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1、英语重点词汇语法详解assumeAs the carrier of the public power, the public sectors must assume responsibility corresponding with the public power.作为公共权力的载体,公共部门亦必须承担与公共权力相应的责任。【核心词汇】assumetake on titles, offices, duties, responsibilitiesIf someoneassumespower or responsibility, they take power or responsibility

2、. 接受 (权利、责任)assume control / responsibility etc.to start to have control, responsibility etc or to start in a particular position or job (formal)开始掌管 / 承担责任等 【正式】【词组搭配】1. assume responsibility 承担责任2. assume liability 承担责任3. subjective assume 主观臆断【例句拓展】1. Mr. Cross willassumethe role of CEO with a te

3、am of four directors.克罗斯先生将担任由位执行官组成的一个团队的首席执行官一职。2. Heassumed powerin a bloody coup in 1990.他在1990年一场血腥的政变中上台。3. Jim Paton willassumethe role of managing director.吉姆帕顿将出任常务董事一职。4. Whoever they appoint willassumeresponsibilityfor all financial matters.不管他们任命的是谁,他都要负责财务方面的所有事务。5. The tourism operator

4、s shouldassumeresponsibilityfor its performance aids.旅游营业人应为其履行辅助人承担责任。During her film career, she acquired a reputation as a strong-willed, outspoken woman.在她的银幕生涯中,她获得了一个意志坚定、坦率直言的名声。【核心词汇】acquireto obtain something by buying it or being given it (formal) 购得,得到 【正式】If someone or somethingacquiresa

5、 certain reputation, they start to have that reputation. 获得 (名声)If youacquiresomething, you buy or obtain it for yourself, or someone gives it to you.获得If youacquiresomething such as a skill or a habit, you learn it, or develop it through your daily life or experience.习得【词组搭配】1. acquire a taste for

6、sthto begin to like something开始喜欢某事物2.an acquired tastesomething that people only begin to like after they have tried it a few times逐渐养成的爱好【例句拓展】1. Ive neveracquired a taste forwine.我从未养成对葡萄酒的爱好。2. Manning hoped toacquirevaluable works of art as cheaply as possible.曼宁希望以尽可能低的价格买到有价值的艺术品。3. He spent

7、yearsacquiring his skillsas a surgeon.他花了许多年时间学习外科医生的技能。4. She hasacquiredan email address and a site on the World Wide Web.她获得了一个电子邮件地址和万维网网址。5. Elsieacquired a good knowledge ofChinese.埃尔茜汉语学得很好。6. She hadacquired a taste forEuropean beer.她喜欢上了欧洲啤酒。7. They must struggle against their circumstances toacquirethe basics of survival and human dignity.他们必须在这样的环境下进行斗争来获得基本的生存权和尊严。


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