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1、2022-2023学年重庆市重点中学七校高二(下)期末联考英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)ACheck out these places and have the vacation of a lifetime in Greece! Lovely Ithaca Located on the Ionian Sea,Ithaca is a combination of the greenest landscapes in Greece,the most wonderful swimming waters and a lively local atmosphere.When go

2、ing around the narrow island,you will be attracted by the hilltop village Stavros and the beautiful fishing village Frikes.For motorists,Kaminia beach,hidden in a peaceful cove,is the perfect destination for a day of relaxation. Breathtaking Meteora Although when you go to Greece,you often go to the

3、 beaches and islands,one of the must-visit destinations in Greece is definitely the breathtakingly beautiful Meteora,located on the mainland next to the village of Kalabaka.It is a natural attraction and the second most important monastic area in Greece,which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Met

4、eoras landscape is made special by the rocks shaped like columns(柱状物) over time,on which the Monasteries (修道院) of the area were built around the 14th and 16th centuries. losthe favorite destination of the future los may be left out of many peoples plans as it is know n as a party island,but in fact

5、the party season only lasts from about half of June to mid-August.In the off-season,the island is very quiet compared to popular destinations such as Santorini.Of course,los is an absolute destination for party-goers even in midsummer.lo s is dotted with a number of small churches.What makes lo s in

6、teresting is its setting for an ideal holiday without crowds and noise.Here is a guaranteed hit of the future,waiting to be discovered!1. Where is Kaminia beach located? _ A. In Ios.B. In Ithaca.C. In Santorini.D. In Meteora2. What can travelers see in Meteora? _ A. Historical buildings.B. Special l

7、ocal foods.C. Beaches and islands.D. Beautiful fishing villages.3. What is the feature of lo s island? _ A. There are many places of interest.B. It is popular with party-goers.C. People can swim in wonderful waters.D. There are column-shaped rocks.BOver the years,when a book has spoken to me with pa

8、rticular power,I have put pen to paper and send word off to the author,communicating what their work meant to me. It all started in my 18th year,when I was entertaining my own imagination of success as a writer.I was full of high expectations,believing that becoming an author was simply a matter of

9、putting my thoughts on to paper,sending the works to a publisher and waiting for fame to come.Then came the great disappointment.I wrote to famous childrens author Lloyd Alexander,describing my fruitless yearlong effort at publication and asking him for direction. To my joy,he answered:Advice is alw

10、ays very easy to give but very hard to make it specific and meaningful,since we all have to work in our own ways.When you mention that youve been writing for a year without being published,I hasten to tell you that I wrote seven times that long without being published!So,perhaps one piece of advice

11、is:Patience. I was encouraged by the idea that a well-regarded write r would take the time to offer a bit of advice to an overconfident teen.But Mr.Alexander was not a singular case.But when I did get one,the content was often filled with consideration and even,at times,affection. I think of the Ame

12、rican poet William Stafford,who replied to me from Lake Oswego,Oregon,We actually had an ongoing correspondence(通信) for a while.I wrote to him asking if he would be so kind as to autograph one of his books for me.His reply brought an immediate smile to my face:I am eagerly ready to autograph and ret

13、urn a book it makes me feel like an author.4. What made the author disappointed when he was 18? _ A. He didnt meet a well-known childrens author.B. He lost fame as a young writer.C. He failed to get his works published.D. He was forced to give up writing.5. What advice did Lloyd Alexander offer to t

14、he author? _ A. Making decisions without hesitation.B. Regarding every piece of writing as meaningful.C. Being independent of others.D. Keeping on trying and being patient.6. How did the author find William Stafford? _ A. He longed to be a successful writer.B. He was friendly and approachable.C. He

15、was always ready to lend his books.D. He hated to reply to a letter.7. What is the main idea of the text? _ A. I wrote to the writers in my life.B. I grew up with writing.C. What does writing meant o me.D. I won the fame as a writer.COn Wednesday,a search team called Endurance22 announced that it ha

16、d located the wreck(沉船) Endurance.The Endurance was found 1.87 miles below the oceans surface,about four miles south of its last known location near Antarctica.The ship sank after it got trapped in the ice in the Weddell Sea in 1915.The discovered ship is still in excellent shape.The name can be clearly read on the back of the ship.Its w


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