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1、(2021年)陕西省榆林市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The departure time of the plane has been postponed, so we have nothing to do now but_()A.wait B.to be waiting C.to wait D.waiting2.If either of you had been able to your anger, the fight would have been avoided()A.hold up B.hold out C.hold ba

2、ck D.hold onto3.If you dont agree with me,()A.neither they willB.so wont theyC.neither will theyD.so they wont neither4.Dr. John()be in Paris because I met him in town just nowA.may B.cant C.might not D.may not5.The brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a to everyone in the town()A.harm B.viole

3、nce C.hurt D.threat6.The number of members in the club to two hundred()A.were limited B.was limited C.limits D.limited7.According to the periodic table, _ still some elements undiscovered()A.there seem to beB.it seems to beC.it seems thatD.here seem8.Our teacher suggested that each of us _ a study p

4、lan for the long summer vacation()A.make B.made C.will make D.would make9.you eat the correct foods be able to keep fit and stay healthy()A.Only if; you willB.Only if; will youC.Unless; you willD.Unless; will you10.If I have a good sleep Ill be()to work out the problemA.possible B.able C.capable D.r

5、easonable二、完型填空(10题)11.26.()A.swimmer B.rider C.walker D.runner12.50.()A.relationship B.friendship C.agreement D.companion13.()A.realize B.drop C.lift D.increase14.64.()A.copy B.translation C.cover D.summary15.62.()A.frequently B.delightedly C.inevitably D.unexpectedly16.Much has been made about the

6、 importance of a good breakfast to a healthy lifestyle. It gives you_31_ to start your day, according to conventional wisdom(传统观念), and scientific studies _32_adecade ago had shown that eating breakfast was the key to maintaining a healthy weight.Breakfast skippers are plagued (饱受困扰)with well-meanin

7、g family members and friends, _33_that they should eat something in the morning. But according to nutrition scientist P.K. Newby, such advice was based on whats known as observational studies, in which scientists follow groups of people and _34_ the outcomes. The result had seemed to indicate that p

8、eople _35_ lost weight or maintained a healthy weight ate breakfast. The problem, Newby told us, is that those studies didnt isolate breakfast as the important factor.It could be, she says, that those who lost weight also exercise more.Then, in 2014, a group of researchers at the University of Alaba

9、ma published a study that took a more_36_ look at this question. They had 300 participants and _37_ assigned them to eat breakfast, to skip breakfast, or to simply go about their normal routine. After 16 weeks, they found no difference in weight loss_38_ the three groups._39_ on this new research, i

10、t seems that the bottom line is this: if youre not hungry in the morning,theres no _40_ in skipping breakfast when it comes to weight management. Its the what that is more important than the when, when it comes to breakfast, she says31.()A.power B.energy C.courage D.confidence17.74.()A.on another ha

11、ndB.on other handC.on the other handD.in the other hand18.11()A.meal B.lunch C.tea D.breakfast19.Most people retire from work between the ages of 60 and 65. This has _51_ main consequences, one economic and _52_psychological.Economically:_53_retired people receive a pension(养老金) from the government

12、or from their past _54_ ,it is ofter much less than they earned when they were working. Unless people _55 _ to save money during their years _56_work, their standard of living may fall greatly when they retire.Psychologically: Old people in Western countries are generally considered _57_, and they a

13、re eeven thought of as a_58_on their families and on the pubilc purse. They are _59_held in respect. On the other hand, most of them used to _60_work, They simply do not know how to relax or _61_other interests though they have time to do so now. They feel they should be working and _62_, because wo

14、rk was _63_they were respected and their skills recognize_64_retired people, their self-confidence is diminished (减弱). The longer they are away from the work place, _65_grows a sense of being worthless()A.two B.three C.many D.some20.50()A.kin B.mother C.father D.brother三、翻译(3题)21.正如乌云遮不住太阳,谎言掩盖不了事实2

15、2.我们将在下次会议上讨论他提出的计划23.我不在乎他们会不会否定我的计划,但在内心深处我仍渴望得到他们的支持四、词汇与语法(0题)24.I wonder why he _ to discuss the problem at the meeting()五、单选题(0题)25.After you have finished reading the book, please just put it back_ it belongs()A.where B.which C.what D.that六、单选题(0题)26.Not until quite recently()any idea of what a guided rocket is likeA.did I have B.do I have



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