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1、初中英语人教版七年级下册第九单元第一课时教学设计Unit9 what does he look like?Section A(1a-2d)一、教材分析:本单元的核心话题是询问和表述他人的外貌形象,教材内容围绕着描述人的外貌特征展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点等。在本单元中,学生们主要学习如何描述人的外貌以及与此相关的形容词、名词以及短语和相关句型,并引出本单元的语法项目:系动词be和实义动词have/has的用法。Section A通过询问:what does he look like?来学习描述人的外貌特征的词汇。 本部分还训练了学生的听说读演及归纳总结的能力。并

2、且通过听力的内容,进一步学习描述人的外貌特征的词汇和what引导的特殊疑问句。本部分还复习了本单元的重要知识点,并引导学生学写作文。本单元通过询问和表达他人的外貌形象,学习描述人的身高、体重、胖瘦、发型、五官和穿戴等句型,学会正确地运用系动词be 和实意动词have /has,我是通过我们熟悉的明星图片来教新单词,并在句型操练时不断地重复巩固,从而夯实基础,这样学生就更容易熟记了,也可以避免学生枯燥地背语法,而是在运用中学会了语法。另外还增强了学生们学习的兴趣和加深对知识的理解。二、 Teaching aims:(一)、知识目标:1、能够识记并运用下列单词和句型,并学习掌握下列单词:curly

3、,straight,tall,medium,thin,heavy,build,cinema tonight,glasses,little,a little,2、能掌握重点句型:What does he look like? He is tall /short /of medium height.What does he look like? He is heavy/thin/of medium build.What does she look like? She has short straight hair /long curly hair.Is he tall or short?He is

4、 tall.3、 学习描述人的外貌特征的形容词。(二)、情感目标:1、让学生学会友好地描述别人的外貌,教育学生不要以貌取人,要多发现别人的优点,学会赞美别人。2、懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。(三)、重点:掌握本节课新单词和句型并熟练掌握描述人物外貌的表达句式。难点:掌握描述人的形象的句型,并能区别is与has的用法区别。(四)、教学准备:录音机,电脑(五)、过程与方法:通过听读对话理解句子的含义,通过编写对话熟练运用句型。(六)、情感态度和价值观:(1)让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象;教育学生不要以貌取人,要多发现别人的优点,学会赞美别人。(2)懂得心灵美比外表美更重要。三、Teaching

5、 stepsStep1:Lead in先复习上节课所学知识,然后向学生提出问题.Question:How do we describe peoples appearance? We can describe somebody by his hair,height and build.Have a discussion .我以提问的形式来导入新课,让学生带着疑惑进入课堂,这样有助于吸引学生的学习兴趣。Step2:Presentation讲授新课,在讲课过程中我采用明星图片来展示这课的新单词,并在句型操练时不断地重复巩固,从而夯实基础,这样学生就更容易熟记了,也可以避免学生枯燥地背语法,而是在用中

6、学会了语法。Show some pictures of the different heights and tell them how to describe it.Teach new words.引出今天要学习的句子:T:What does he/she look like?S: He/She is.He /She has.Show some pictures of different builds and tell them how to describe them.Teach new words and new sentences. T:What does he/she look lik

7、e?S:He/She is .Show some pictures of the hair and tell them how to describe them .Pay attention to the orders.Learn the new expressions.short/tall/of medium height thin/heavy/of medium build long/short hair straight/curly hair black/blonde hair。T:What does he/she look like ?S:He/She is .He/She has.我

8、把描述人的外形分为三方面进行讲解与学习,帮助学生构建清晰的知识脉络,有助于学生系统学习重要句型。4.Introduce yourself通过学习上面的新词后,让学生对自己的外貌进行描述:T:Please look at me ,what do I look like ?I think Im of medium height and Im a little heavy. I have short straight black hair.How about you ?what do you look like?(让学生看着我,我做自我介绍,然后询问学生。)S:Im .and I have.(Ask

9、 some students to practice.)Step3:Practice Show some pictures.let students practice the dialogue.A:What does he/she look like?B:He/She is .He/She has.Then Ill ask some students to act it out.Step4:Finish 1a.Look at 1a and Match the words with the pictures .Give students two minutes to do it. Then ch

10、eck the answers.Step5:Practice Listening Listen to the tape twice and fill in the blanks .Then 乐天students find who is Amys friend .Ask some students to answer the questions .Then check the answers.Step6: Work in pairs Show some pictures of famous stars and let the students choose one of them to desc

11、ribe .They can use the three sentences: Who do you like best? Why? What does he/she look like? Ill give them several minutes to practice it,then Ill ask some pairs to come here and act it out.Step7: Exercise:Let students do these exercises,then check their answers.Step8:SummaryAfter we learned this

12、lesson,Do you think a persons looks is the most important? Show some pictures about some famous persons.Then tell the students not to judge a person by their appearance.总结出:We cant judge a person by his looks .Everyone is great.Everyone is important.Step9:Homework(1)Write down these new words on you

13、r exercise book. (2)Make three dialogues to describe your parents or your grandparents. 板书: Unit 9 What does he look like?He/She is tall/short / of medium height.He /She is heavy /thin/ of medium build.He/she has long hair/short hair/long curly hair/short straight hair.教学反思: 本节课我力求创设真实有趣的英语情境,通过展示明星图片来学习新单词,让学生感到识记单词不是那么的枯燥无味,调动了学生的积极性。接下来我让学生自主学习,通过对话、表演学会了今天的新句型,可见创设情境能使抽象的东西具体化,学生更容易接受。在学生学习的过程中,他们不仅学到了知识,而且还知道了不以外貌取人,每个人都有优点和缺点,这些正是新课程理念的体现,也是这节课的一个亮点。在今后的教学中,我要多采用这种教学方法。



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