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1、备战2023年中考英语一轮复习语法知识+语篇能力双清(通用版)1完形填空之记叙文一、题型解读记叙文类完形填空可分为记事和记人两种形式,记叙时间、地点、人物和事件等。文章首句一般不设 空,以情景意义考查为主,淡化对语法的考查,4个选项词类相同,设空以实词为主,即动词、名词、形容 词、副词为主,虚词为辅,即介词、连词,代词为辅。近几年记叙文文体完形填空的选文突出了叙述上的 灵活性、事件的趣味性和教育性,再加上生词量的增大,及复合句的增多,考生在此题上的失分仍然很严 重。因此,如在读懂原文的情况下减少失误是目前考生面临的重大问题。二、解答技巧1 .细读文章首句,推测全文内容完形填空通常首句是一个完整

2、的句子,它提供的信息是把握全文主旨的关键,是理解全文大意的一扇 窗户,所以理解首句信息显得很重要。一般情况下,中考完形填空首句不设空。少数情况下,即使设空, 也是在句子末尾,不影响考生对句意的把握。【典例示例】My previous home had a stand of woods behind it and many animals in the backyard.That first year, I 11 feeding peanuts to the blue jays, then the squirrels. The squirrels had no 12 coming up righ

3、t to me for them . As the months went by , the rabbits saw that I was no 13 and didnt escape.【解析】根据首句,确定出本文讲述的主题:“我”以前家的后面有一片树林,在后院有很多动物;国绕这一主题展开 故事。11 .A.avoidedB. startedC. canceledD. suggested【解析】第一年,“我”开始给冠蓝码喂花生吃,然后又喂松鼠。start doing sth.“开始做某事”12 .A.businessB. funC. problemD. privilege【解析】:松鼠毫无困难

4、(PrOblem),直接上来享用花生。13 .A.helpB. cheatC. threatD. exception【解析】:几个月过去了,兔子见“我”没有威胁,不逃走了。threat威胁”,符合语境。【答案】11.B12.C13.C2.通读全文,理清各个角色一般来说,记叙文有两个或两个以上的角色,作者对这些角色的态度是不一样的,即便是对做同样一 件事的人,作文突出了叙述上的灵者也不一定采用同样的态度来描述。只有把握好每个人物生词量的增大, 及复:的特点和内心世界,才能更好地定位文章的中心思想,更准然很严重。因此,如何确地选出答案。【典例示例】I passed the clean Comb b

5、ack to Dad. He smiled at me and 41 placed his Comb on his wallet. But this time, I noticed something 42 .Dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, 43 his smile was still as 44 as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good 45 for his family.41 .A.firmlyB. hurriedlyC. ca

6、suallyD. carefully【解析】父亲对“我”笑了笑,小心地(Carefully)把梳子放在他的钱包上。firmly“坚决地”,hurriedly“匆忙地”, CaSUally“随便地”,均不符合文意。42 .A.differentB. excitingC. interestingD. urgent【解析】 但是,这一次,“我”注意到一些不同的(different)事情后文中的“Dad had aged. He had wrinkles.” 也是暗示。43 . A . forB. orC. soD. yet【解析】根据空处上下文的语境可知,此处表示意思上的转折,故要用yet“然而,但

7、是”。44 .A.convincingB. heartwarmingC. cautiousD. innocent【解析】父亲的微笑仍然像以前一样令人感到幸福快乐(heartwarming)。ConVinCing”令人信服的,有说服力 的“;CaUtioUS谨慎的,十分小心的“;innocent无辜的,无罪的,均不符合文意。45 .A.originB. lifeC. reputationD. education【解析】从父亲的笑中,作者体会到父亲是想让自己的家人有好的生活(life)。【答案】41.D 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.B46 理顺事件线索,找准发展方向记叙文一般按事件发展的顺

8、序来叙述(有时用倒叙),正确把握文章的发展顺序对把握文章的主脉有着 重要的意义。因此,在选择答案时要事先理清人物间的关系及各自所做的事情。【典例示例】ObedientIy(顺从地),my class lay their heads on their desks, closed their eyes and 42 . When the music started , the room was filled with the most beautiful tones and musiCal Colors I Could haVe eVer imagined. All the Childrenwer

9、e 43. When the music finished, I asked them all to raise their 44 slowly so that We could share our musical journeys.42 .A.sleptB. noddedC. waitedD. continued【解析】学生们趴在课桌上,闭着眼睛,等待(Waited)着播放音乐。43 .A.talkingB. singing C. dancingD. listening【解析】:根据前一句的“When the music Started”可知,此处指所有学生都在听着音乐。故选D。44 .A.

10、legsB. headsC. armsD. shoulders【解析】:根据前一句的“When the music Started”可知,此处指所有学生都在听着音乐。故选D。【答案】:42.C 43.D 44.B45 描摩作者意图,弄清蕴含哲理记叙文一般通过一件平常事来说明一个人生哲理,或作者的感悟,因此把握好其中的道理,对理解细 节有更为准确的作用。注意不要把自己的观点放到文章中去,一切都以作者或主人公的态度和观点为线索 展开。【典例示例】It 37 me that playing against the other team was a great 38 moment for all th

11、e girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. 39 is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be 40 what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful , because they had to work them out on their own .37 .A.confusedB. struckC. remindedD. warned【解

12、析】:这不由让作者想起和其他队比赛也是一个难得的学习机会。It strikes sb. that.“让某人突然想 到”,为固定句型。38 . A . touching B. thinkingC. encouragingD. learning【解析】:本句与文章首句Where do you go when you want to learn Something还有下文 The lessons they learned ma not.照应。39 . A . ExperienceB. IndependenceC. CuriosityD. Interest【解析】:结合上文的比赛情况可知,“经验”是最

13、好的老师。40 .A.harmful to B. mixed with C. different from D. applied to【解析】:这些经验与她们在学校学到的东西可能不会有太大的“不同”,但是肯定更加深入、更加有意义, 因为这她们自己摸索出来的。different from与不同”,符合语境。【答案】:37.B38.D39.A40.C5.把握时间线索,做出正确判断有些记叙文叙述一件事,故事情节随着时间而不断推进。我们可以抓住里面的时间线索,利用情节的 变化来巧妙地做出判断。【典例示例】That second year, the rabbits 15 me, and one woul

14、d even Sit UP for slices!.By year three, the rabbits and the groundhog were back.The groundhog 23 didnt have a problem with me scratching her back , and I got an idea .15.A.fearedB. ignored C. discoveredD. remembered【解析】:第二年,兔子记得“我”,甚至有一只会坐着享用胡萝卜片。remember想起,记得”。23 . A . alsoB. thusC. justD. still【解

15、析】:第三年,兔子和土拨鼠回来了。“我”用手指抓挠土拨鼠的背仍然(Still)没有困难。2 】:15.D23.D1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A book, a story, a thing or a person can change your mind. Patriciaa 24-year-old girl had no idea what would happen when she went on holiday in Spain. She had just graduated from a university. To celebrate her graduation, she and her friends went to Spain to relax before their busy lives as 1. But she didnt like this job at that timebecause she thought compared with doctors, nurses seem to be 2 important.On the first day, Patricia decided to go to the pool to re



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