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1、【2023年】四川省德阳市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.It worried her a bit her hair was turning grey()A.while B.that C.if D.whether2.Ted,()yourself and dont get your coat dirty again, or you will get into trouble!A.behave B.make C.perform D.take3.They go to work every day()Saturday and Sunday.

2、 Those days are holidaysA.besides B.on C.from D.except4.the English examination I would have gone to the concert last night()A.In spite of B.But for C.Because of D.As for5.To their credit, the Department of Energy _ their duty to conduct the project saving non-renewable resources()A.took over B.took

3、 on C.took in D.took to6.The news reporters hurried to the airport, onlythe film stars had left()A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told7.Where is the new camera I borrowed last week?It is on the top shelf, out of the of our little kid()A.order B.sight C.reach D.touch8.We lost our way in that small

4、village, otherwise wemore places of interest yesterday()A.visited B.had visited C.would visit D.would have visited9.We still lag far many of our competitors in using modern technology()A.to B.behind C.off D.forward10.Nothing can()for mothers milkA.replace B.substitute C.take the place D.instead二、完型填

5、空(10题)11.6()A.witnessed B.undergone C.experienced D.practiced12.()A.wrote B.read C.remembered D.forgot13.58.()A.and B.but C.although D.unless14.43.()A.destroy B.realize C.change D.create15.The first name for the Open University was The University of the _36 _ . The idea was to Teach on the air , in

6、other _37_, on radio and television . Most of the teaching is done like this .Radio and television _38 brought the classroom into people s_39_ . But this , on is own, is not _40_ fora university education. The Open University _41_ also receives advice at one of 283 study centers inthe country . Thir

7、tysix weeks of the year he has to send _42_ work to a tutor, the person whoguides his _43_ . He must also spend three weeks every summer _44_ a fulltime student. Thetutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities, At the end o the Open Universitysfirst year, the results were go

8、od. Three out of every four students _45_ their examinations. If they dothis very year, they will finish their studies in four or five years()A.Air B.Radio C.Television D.Open16.55.()A.Unfortunately B.Unlikely C.Unconsciously D.Especially17.31.()A.the moment B.the first time C.while D.before18.42.()

9、A.whose B.whom C.that D.which19.17.()A.tended B.continued C.expected D.began20.60()A.institutions B.organizations C.individuals D.singles三、翻译(3题)21.正如您从我的简历中看到的那样,我具有这项工作所要求的所有资格条件22.Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures23.()有些学生在毕业后能找

10、到工作,但有些却不得不返回学校继续深造。A. While some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.B. When some students are able to find jobs after graduation, others will have to return to school for further education.C. While some students ar

11、e able to find jobs after graduation, the others will have to return to school for further education.D. Some students are able to find employment after graduation, while others will have to return to school四、词汇与语法(0题)24.By the end of last year, Rose()as a manager of the company for five years五、单选题(0

12、题)25.Able-bodied people just dont realize how difficult it is _ a job()A.of disabled people gettingB.of disabled people to getC.for disabled people gettingD.for disabled people to get六、单选题(0题)26.This is the house my grandpa lived before his death in 2017()A.which B.that C.when D.where参考答案1.B她的头发正在变得

13、灰白,这让她有点儿担心。考点主语从句【精析】B分析句子结构可知,本句中It作形式主语,真正的主语为空处引导的从句。从句不缺少成分,且不含有是否的含义,所以引导词应用that。故选B2.A特德,规矩点儿,别再把外套弄脏了,否则你会有麻烦的!考点词语搭配【精析】A behave yourself为固定搭配,意为请检点一点儿,行为规矩些,故选A3.D他们每天都去上班,除了周六、周日。这两天是休息日。考点词义辨析【精析】D besides:除了之外(还有);on:在之上,在时候;from:来自,从;except:除之外(不包括)。根据句意可知,选D4.B要不是因为英语考试,我昨晚就去听音乐会了。考点虚

14、拟语气【精析】B根据would have gone可知,本句是对过去发生事情的虚拟。but for:要不是,可用于虚拟语气,符合题意。in spite of:尽管;because of:因为;as for:至于,均无此用法5.B能源部承担起了执行节约不可再生资源计划的责任,这值得赞扬。考点词义辨析【精析】Btake over:接管;take on:承担(责任),决定做,呈现;take in:吸入,理解;take to:喜欢上,开始定期做。根据句意可知,选B6.B新闻记者匆忙赶到机场,结果却被告知电影明星们已经走了。考点非谓语动词【精析】B only后跟不定式,表示出乎意料、意想不到的结果,常用

15、此结构作结果状语。又因为tell和其逻辑主语reporters为动宾关系,所以应用其被动形式。故选B7.C我上周借的那台新相机在哪儿呢?在最上层的架子上,我们的小孩儿够不着的地方。考点词义辨析【精析】Corder:命令,顺序;sight:视力,视线,out of sight of意为在看不到的地方;reach:范围,out of the reach of意为在触及不到/够不着的地方;touch:接触,触摸,可用于be out of touch结构中,意为失去联系。根据句意和搭配可知,选C8.D昨天我们在那个小村庄迷路了,否则我们会参观更多的名胜古迹。考点虚拟语气【精析】D 根据句中的时间状语yesterday可知,otherwise引导的句子是对过去发生事情的假设,所以谓语动词应用could/would/should/might have+过去分词的形式。故选D9.B我们在运用现代技术方面仍然远远落后于许



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