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1、【2023年】安徽省铜陵市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The spy finally got _ necessary for his government after a long stay here()A.all the informationsB.all of the informationsC.all the informationD.all informations2.His fellow workers saw him fall down and blood came out from the open()A.woun

2、d B.injury C.hurt D.damage3.The two companies decided toon a project concerning animal cloning()A.complete B.convince C.compromise D.cooperate4.The museum is certainly worth_()A.visiting B.to visit C.visited D.being visited5.Faced with all the difficulties, the girl her mother for help()A.turned ove

3、r B.turned from C.turned to D.turned up6.Generally _, that city is less crowded than the others in the province()A.talking B.telling C.saying D.speaking7. I wonder why Mary is so unfriendly to us. She is()than unfriendly. Im afraidA.shyer B.much shyer C.shy more D.more shy8.We had to _ a lot of nois

4、e when the children were at home()A.come up with B.catch up with C.put up with D.keep up with9.Solar energy is a new kind of energy _ that we can use to replace the traditional energy()A.root B.origin C.source D.pool10._ another hour, I can also work out this problem()A.Given B.Giving C.Having given

5、 D.To give二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.he B.him C.his D.himself12.62.()A.be taken placeB.take placeC.be taking placeD.have taken place13.59.()A.as high B.as higher as C.higher as D.as high as14.Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep _21_ depends on the age of the person and the conditions in

6、which sleep _22_. The young may need more sleep than the old, but _23_ eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount but _24_ may need more. Every person knows his own need.It is then a matter of how to _25_ it. Sleep should always be enough to make one r

7、elaxed and ready for _26_ work.Fresh air is _27_ to sound sleep. It is not _28_ reason for some people to insist that it is practical to sleep in the open air. _29_ a person can keep himself warm, out-of-door sleeping probably gives the body _30_ complete relaxation.Ability to sleep is largely a hab

8、it. The conditions referred to only lead to sleep. Out-of-door _31_ , a good habit of regular drinking and the avoidance of late eating and _32_ are helpful to sound sleep. Such factors are largely within the _33_ of any person. A bath at _34_, neither hot nor cold but of body temperature, may be he

9、lpful to sleep. Sleeping pills should never be taken except when suggested by _35_()A.wished B.expected C.needed D.wanted15.12()A.about B.of C.with D.for16.66.()A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix17.64.()A.realistic B.effective C.efficient D.practical18.75.()A.inspiration B.expectation C.stimulation D.pers

10、pective19.49.()A.turn B.change C.pain D.decline20.57.()A.among B.through C.between D.upon三、翻译(3题)21.尽管遇到很多困难,马克从未放弃对知识的追求()22.Our programme offers the full packagestudents are taken good care of from the start through to the very end23.为了能轻松地解决那些问题,我们采取了一些明智的措施四、词汇与语法(0题)24.We decided to leave the w

11、aitress a big _because her service was excellent()五、单选题(0题)25.Frankfurt, Germany, is one of the most()populated regions in Western EuropeA.densely B.vastly C.enormously D.largely六、单选题(0题)26.My university lies in the north of the city, around()high mountainsA.which is B.it is C.which are D.them are参考

12、答案1.C在这里待了很久之后,这个间谍最后终于为自己的政府弄到了所有必要的信息。考点固定用法【精析】Cinformation为不可数名词,没有复数形式,因此表示所有信息时,应用all the information2.A工友们看见他倒下,鲜血从裸露的伤口中流出。考点词义辨析【精析】A wound:创伤,伤口,常指武器所伤;injury:伤害,损害(健康、成就、容貌等);hurt:疼痛;damage:毁坏,破坏,损失。根据句意,A项最佳3.D这两家公司决定就动物克隆的项目展开合作。考点词义辨析【精析】D complete:完成,结束,使完整;convince:使相信;compromise:妥协;

13、cooperate:合作。根据句意可知,选D4.A这家博物馆的确值得参观。考点非谓语动词【精析】Aworth后面可接动名词作宾语,用主动形式表示被动意义。另外,也可将be worth doing视为固定搭配,意为值得做,做是有价值的。故选A5.C面对所有的困难时,女孩向她的母亲寻求帮助。考点词义辨析【精析】Cturn over:翻阅,把翻过来;turn一般与from搭配使用;turn to:求助于;turn up:露面,(尤指失去后偶然)被发现。根据句意可知,选C6.D一般来说,那个城市没有这个省的其他城市那么拥挤。考点 词语搭配【精析】 D generally speaking为固定搭配,意

14、为一般说来。talk:谈话,谈论,指同某人谈话或谈论某人/某事,常用于talk to/with sb. about sth.短语中;tell:告诉,强调告诉某人关于某种情况或事情,后面可接双宾语;say:说,指用语言表达思想,强调说的内容,其后可接单词、词组或句子作宾语,也可接直接引语,不能接表示某种语言的词作宾语。故选D7.D我在想为什么玛丽对我们这样不友好。我认为与其说她是不友好,倒不如说她是太害羞。本题考查固定搭配morethan的用法,意为与其说倒不如说,比多(更)8.C孩子们在家时,我们不得不忍受很多噪音。考点词组辨析【精析】Ccome up with:想出,提出;catch up

15、with:赶上,追上;put up with:忍受,容忍;keep up with:赶得上,与保持联系。故选C9.C翻译太阳能是一种新能源,我们可以用它来代替传统能源。考点词义辨析【精析】C source:源头,来源,根源,energy source:能源;root:根,起因;origin:起源,产地;pool:池塘,水潭。根据句意只有C正确10.AA根据句意可知,I和give之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用过去分词形式。Given another hour在此作条件状语,相当于条件状语从句If I am given another hour。故选A11.D考点词义辨析题【精析】D根据句意他除了自己其他人谁都不关心。可知,此处应填入反身代词himself12.B考点语法结构题【精析】Btake place



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