一、教学目标 Learning objectives:1、Strengthen the new words and sentence pattern of this unit.2、Sing and perform the


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