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1、2021年安徽省安庆市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Its good to knowour pet will be well cared for by our kind-hearted neighbour while we travel on business()A.what B.whose C.which D.that2.()student with a little common sense should be able to answer the questionA.Each B.Any C.Either D.One3.()

2、that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percentA.So clever are the construction robotsB.So clever the construction robots areC.Such construction robots are cleverD.Such clever construction robots are4.I didnt know what to do, but then an idea()to me sud

3、denlyA.happened B.entered C.hit D.occurred5.The couples had to move to the north because they found it hard to themselves to the hot climate in the south()A.adopt B.make C.enjoy D.adjust6.The textbook is for the()students, not for the beginnersA.foreign B.blind C.advanced D.deaf7.It is that wed like

4、 to go out for a walk()A.a lovely dayB.too lovely a dayC.so lovely a dayD.such lovely a day8._ , talking with friendly people, and having Friday offthese are just some things I like about college()A.Studied by myself B.In person C.On my own D.Being on my own9.Although buses are_to depart at a certai

5、n hour, they are often late()A.scheduled B.obligated C.requested D.loaded10.The little girl could not the attraction of the piece of the chocolate()A.consist B.persist C.insist D.resist二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.while B.until C.unless D.because12.73.()A.By B.During C.Over D.From13.80.()A.Why B.Who C.When D.W

6、hat14.33.()A.which B.what C.that D.who15.55.()A.up B.straight C.forward D.back16.59.()A.on B.among C.under D.in17.Mama, when I grow up, Im going to be one of those! I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my1took on a vivid form and a

7、cted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was2 to more, my interests in the world of dance 3varied but that little girls dream of someday becoming a 4in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a 5; I

8、became a member of the company 6can date back to 1925.As I look back on that day now, it surely 7any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief 8I was halfway through rehearsals(排练) on my first day. I never actually 9to get the job. After 10the position, I was completely a

9、stonished. I remember shaking with excitement.Though I was absolutely thrilled with the chance, it did not come without its fair share of 11. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to12up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It was that ex

10、treme 13 to detail and stress on practice that set us 14. To then follow those highenergy rehearsals 15a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new 16of the words hard work. What I thought was my physical 17were pushed much further than I thought 18. I learned to make ea

11、ch performance better than the last.Today, when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great 19of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a 20that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow and

12、inspires people every day to follow their dreams1()A.hobby B.plan C.dream D.word18.56()A.brain B.mouth C.hands D.legs19.20.()A.most B.worst C.least D.best20._()A.house B.garden C.garage D.street三、翻译(3题)21.高昂的学费使一些贫穷的学生不能上大学。?22.()每每回想起在你们那个令人兴奋的城市里度过的美好舒适的日子,我总是情不自禁地要告诉你们我们是多么开心。A. I could not help

13、tell you how pleased we are when we remember those beautiful and comfortable days.B. I could not help tell you how pleased we are that we remember those comfortable days in your exciting city.C. I could not help telling you how pleased we are that we remember those beautiful and comfortable days in

14、your exciting city.D. I could not help telling you how pleased we are when we remember those beautiful and comfortable days in your exciting city23.她喜欢看书时听音乐四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Can you_the difference_the two phrases()五、单选题(0题)25.By this time next week, I _ for this company for 30 years()A.has worked B.wil

15、l have been working C.work D.had worked六、单选题(0题)26.I earn only 100 dollars a month, you earn 400 dollars()A.while B.when C.as D.though参考答案1.D我们的宠物在我们出差时会被好心的邻居照顾得很好,知道这个真好。考点宾语从句【精析】D分析句子结构可知,know后面是宾语从句,且从句中不缺少成分,所以应用that引导。what引导名词性从句时在从句中充当主语、宾语等成分,意为什么;which在名词性从句中意为哪一个,暗含选择范围;whose在名词性从句中一般作定语修饰名词。故选D2.BB any student:任何学生,符合题意,故选B。each:每一个;either:两者中的任何一个;one:一个。选项A、C、D均不符合题意3.A用于建筑的机器人是如此的聪明,以至于它们最终会使建筑工地需要的劳动力减少90。考点倒装句型【精析】Aso/suchthat表示如此以至



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