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1、2021年福建省龙岩市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The children are getting more and more excited when Christmas is _ near()A.drawing B.joining C.taking D.operating2.You will be able to catch the first bus to the town if you at 6 oclock()A.get up B.will get up C.are getting up D.got up3.Pleas

2、e be sure to telephone me the next time you()A.will come B.would come C.shall come D.come4.Im trying to be more when I go shopping, and only buy what I really need()A.economy B.economic C.economical D.economics5.He made a quick from his illness()A.relief B.recovery C.survival D.relaxation6.The audie

3、nce stood and()at the end of the performanceA.welcomed B.clapped C.waved D.celebrated7.All the people in this village have black hair. They all _ each other()A.resemble as B.resemble with C.resemble D.resemble from8.Today, people live in a world new technology is taking an increasing proportion in t

4、heir lives()A.when B.where C.what D.which9.A smart appearance makes a impression at an interview()A.favorable B.favored C.favorite D.favoring10.Patientsbills of rights require that they()informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatmentA.are B.might be C.should be D.were二、完型填空(10题)

5、11.()A.Instruct B.Establish C.Proceed D.Perform12.62.()A.meaningful B.important C.valuable D.meaningless13.82.()A.a large sum ofB.a great deal ofC.a large number ofD.a large amount of14.71.()A.well B.strange C.nice D.funny15.74.()A.very B.just C.so D.just now16.59.()A.certain B.sure C.slight D.slow1

6、7.5()A.watch B.watched C.watching D.to watch18.58.()A.for B.as C.by D.with19.48.()A.So B.Therefore C.Then D.Actually20.According to current forecasts, the worlds population, which is doubling every 35 years, will be at or near 14 billion by the year 2030. It is very much doubtful whether the world _

7、51_ how to feed this population by then. This population will be very much more industrialized than today. Advanced countries are _52_ to increase output by a factor of at least five times. _53_ countries will at least have established extractive industries, backed by roads, airports and power stati

8、ons, and _54_ to export in order to be able to pay _55_ imported food and skills. Technology itself will have become more sophisticated and various. _56_, new materials, even harder to dispose of than glass and plastic, will have been invented. New drugs and pesticides with _57_ side-effects will ha

9、ve been invented.New _58_ of transport will abound: hovercraft will skim over lakes and commons to _59_ the silence of winter. A flurry of rocketbelted enthusiasts will leap about like grasshoppers, while overhead the skipliners circumnavigating the globe(环球航行) _60_ five or six hours, will emit thei

10、r sonic booms(音爆). More people with more technology _61_ more pollution, more environmental distortion and _62_ privacy. Much of the damage will come from the _63_ which will necessarily by made to feed the everincreasing number of mouths, and to house their _64_. The crash of _65_ timber as forests

11、 are felled, will be echoed by the thunder of explosives, as canals and harbours are blasted into existence()A.will find outB.has found outC.will be finding outD.will have found out三、翻译(3题)21.如果你当时意识到问题的严重性并采取措施,结果就完全两样了22.So the secret of coping with stress is not to avoid it, but to do what you li

12、ke to do and what you are made to do, at your own rate23.从他告诉我的话我知道,他比我懂的英语多四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _ it comes to classroom tests()五、单选题(0题)25.You should respect others opinions, and at the same time you should insist o

13、n()you believe is rightA.that B.what C.which D.where六、单选题(0题)26.In Chinese culture, childrens marriage decisions were often made by parents()A.traditional B.historic C.remote D.initial参考答案1.A当圣诞节越来越近时,孩子们变得越来越兴奋。考点词义辨析【精析】Adraw:移动,行进,临近,与near连用构成draw near(临近,靠近)。join:连接,会合;take:拿,取;operate:运转,操作。根据句

14、意可知,选A2.A如果6点起床的话,你就可以赶上去镇里的首班车。考点动词时态【精析】A分析句子结构可知,句中包含了一个if引导的条件状语从句。根据主句中的will be able to可知,主句为一般将来时,所以从句应遵循主将从现的原则,用一般现在时表示将来。故选A3.D下次你来的时候一定给我打电话。本题考查动词时态。题干中the next time用于引导时间状语从句,而时间状语从句通常使用一般现在时表示将来的情况,所以D为正确选项4.C在购物的时候,我尽量更节俭,只买我真正需要的东西。考点词义辨析【精析】Ceconomy:(n.)经济,节约;economic:(adj.)经济的,经济上的;

15、economical:(adj.)节约的,节俭的,节省的;economics:(n.)经济学。根据句意可知,选C5.B他很快恢复了健康。考点词义辨析【精析】Brecovery:恢复,复苏,后接介词from,表示从中恢复;relief:宽慰,安心;relaxation:放松;survival:生存。根据句意可知,选B6.B表演结束时,观众起身鼓掌。考点词义辨析【精析】B welcome:欢迎;clap:鼓掌;wave:挥手;celebrate:庆祝。根据句意可知,选B7.C这个村子里的所有人都是黑头发。他们彼此都很相像。考点固定用法【精析】Cresemble:像,类似,和相像,为及物动词,所以其后应直接跟宾语。故选C8.B如今,人们生活在一个科技在生活中占据越来越大比重的世界。考点定语从句【精析】B分析句子结构可知,空处引导了一个定语从句,先行词为world,是表示地点的名词,又因为定语从句中缺少状语。因此,空处应用关


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