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1、【2023年】广东省湛江市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.In the experiment we kept a watchful eye()the developments and recorded every detailA.in B.at C.for D.on2.How do you _ the global warming? the scientist asked the students()A.count on B.account on C.count for D.account for3.In the swamp the

2、 army _ by mosquitoes()A.was fallen B.was beset C.was worried D.was set4.So little with each other that the neighbors couldnt settle their difference()A.agree did theyB.did they agreeC.they agreeD.they did agree5.I only work_ weekdays, not _ weekends()A.on; on B.at; at C.on; at D.at; on6.The tribe h

3、ad been living in that part of the area for generations until the civil war _()A.broke down B.broke off C.broke out D.broke up7.harder, you could have passed this exam()A.Were you workedB.Had you workedC.If you workedD.If you have worked8.I cant find my keys! Can you help me()themA.dream about B.loo

4、k for C.see through D.speak of9.Workers the new roads by the end of this year()A.will completeB.will have completedC.will have been completedD.have completed10.got into the office when it began to rain heavily()A.Scarcely had theyB.Scarcely have theyC.Scarcely theyD.Scarcely they had二、完型填空(10题)11.49

5、.()A.Suddenly B.Eventually C.Fortunately D.Actually12.59.()A.by B.for C.with D.to13.()A.for B.before C.behind D.with14.45.()A.offers B.makes C.hides D.keeps15.When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men?

6、 Are women more highly motivated and _ than male managers?Some research _ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater _, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a _ to bring emotional factors to bear _ making workplace decisions. These differen

7、ces are _ to carry advantages for companies, _ they expand the range of techniques that can be used to _ the company manage its workforce _. A study commissioned by the International Womens Forum _ a management style used by some women managers (and also by some men) that _ from the command and cont

8、rol style _ used by male managers. Using this interactive leadership approach, women _ participation, share power and information, _ other peoples self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these _ reflect their belief that allowing _ to contribute and to feel _ and important is a win-

9、win _good for the employees and the organization. The studys director _ that interactive leadership may emerge _ the management style of choice for many organizations()A.A. confronted B.commanded C.confined D.committed16.70.()A.us possible B.it possible C.us impossible D.it impossible17.42()A.condit

10、ion B.difference C.union D.divorce18.29.()A.to B.with C.for D.of19.51()A.a person B.a people C.a man D.a couple20.63.()A.worried B.busy C.similar D.disturbed三、翻译(3题)21.They turned a deaf ear to our demands, which annoyed all of us22.()人们普遍认为,老年人对物质和文化的进步做出过贡献,应该分享其成果。A. It is generally acceptable th

11、at old people should have a share in the rewards for material and cultural advancements.B. It is generally acceptable that old people should have a share in the rewards for material advancements to that they have made contributions.C. It is generally accepted that old people should have a share in t

12、he rewards for material and cultural advancements to which they have made contributions.D. It is generally accepted that old people should have a share in the rewards for material and cultural advancements to that they have made contributions23.Mans preoccupation with time derives ultimately from hi

13、s unique relationship to it. All animals are changed by it, but only human can manipulate it四、词汇与语法(0题)24.(), his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting五、单选题(0题)25.from far away, the 600-meter tower is stretching into the sky()A.See B.Seeing C.To see D.Seen六、单选题(0题)26.I had to wait for a

14、nother two months to be able to have the car_()A.fixing B.fix C.to fix D.fixed参考答案1.D实验中,我们仔细观察进展并做了详细的记录。考点词语搭配【精析】D keep an eye on是固定搭配,意为留意,注视,在本句中表示仔细观察。故选D2.D这位科学家问学生们:你们如何解释全球变暖?考点词义辨析【精析】Dcount on:依靠,期望,指望;没有account on这一搭配;count for:有价值,有重要性;account for:解释,说明。根据句意可知,选D3.B在沼泽中军队受到了蚊子的困扰。考点词义辨析【精析】Bfall:落下;beset:困扰,使烦恼;worry:担心;set:设置,坐落。be beset by为固定搭配,意为被困扰,其他三项均不合题意。故选B4.B邻居们达成的一致意见太少,以至于不能解决他们之间的分歧。考点倒装句【精析】Bso/suchthat结构中的so/such连同它所直接修饰的成分位于句首表示强调时,句子应部分倒装,即将助动词、情态动词、be动词提至主语之前。根据从句动词时态可知,应将助动词did提至主语they之前。故选B5.C我只在工作日上班,周末不上班。考点词语搭配【精析】Con weekdays:在工作日;at we



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