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1、吉林省长春市市汽车产业开发区第四中学2022年高二英语下学期摸底试题含解析一、 选择题1. Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today. A. whyB. when C. whichD. that参考答案:D2. Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _ a life span of around 20 years. A. having B. had C. have D.

2、 to have参考答案:A3. _ in thought, he didnt notice his teacher coming into the classroom at all.A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose参考答案:C4. This is a chance that is _ worth trying for. A. very B. quite C. rather D. well参考答案:D5. These two words are different _ each other in spelling while they ar

3、e similar _ each other in pronunciation. A. from; to B. from; as C. with; like D. with; to参考答案:A6. How do you like the new book? To be honest, it is a little difficult_ .A. understood B. being understood C. understanding D. to understand参考答案:D7. The people the dead killed in the earthquake in Japan.

4、A. mourned; occurredB. mourned; occurringC. mourning; occurredD. to mourn; occurring参考答案:C8. You want to help your kids as much as you can, but _, youve got to be careful to help them learn on their own. A. on the other hand B. for one thing C. in other words D. as usual参考答案:A9. In Australia, many r

5、oad signs are now both in English and Chinese, _ it easier for Chinese tourists to travel.A. making B. made C. make D. makes参考答案:A考查状语从句。在澳大利亚,许多路标都是用英文和中文同时标识,使中国游客去旅游更加容易。根据与前面一句用逗号隔开,没有连词,故判断此空用非谓语动词,根据与主语是主动关系,故用动词-ing形式,用来修饰和补充上一句话,故选A。10. The father often buys his son English learning material

6、s, _at encouraging him to learn English. A. aim B. aimed C. to aim D. aiming 参考答案:B11. They wanted the house at the foot of the mountain _ in a way to look pretty.A. build B. to build C. built D. being built参考答案:C【考点】考察分词做定语本句中的动词build与名词the house构成逻辑上的被动关系,故使用过去分词在句中做定语。他们想要山脚下的房子被修建成一种看起来很漂亮的样子。本题

7、AB两项表示的都是主动关系,D项是现在分词的被动关系,表示正在进行。本题并不表示正在进行。故C正确。【举一反三】For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _ on his own farm. A. grown B. being grown C. to be grown D. to grow答案A考点考察非谓语动词解析早餐他只喝在自己农庄种植出来的新鲜水果的果汁。水果成熟了才会拿来做果汁, 因此用过去分词作后置定语, 表示已经完成及被动的意思。答案A。12. _ puzzled Li Lei a lot was _ his best

8、friends didnt come to school this morning AThat; why BThat; what CWhat; whether DWhat; why参考答案:d略13. 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1cushionAbushBstatusCpuzzleDcurious2blankAassistBdecadeCpatentDwander3worthyAhealthBclothingCbirthplaceDwealthy4spareA. fearB.earnC.pearD.beard5t

9、reasureApossessionBtelevisionCAsianDprecious参考答案:1-5ACBCB略14. Thats a problem because eating habits are hard _.A. break B. to break C. breaking D. to be broken参考答案:B15. Many of the one-family children are so accustomed to _ that they react violently when they hear something different. A. be praised

10、B. praise C. praising D. being praised 参考答案:D16. He is quite honest, but his outspoken remarks often make him an easy _ for the opposition.A. aim B. target C. attack D. goal参考答案:B17. Only _ the painting _ decide whether it is worth buying. A. that he sees; can he B. that does he see; he can C. when

11、he sees; can he D. when does he see; can he 参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Online Friends and LoveIn so many ways, cyberspace mirrors the real world. _16_ Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love. Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words

12、 on a computer screen. Identity (身份) and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. _17_ So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star. Usually, this “faceless” communication doesnt create problems. Identity doesnt really matter when youre in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies and it

13、 makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. Where else can so many people come together to chat about their interests? _18_ Theyre looking for serious love relationships. Is cyberspace a good place to find love? That answer depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actual

14、ly succeed. Others fail miserably.Supporter of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other. Personal appearance doesnt get in the way. But critics of online relationships argue that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace. Why? _19_ Internet users can carefully make the


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