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1、【2021年】福建省南平市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.These tickets for the performance are until the end of the month()A.acceptable B.available C.advisable D.applicable2.The visiting professor is from The University of Tokyo and he speaks English with a strong Japanese _()A.identity B.spelling

2、 C.accent D.vocabulary3._ the whole situation, I wouldnt have said it()A.If I should knowB.If I knewC.If I had knownD.If I were to know4.Do you like pop music or country music?(). I only like sportsA.Each B.Either C.Neither D.Both5.The news_ his health is failing makes us sad()A.that B.what C.where

3、D.as6.It is four years since John()schoolA.has left B.had left C.left D.was left7.Im pleased to tell you that the fax machines you ordered are _ now()A.available B.convenient C.wonderful D.important8.You cannot cancel your order()you change your mind within three daysA.as if B.while C.so that D.unle

4、ss9.If the scheme is _ carried out without waste of time or energy, I shall be completely satisfied()A.relatively B.noticeably C.appropriately D.efficiently10.()you do, you should put your heart into itA.No matter how B.Whenever C.No matter what D.Wherever二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.otherwise B.moreover C.how

5、ever D.also12.67.()A.nice B.good C.else D.wonderful13.Visitors to the zoo usually pity the animals owing to their particular emotional associations(联想). Which animals should be indeed pitied?The first type are those clever and41 developed animals42 lively intelligence and desire for activity can43 n

6、o outlet behind the bars of the cage. Those animals living in a free state before44 in the zoo have a strong desire for moving about45, but have to turn around repeatedly in their quarters. Owing to this disappointment, foxes and wolves 46 in places which are far too small, are among the most47 of a

7、ll zoo animals.Another sad scene, seldom48 by ordinary zoo visitors, is the49 flying trials of swans(天鹅) at migration(迁徙) time. These creatures, like most other water birds, are generally made unable to fly by the50 of cutting off a tip of the wing bone.51 such swans in the zoo generally seem happy

8、under52 care and they raise their young without any trouble, at migration time things become53. The birds never really54 that they can no longer fly, and repeatedly swim to the55 of the pond so that they can have the whole extent of its surface when trying to56 against the wind.Meanwhile, their loud

9、 flying calls can be heard as they try to57, and again and again the grand preparations end in58.I do not like seeing those59 water birds in the zoo. The missing tip of one wing and the still sadder picture that the bird makes when it60its wings hurt me badly. What a truly sorry picture it is!()A.hi

10、gh B.highly C.deep D.deeply14.34.()A.hardly B.extra C.a days D.good15. ()A.between B.with C.to D.among16.70.()A.through B.at C.in D.by17.47.()A.positions B.situations C.conditions D.destinations18.55.()A.crazy B.extreme C.fierce D.violent19.4()A.director B.trainer C.leader D.dancer20.60.()A.imagine

11、B.recommend C.enjoy D.remember三、翻译(3题)21.这一工程估计耗去资金900万美元22.Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your English listening ability, but also help you build your speaking skills23.除了食物和衣物,政府还为灾区人民提供了暂时的居所四、词汇与语法(0题)24.The company isntdoing such big business()五、单选题(0题)25.If I fo

12、und the book, I _ it to you()A.will bringB.would have broughtC.would bringD.might have brought六、单选题(0题)26.There is no point _ to remember all those names and addresses. The most important thing is to understand the events associated with them()A.to try B.to be trying C.trying D.be trying参考答案1.B演出的门票


14、ouldnt have said可知,这里是对过去情况的假设,所以从句谓语动词应用had+过去分词的形式。故选C4.C你喜欢流行音乐还是乡村音乐?两个都不喜欢。我只喜欢运动。考点词义辨析【精析】C each:每个,各自;either:两者之中任一的,两者之中每一的;neither:两者都不;both:两者都。根据I only like sports.可知,我既不喜欢流行音乐,也不喜欢乡村音乐,所以应用neither,表示对前面内容的否定。故选C5.A他健康状况不佳的消息使我们很难过。考点同位语从句【精析】A分析句子结构可知,空处引导了一个同位语从句,空处和makes之间的内容是对抽象名词new

15、s(消息)的解释说明,所以应选在从句中不充当语法成分,而只起连接作用的that。故选A6.C约翰离开学校已经四年了。考点动词时态【精析】C since引导的状语从句中的谓语动词应采用一般过去式。故选C7.AA句意:很高兴告诉您,您定购的传真机现在有货了。词义辨析题。available:可得到的,有售的;convenient:方便的;wonderful:极好的;important:重要的。根据句意可知,A项正确8.D句意:除非你在三天之内改变主意,否则订单将不能取消。状语从句题。分析前后句意可知,此处需要一个引导条件状语从句的连词,故选D(除非,如果不)。A选项(好像)后面常跟虚拟语气,B选项(当时)后面常跟时间状语,C选项(以致)后常引导结果状语9.D如果计划能在不浪费时间和精力的情况下得到有效实施,我将十分满意。考点词义辨析【精析】Drelatively:相对地;noticeably:显著地;appropriate


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