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1、(2022年)河南省南阳市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.If you carefully _ the problem again, you will find a way out()A.think over B.take over C.set up D.look up2.We()our lives if the policeman had not helped usA.would have lost B.should lose C.might lose D.had lost3._, his idea was accepted by

2、all the people at the meeting()A.Strange as might it soundB.As it might sound strangeC.Strange it might soundD.Strange as it might sound4.Im told that I will share an office room _ five other newcomers()A.in B.with C.to D.at5.She longed to visit Italy , _ she often dreamt about it()A.so seriously th

3、atB.so eagerly thatC.to such an extent thatD.so anxiously that6.Michaels new house looks like a palace, compared _ his old one()A.of B.with C.for D.in7.Susan is always a shy girl and feels_in the presence of strangers()A.embarrassed B.impatient C.braveness D.tiresome8.The price of houses goes up aga

4、in, partly_ the requirement of young people()A.in result B.with C.because D.due to9.I appreciate()to your homeA.to have invitedB.to be invitedC.having invitedD.being invited10.A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,()was to be expectedA.that B.what C.so D.as二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.all the B.th

5、e all C.the whole D.the entire12.48.()A.value B.ratio C.rate D.speed13.73.()A.great B.strange C.public D.tiny14.43.()A.way B.form C.sort D.type15.24.()A.on B.off C.by D.in16.57.()A.expressed B.improved C.preserved D.recognized17.67.()A.act B.landing C.step D.trip18.83.()A.damaged B.injured C.harmed

6、D.wrecked19.46.()A.lucky B.disappointed C.successful D.pleased20.35.()A.stand for B.look at C.depend on D.think of三、翻译(3题)21.Directions:This part, numbered 56 to 66, is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English or English into Chinese. Each of ten sentences (No. 56 to 65) is followed by

7、 four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 66) in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.56. 只要你准备充分,你在面试中会充满自信的()22.The meeting will be put off till Friday

8、23.As long as we take a down-to-earth attitude to doing whatever we do, we are sure to gain something from what we have done四、词汇与语法(0题)24.While we were on holiday, our neighbor took _ our house()五、单选题(0题)25.The reason _ we didnt go was that we were notified too late()A.why B.that C.what D.which六、单选题

9、(0题)26.We moved to London _ we could visit our friends more often()A.even if B.so that C.in case D.as if参考答案1.AA句意:如果你再仔细考虑一下这个问题,你就会找到解决的办法。词义辨析题。take over意为接管,接替;set up意为建立,创立,树立;look up意为向上看,抬头看;think over意为仔细考虑,因此选A2.A如果警察不帮助我们的话,我们已经没命了。考点虚拟语气【精析】A本题考查if引导的虚拟条件句的用法。根据条件状语从句中的谓语动词had not helped可

10、知,本题是对过去情况的虚拟,所以主句谓语动词应用would/should/could/might have done的形式。故选A3.D尽管他的想法听起来很奇怪,但是在会议上还是被所有人都接受了。考点倒装句【精析】D根据句意和选项可知,空处是as引导的让步状语从句,从句应部分倒装,即把表语strange提至句首。故选D4.BB句意:有人告诉我,我将同其他五位新员工共用一间办公室。词语搭配题。动词share通常与with搭配使用,表示与共享,分享,共用。因此应该选B5.C答案C译文她渴望去意大利,以致于到了做梦都梦到去意大利的程度。详解A. soseriously that严重B.so eage

11、r that热切地,若用so eagerly that,则不需用,将句子隔开C.to such arv extent that表示到了的程度D.so anziously that 焦急地6.BB句意:和以前的老房子相比,麦克的新房子看起来就像是一座宫殿。词语搭配题。compare with sb./sth.表示和相比,是固定搭配,故B为正确答案7.AAembarrassed:尴尬的,局促不安的;impatient:不耐烦的,没耐心的;braveness:勇敢;tiresome:令人厌烦的。根据句意可知,选A8.D房价又上涨了,部分原因是年轻人的需求。考点词义辨析【精析】Din result:结

12、果;with:和一起,具有;because:因为,其后跟从句;due to:因为,由于,其后可接名词,符合题意。故选D9.D10.D正如大家期待的那样,代表们提出了许多建议。考点定语从句【精析】D本题考查as引导的非限制性定语从句。as作为关系代词,指代整个主句的内容,意为正如,正像。故选D11.C固定搭配题。表示整个,全部概念时,如果修饰单数集体名词,则用the whole+名词结构;如果修饰可数名词复数时,则常用all+the+复数名词;entire常用于强调单数个体名词。本题中根据空后的family可知应选C12.D考点逻辑推理题【精析】D由下文efficiency一词可知,此处应用一个

13、与高效率有关的词。value:价值;ratio:比例,比率;rate:速率,比率;speed:速度。故选D13.D考点词义辨析题【精析】Dgreat:巨大的;strange:奇怪的;public:公开的;tiny:微小的,细小的。在1350英尺的高空凌空行走的人在下面的人看来当然是tiny(微小的)14.A考点词义辨析题【精析】A本句句意是:没有两个人说英语的方式完全一样。way:方式,in the same way意为以相同的方式,符合题意。form:形式;sort:种类;type:类型,均不符合题意。故选A15.D考点逻辑推理题【精析】D根据下文可知,父亲很喜欢水,但从不下水,而我却恰恰相

14、反,我喜欢下到水中,享受被水环绕的感觉。因此,空处应选in, in the water意为在水中,在水里。另外,由第三段第一句中的on the water也可推知,此处表达的是与之相反的意思16.B考点逻辑推理题【精析】B根据上文可知,我由一个缺乏自信的人变为拥有自信的人,所以他的自信心得到了提高。express:表达;improve:改善,提高;preserve:保存,保护;recognize:认出,识别。故选B17.C考点词义辨析题【精析】C此处指的是在绷索上迈出第一步,act:行动;landing:登陆;step:步伐; trip:旅行。迈出第一步通常用take the first st

15、ep18.B考点词义辨析题【精析】Bdamage:破坏;injure:使受伤,指事故、灾难中身体受伤;harm:危害,伤害;wreck:毁坏,毁灭。根据句意可知,这里指伤亡的人数。故选19.C考点词义辨析题【精析】Clucky:幸运的;disappointed:失望的;successful:成功的;pleased:高兴的。根据句意如果我今日成功了,这归功于可知,选C20.C考点词义辨析题【精析】Cstand for:代表;look at:看;depend on:依赖;think of:想起。此处指如果你不能信赖一个人。故选C21.AA本题可以根据选项中的各句意思选出正确译文。A项符合题干大意;B项的意思是当你准备充分时,你会在面试中充满自信,与题干意思不符;C项意为你将在准备充分的面试


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