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1、(2023年)陕西省宝鸡市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1. Most people are _ in a dentists office than in a doctors office.A.obviously nervousB.more obviously nervousC.obviously more nervousD.more nervous obviously2.When Mr. Smith got there, he found that about of his friends had arrived()A.Twenty

2、-third B.Two-third C.Two-thirds D.Twenty-thirds3.I asked him to me a few minutes so that I could have a word with him()A.spend B.spare C.save D.share4.Therearentenoughcomputersforthewholegradeofstudentsto_()A.gofar B.goslow C.goround D.gothrough5.They still have some problems in designing the new en

3、ergy vehicles()A.overcome B.overcoming C.to overcome D.overcomes6.I have no objection()your design for the new type of machine this timeA.to adoptB.to adoptingC.to having adoptedD.to have adopted7.When you stay in a foreign country for some time, you will get used to the local peoples _ of life()A.r

4、ule B.habit C.way D.tradition8.By the end of last month we this assignment()A.finishedB.will have finishedC.had finishedD.have finished9.If you run two hares, you will catch neither()A.into B.after C.down D.out of10.When Mr. Jones gets old, he will()over his business to his sonA.take B.hand C.think

5、D.get二、完型填空(10题)11.60.()A.by B.with C.at D.about12.75.()A.walking B.staying C.acting D.showing13.()A.it bring B.to get C.to see D.to show14.The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world.(41)springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the(42)areas like the

6、 desert. The control is possible even without possession of large areas of(43)land. In the early days of the American West, gun fights were not(44)for the water resources, and laws had to be(45)to protect the water rights of the(46)and the use of the water resources accordingly.(47)is known to us al

7、l, there is not(48)water in all places for everyone to use as much as he likes. Deciding on the(49)of water that will be used in any particular period(50)careful planning, so that people can manage and use water more(51). Farmers have to change their use of or demand for water(52)the water supply fo

8、recast.The(53)water supply forecast is based on the water from the(54)than from the below. Interest is(55)in the ways to increase rainfall by man-made methods, and to get water from the winter snow on mountain(56).With special equipment, some scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain sn

9、ow can be(57), and with the help of a repeater station, they send the(58)data to the base station. The operator at the base station can get the data at any time by(59)a button. In the near future, the forecast and use of water(60)probably depend on the advance knowledge of snow on mountains, not of

10、water underground()A.Using B.Occupying C.Owing D.Finding15.63.()A.for B.on C.with D.to16.61.()A.himself B.oneself C.him D.one17.68.()A.that B.which C.where D.what18.44.()A.results B.effects C.expectations D.consequences19.31.()A.the moment B.the first time C.while D.before20.38.()A.surprises B.amaze

11、s C.worries D.influences三、翻译(3题)21.众所周知,诸如石油这样宝贵的自然资源迟早会被用尽()22.We must awaken people to the importance of environment protection now23.()只有女人才会站在装满衣服的衣柜前哀叹无衣可穿。A. Only a woman is capable of standing in the front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.

12、B. Only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she doesnt have nothing to wear.C. Only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.D. Only a woman is cap

13、able of standing in front of a wardrobe packing full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Farmers are allowed to grow vegetables in small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables _ the market()五、单选题(0题)25.Mary as well as her sistersChinese in China()A.

14、are studying B.have studied C.studies D.study六、单选题(0题)26._youdecidetotakeup,youshouldtrytomakeitasuccess()A.Ifonly B.Unless C.Wherever D.Whatever参考答案1.C根据句中的than可知,此处应用形容词的比较级,所以排除A项。nervous的比较级是more nervous;副词obviously修饰比较级时,应放在其前面。故选C。2.C当史密斯先生到达那里时,他发现他三分之二的朋友都已经到了。考点数词的用法【精析】C分数词由基数词和序数词构成,分子用基数

15、词,分母用序数词。当分子大于1时,作分母的序数词要用复数形式,所以三分之二的正确表达形式为twothirds。故选C3.B我让他给我抽出几分钟时间,这样我就能和他说几句话了。考点词义辨析【精析】Bspend:花费;spare:(为某人或某种目的)提供,抽出(时间、金钱等);save:节省;share:分享。根据句意可知,选B4.C句意:计算机不够整个年级的学生用。本题为短语动词题。选项A成功,扬名;选项B怠工;选项C足够分配;选项D经受,完成。所以根据句意,答案为C5.CChave sth. to do为固定用法,意为有某事要做,其中不定式作后置定语,如果不定式的动作是由句子的主语来完成的,需要用其主动形式表示被动意义。本句中overcome的逻辑主语是句子的主语They,所以应用不定式to overcome。故选C6.B这一次我不反对采用你对这款新机器的设计。考点固定用法【精析】B objection to中的to为介词,后面需要跟名词或者动名词。adopt表示的动作还


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