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1、(2021年)四川省眉山市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.In other words, all mammals,_ their sizes are, breathe once for every four heartbeats()A.however B.regardless C.whatever D.according2.There are still a lot of difficulties for us to_()A.deal with B.settle down C.apply to D.get along3.Iamver

2、ysorry_yousuchalotoftroublebythedelayedshipment()A.caused B.causing C.tohavecaused D.tobecaused4.When we were in high school, we learnt the _ of English grammar()A.basics B.elementary C.elements D.foundations5._ dictionary is enough for me()A.Such one B.One such C.Such a one D.One such a6.Im sorry t

3、o have()you with so many questions on such an occasionA.interfered B.offended C.impressed D.disturbed7.It is Allens first time to speak to the public, but I am sure he will get his nervousness()A.away B.off C.over D.through8.Dont joke with Linda; she takes everything far too()A.carefully B.gravely C

4、.critically D.seriously9.I recognized John()he entered the roomA.hardly B.the minute C.no sooner D.at once10._ is often the case, one third of the workers have over-fulfilled the production plan()A.What B.This C.That D.As二、完型填空(10题)11.60.()A.in B.on C.for D.over12.76.()A.something B.anything C.nothi

5、ng D.everything13.67.()A.about B.on C.in D.for14.()A.spring B.raise C.swell D.rise15.65.()A.however B.all C.whatever D.what16.Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to their offices, factories or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to

6、 get up _21_ in the morning and reach home later in the evening.One benefit of living outside London is _22_ houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London _23_ a garden costs quite a lot to hire. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of _24_ own.Then, in the

7、country one can be free from the noise and hurry of the town. Although one has to _25_ earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night, and, during weekends and _26_ summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one _27_ gardens, one can spend o

8、nes spare time digging, planting, watering and doing a hundred and one other jobs which _28_ in the garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of a person _29_ has shared the secrets of nature.Some people, however, take _30_ in country things; for them happiness lies i

9、n the town, with its cinemas and theatres, shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would _31_ that their life was not worth _32_ if they had to live a _33_ outside London. A walk in one of the parks and a visit _34_ the sea every summer is all the country life they _35_()A.a

10、t 8 oclock B.later C.earlier D.slowly17.7()A.lacks B.adds C.makes D.brings18.50()A.kin B.mother C.father D.brother19.71.()A.cloth B.clothing C.clothes D.dressing20.62.()A.First of allB.Never mindC.To tell you the truthD.As a result三、翻译(3题)21.()人们过去并未充分意识到心灵的宁静对健康极为重要。A. People were not fully aware t

11、hat peace of mind was very important for health in the past.B. People are not fully aware that peace of mind is very important for health in the past.C. People were not fully aware that peace of mind was very important to health in the past.D. People were not fully aware peace of mind is very import

12、ant for health in the past22.There is no smoke without fire23.It took Ms. Cheng 24 hours to make up her mind: there was nothing wrong or embarrassing about doing the job四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Im told that I will share an office room _ five other newcomers()五、单选题(0题)25.Their watch is()to all the other watches

13、 on the marketA.superior B.advantageous C.super D.beneficial六、单选题(0题)26.It was _ that we felt very tired when we arrived()A.a so long journeyB.so a long journeyC.such a long journeyD.such long a journey参考答案1.C换句话说,所有的哺乳动物,无论体型大小,都是每心跳四次呼吸一次。考点词义辨析【精析】Chowever:无论如何,不管多么,引导让步状语从句时,后常接形容词或副词;regardless

14、:不顾,不加理会,一般与介词of连用;whatever:无论什么,不管什么,引导让步状语从句,后常接名词或动词;according常与to连用,意为根据。故选C2.A仍然有很多困难等着我们去处理。考点词义辨析【精析】Adeal with:处理,解决;settle down:安居,安下心来;apply to:申请;get along:相处,有进展。根据句意可知,选A3.C句意:因为延迟装运给您带来这么多的麻烦,我感到非常抱歉。非谓语动词题。besorry后一般接动词不定式,表示因表示歉意。又因为不定式表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,因此用不定式的完成式,即to+have+过去分词,故选C4.A【翻

15、译】当我们在高中的时候,我们学习了英语语法的基本知识。 考点词义辨析 Abasics:基本因素(或原理、原则、规律等),基础知识;elementary:基础的,初级的;elements:基本部分,重要部分;foundation:地基,基础。根据句意可知,选A。注意:本题有歧义,C项element作“基本原理”讲时,与basics同义,指(学科)的基本原理,基础,纲要。5.DD句意:一本这样的字典对我来说已经足够了。词语搭配题。such无比较级及最高级,有不定冠词a(n)时,要放在该冠词之前;有all, no, one, few, several, some, any等时,则放在这些词之后。故应选D6.DD句意:很抱歉在这样的场合拿这么多问题来烦扰您。词义辨析。interfere:干涉;offend:冒犯;impress:给予某人深刻印象;disturb:打扰,麻烦。根据题意,选D7.C这是艾伦第一次面对



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