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1、河南省平顶山市宝丰县第二高级中学2022-2023学年高二英语知识点试题含解析一、 选择题1. If parents have children help with housework in their daily life, the children will feel needed. _, they will learn to take care of themselves.A. On the contrary B. In other words C. In the meantimeD. On the whole参考答案:C略2. - Mary looks very upset. She

2、_ failed to pass the exam. - I guess so. Its very difficult after all. A must have B could have C should have D might have参考答案:A3. It was announced that only when the fire was under control _to return to their homes. A. the residents would be permitted B. had the residents been permitted C. would th

3、e residents be permitted D. the residents had been permitted参考答案:C略4. Because all the other classmates had known each other quite well, he found himself, the new comer of the class, _ whenever there were some class activities. A. stood out B. left out C. picked out D. crossed out 参考答案:B5. If Vivian

4、go on working like this, shell _ sooner or later.A. break downB. give up C. get downD. hold on参考答案:A6. My brother is _ about what he eats.Aspecial BparticularCpeculiar Dunusual参考答案:答案:Bbe particular about/over sth.“对特别讲究,挑剔”;special“特别的;专门的”;peculiar“特殊的;独特的”;unusual“不寻常的”。7. It was a long way. Why

5、didnt you come to borrow my bicycle?Oh, I thought it _.A. will be used B. was used C. had been used D. was being used参考答案:D8. The old _B_well looked after by the government in China.A. is B. areC. has been D. was参考答案:Bthe+形容词表示一类人,谓语动词应用复数,故选B。9. All school buses in the northwestern provinces with s

6、atellite positioning devices next year. A. fitted B. will be fitted C. have been fitted D. are fitted参考答案:B略10. If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, you are more to catch a cold.A. possible B. certainly C. probable D. likely参考答案:D11. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm _few citizens h

7、as ever experienced before. A. where B. as C. when D. which参考答案:B12. _, the experiment will be successful. A. If carefully doing B. If it done carefully C. If carefully done D. If doing carefully参考答案:C13. _the big snake ,the little girl stood under the tree _ out of life.A Seeing ; frightened B Seei

8、ng ; frightening C Seen ; frightened D To see ; frightening参考答案:A14. Good news! The price of all those second-hand goods is before.A. 30% as lower as B. 30% lower thanC. lower 30% than D. as 30% low as参考答案:B15. 参考答案:d略16. This years _ for AIDS education probably wont be much higher because of tight

9、finances.A. welfare B. project C. budget D. reward参考答案:C17. I _the award, only if I _the poem more loudly.A .could get, had recited B .would get, had recitedC .would have got, recited D .would have got, had recited参考答案:D二、 新的题型18. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Gold in HeavenThere once was a

10、 rich man 61 was near death. He was very upset because he had worked so hard for his money and wanted to take it with him to heaven. So he began to pray that he might be able to take some of his wealth with him. 62 angel heard his pray and appeared. “Sorry, but you cant take your wealth with you.” T

11、he man begged the angel to speak to God to see 63 he might break the rules. The angel reappeared and informed the man that God had decided to allow him to take one suitcase with him. 64 (excite), the man gathered his largest suitcase and filled it 65 pure gold bars.Afterward, he died and showed up i

12、n heaven to greet St. Peter. 66 (see) the suitcase, St. Peter said, “Hold on, you cant bring that in here!” The man explained to St. Peter that he had Gods 67 (permit). St. Peter checked it out, came back and said, “Youre right. You are allowed one carry-on bag, but Im supposed to check its contents

13、 68 letting it through.St. Peter opened the suitcase to inspect the things that the man found too precious to leave behind and exclaimed, “You brought pavement? 69 you can see, the great street of the city of heaven 70 (make) of pure gold!” 参考答案:61.who 62. An 63.if/whether 64. Excited 65.with 66. Se

14、eing 67.permission 68. before 69.As 70. is made三、 阅读理解19. About tem men in every hundred suffer from color1 blindness in some way. Women are luckier, only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter. Perhaps, after all, it is safer to be driven by a woman.There are different forms of color1 blindness. In some cases a man


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