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1、【2021年】福建省泉州市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.What time would it be convenient _us to meet again()A.of B.for C.by D.with2.When she retired, she did a lot of()work for the Red CrossA.social B.portable C.prominent D.voluntary3.Sheisthemost_secretaryIveeverhad()A.efficient B.effective C.i

2、ndustrial D.practiced4.We got to the station only _ that the train had had just left()A.learned B.to learn C.learning D.having learned5.Each time he from me, he will write to me as soon as possible()A.will hear B.had heard C.hears D.has heard6.Feed plants and they grow;()them and they sufferA.disgus

3、t B.dismiss C.omit D.neglect7.We cant emphasize()the importance of air and water for the survival of all speciesA.very much B.too much C.pretty much D.quite much8.The temperature is likely to go down next week. , we will have to cancel the outdoor activities()A.In that case B.In case C.In no case D.

4、In any case9. We _ today and I got into trouble because I hadnt done it.A.had checked our homeworkB.had our homework checkedC.were checked our homeworkD.have checking our homework10.Our public transportation system is not _ for the needs of the people. We need more buses and subways()A.complete B.ad

5、equate C.normal D.good二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.On B.In C.By D.Through12.71.()A.streets B.crowds C.passengers D.city13.Peoples attitudes _41_ gift-giving may _42_ from country to country, _43_ the desire to convey a feeling of friendship is universal. Here is an example to44the differences.Japan is a _45_ c

6、ountry. It is not _46_ in Japan to offer a gift to a person who is _47_ or has been helpful. When people do that, the gifts _48_ be substantial and expensive. _49_, at least in the typical Japanese style, it is not _50_ to attach a thank-you note or card to the gift. Japanese people may express thei

7、r _51_ and friendship directly through the gift they have _52_ and given to the person they love and respect.In _53_, you are likely to get more cards _54_ gifts in the United States. A card may come with a small gift or no gift at all. In general, American people dont _55_ very much whether the gif

8、t is expensive or not. As a matter of _56_, your gift to them would be _57_ all the more if you made it yourself _58_ buying it from a store. And the words on the card seem to be the most important thing. _59_ someone does not have a card on hand, he or she would write you a thank-you note on a piec

9、e of paper, give it to you _60_ or put it in your pigeon hole41.()A.towards B.in C.on D.of14.Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they _ 41 _. Yet, all living things still show the _ 42 _ of aging, which will eventually re

10、sult _ 43 _ death. Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the _ 44 _ of the body and the organs they _ 45 _ do not function as well as they did in childhood and adolescence. The body provides less strength _ 46 _ disease and is more prone to _ 47 _.A number of related causes may _

11、48 _ aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not _ 49 _ when they die. As a person ages, _ 50 _ of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. Other body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the _ 51 _ cells may not be so capable _ 52 _ growth as _ 53 _

12、 of a young person.Another _ 54 _ in aging may be changes within the cells themselves. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are _ 55 _ to change with aging and become less elastic. This is _ 56 _ the skin of old people wrinkles and hangs _ 57 _. This is also the reason old people _ 58 _ in height.

13、 There may be other more chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and pass _ 59 _ information that the cells need. Aging may affect this _ 60 _ and change the information41.()A.used to B.used to be C.be used to D.had15.12()A.handed B.presented C.provided

14、 D.brought16.44.()A.at one time B.at times C.at once D.at night17.62()A.famous B.successful C.social D.ideal18.62.()A.that B.when C.while D.as19.68.()A.so as B.and that C.so that D.such that20.52.()A.attracted B.interested C.frightened D.surprised三、翻译(3题)21.Each night, volunteers would show up at a

15、campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks22.你的字太模糊,我认不出来23.我们将在下次会议上讨论他提出的计划四、词汇与语法(0题)24.I cant find my purse anywhere.You _ have lost it while shopping()五、单选题(0题)25.You can distinguish the twins very easily, _ Tom is quiet while Jack is active()A.so B.but C.for D.and六、单选题(0题)26.I am fully of the consequences of what I have said()A.doubtful B.aware C.worried D.concern



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