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1、(2023年)四川省乐山市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Where there is an earthquake, energy is in one area along a crack in the earth crust()A.repelled B.released C.liberated D.rushed2.Steven _ my letter; otherwise he would have replied before now()A.has receivedB.should have receivedC.couldnt

2、have receivedD.ought to have received3.The factory, including its machines and buildings,()burnt last nightA.is B.are C.were D.was4.The _ of blood always makes him feel sick()A.sight B.look C.view D.glance5.The manager often requires us never to _ till tomorrow what we can do today()A.come up B.put

3、off C.turn on D.give out6.We are sometimesof selfishness in our lives()A.miserable B.greedy C.guilty D.sorry7.I hadnt seen him for years, but I_his voice on the telephone()A.realized B.discovered C.accepted D.recognized8.He didnt book the tickets for the concert, otherwise we a brilliant performance

4、()A.will appreciateB.appreciateC.had appreciatedD.would have appreciated9.I have read all the books you lent me()A.as B.which C.who D.that10.(), he failed in the college entrance examination againA.To disappoint his parentsB.To his parents disappointmentC.At his parents disapprovalD.His parents disa

5、ppointing二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.play B.sleep C.eat D.do12.64.()A.drinking B.drink C.to drink D.drank13.55.()A.give B.bring C.happen D.take14.63.()A.And B.So C.But D.Thus15.74.()A.experiments B.circles C.trips D.movements16.The mind-success connection is strong, and many obstacles to our success are also

6、mental. Some people rely more on facts, 41 others rely more on feelings. There is no right way to be, but we all have the natural ability to feel our way successfully 42 an unlighted path.I learned this 43 I was standing on a curb(路边) in a city in Vietnam(越南). My objective, a restaurant where my hus

7、band Tom was 44 for me, stood on the 45 side of the street, I was 46 and could smell the food.But it seemed as if the restaurant were miles away. The street was 47 with motor cycles, bicycles, cars, trucks and buses. Rather than 48 the traffic into two lanes, the yellow lane markers apparently serve

8、d only to 49 that you were on a paved(铺设的) road.People passed, stopped, turned around and crossed center lines.Traffic flowed both ways in the same lane, and more traffic turned onto the street from side ones. Even when the signal light turned red, traffic 50 to flow as drivers entirely 51 the signa

9、l, rushing to me from front, back, sides and all angles.I was ready to abandon lunch with Tom when a local gentleman 52 my arm. In English, he kindly said, Crossing the street is not a problem, 53 a dance. With that we stepped 54 the curb and into the chaos(混乱). My heart 55 faster as we walked slowl

10、y across. 56 greeting us with sharp horns and angry shouts, drivers saw and adjusted to us. As long as we made no sudden 57, we were fine. I felt as if we were gracefully swimming 58 a school of fish. The traffic flowed smoothly around us, in all directions. 59 I knew it, we were across.Learning to

11、dance through the chaos of traffic is just 60 your feelings. Its a combination of intention, timing and trust()A.as B.while C.where D.when17.73.()A.path B.course C.road D.way18.Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process. The instructor asked us to

12、 list anything in our past that we felt _21_ of, regretted, or sorry about and read our lists aloud.This seemed like a very private(私下的) process, _22_ theres always some brave people in the crowd _23_ will volunteer. The instructor then _24_ that we find ways to make apology to people, or take some

13、action to right any wrong doings. I was seriously wondering _25_ this could ever make my communication better.Then the man next to me raised his hand and told this story: Making my list, I remembered an incident from high school. I grew up in a small town. There was a sheriff(警长) _26_ of us kids lik

14、ed.One night, my two classmates and I _27_ to play a trick on him.After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank(水槽) in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red paint: Sheriff Brown is a s.o.b.(畜生). The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious _28_. Within two

15、hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office. My friends told the truth but I lied.No one _29_ found out.Nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Browns name appeared on my list. I didnt even know if he was still _30_. Last weekend, I dialed the information(问讯处) in my hometown and found there still was a Roger Brown on the list. I tried his number. After a few _31_, I heard, Hello? I said, Sheriff Brown? Paused.Yes. Well, this is Jimmy Calkins.and I want you to know that I did it? Paused.I knew it! he yelled back. We had a good laugh and a _3



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