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1、(2021年)广东省清远市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.When Andrew was in South Africa, he_ go to that coffee shop at the corner everyday()A.would B.should C.had better D.might2.It was _ the policeman came _ the parents knew what had happened to their son()A.before; as B.until; when C.not until

2、; that D.until; that3.Please _ your overcoat from the seat so that I can sit down()A.move B.shift C.transfer D.remove4.All_youcandotocomfortheristolistentoherstory patiently()A.what B.that C.which D.things5._, follow the directions on the bottle carefully()A.When taken drugsB.When drugs takenC.When

3、one takes drugsD.When taking drugs6.I recognized John()he entered the roomA.hardly B.the minute C.no sooner D.at once7.The taxi driver was accused _ overcharging customers()A.for B.with C.on D.of8.My mother suggests that we _ eat out for a change this weekend()A.should B.must C.could D.would9.Many y

4、oung people find it harder to appreciate_music than pop music()A.simple B.light C.ancient D.classical10.If the scheme is _ carried out without waste of time or energy, I shall be completely satisfied()A.relatively B.noticeably C.appropriately D.efficiently二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.entertaining B.handicappin

5、g C.benefiting D.judging12.46.()A.From B.By C.Since D.After13.My friends say Im trusting. Sure,Im awhat you see is what you get kind of person. So _16_ I expect the same kind of _17_ from others. But I dont fall for just anything. and I never would have _18_ there we1re aliens(外星人)around, at least _

6、19_ I saw one with my very own eyes.My friend Danny Stone and l were staying in his uncles cottage for the weekend. Danny kept telling me stories about aliens frequently visiting the district, even though I said l was _20_. At round 3 oclock in the morning,1 was suddenly woken up by a shocking sound

7、. What I saw next almost made my heart _21_. Outside, sitting in the branches of a tree, was something that looked like an alien. Danny took a blanket and _22_ to have a closer look. I _23_ at a distancenot that I was afraid;1 was smart,Id watched enough TV to know that aliens couldnt be trusted! Wh

8、en Danny was _24_ enough, the alien seemed to _25_ him, and they both fell to the ground. Danny _26_ to throw the blanket on top of it.Sensing control over the situation,I ran into the cottage and cried, Mr. Stone! We _27_ an alien!Later,I would remember that _28_ with extreme embarrassment. Danny w

9、as _29_ like mad and threw the alien at me. Even thoughI could see now that alien was _30_ packing foam, I couldnt believe I had been _31_ in such a way. The alien had been _32_ in the tree by Danny. He was a better _33_ than I had ever thought he was. and my _34_ was far more active than I had ever

10、 realized. It all added up to one thing:I was easy to _35_.Too trusting. Too believing()A.luckily B.probably C.naturally D.gradually14.29.()A.more B.much C.less D.little15.57()A.positions B.situations C.conditions D.destinations16.60.()A.imagine B.recommend C.enjoy D.remember17.73()A.more sure B.muc

11、h sure C.even sure D.less sure18.Many people wrongly believe that when they reach old age, their families will place them in nursing homes. They will be left in the hands of strangers for the rest of their life. Their 61 will visit them only occasionally, and more often, they will not have any62 vis

12、itors. The truth is that this idea is63 unfortunate imaginary story. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care64 elderly people need.Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studies how the American family is changing. He reports that by the time the average American couple reaches 40 years

13、of age, they will have more parents than children.65, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years ago, family members must provide long-term care.More psychologists have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic. They believe that they are the best people66

14、the job. Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring67 an elderly relative. Many caregivers believe they have responsibility to help their relatives. Some state that helping others68 them feel more useful. Others hope that by helping69 now, they wi

15、ll deserve care when they become old and dependent. Caring for the elderly and being taken care 70 can be a mutually satisfying experience for everyone who might be involved61.()A.workers B.children C.parents D.caregivers19.48.()A.courage B.calmness C.confusion D.excitement20.As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规) basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this 51at work in people of all 52. For example, on Christmas morning, children ar


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