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1、2023年吉林省长春市东北师大附属东安实验学校中考英语三模试卷1. Tony is _ eleven-year-old boy who comes from a mountain village.()A. aB. anC. theD. /2. Medical staff and volunteers in our community worked for ten hours_nobody took a break.A. soB. forC. butD. or3. Our hometown Changchun is one of the _ cities in the northeast.()A

2、. livelyB. livelierC. liveD. liveliest4. Mary didnt answer my call because she _ at 3 p.m. yesterday.A. swamB. swimsC. isswimmingD. wasswimming5. There _ a boy and two women _ for you outside.()A. are;waitB. are;waitingC. is;waitingD. is;wait6. Could you help me do the dishes? No,I _.I cut my finger

3、 and Im trying not to get it wet.()A. couldntB. mustntC. needntD. cant7. Teenage girls sometimes lose confidence in_.A. herselfB. himselfC. yourselvesD. themselves8. -Peter failed the online exam yesterday. -Thats not surprising.Computer games_too much of his time.()A. takeoutB. takeinC. takeoffD. t

4、akeup9. The three Shenzhou-13 astronauts _ had completed their space tasks well returned to the earth safely and successfully on 16th April.()A. whatB. whichC. whoD. whom10. You should say sorry to Tony.After all,this basketball _ by you just now. OK.I will.()A. isbrokenB. wasbrokenC. hadbrokenD. ha

5、sbroken11. _ fast China is developing! Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country.A. WhatB. WhataC. HowD. Howa12. -Some athletes have gained admission to college recently. Could you tell me_?-Fan Zhendong.A. WhowillgotoShanghaiJiaoTongUniversityB. WhowouldgotoShanghaiJiaoTongUniversityC. W

6、henhewillgotoShanghaiJiaoTongUniversityD. WhenhewouldgotoShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity13. _ does your mother clean your house? Once a week.()A. HowlongB. HowfarC. HowoftenD. Howmany14. The sun is important to us.It provides us with light and _.I agree with you.Without the sun,there will be no life on t

7、he earth.()A. beautyB. peaceC. heatD. wealth15. Would you mind my sitting here? _.Take a seat,please.()A. ThatsallrightB. NevermindC. YoudbetternotD. Notatall16. A:I really admire my classmate Xue Qiang. B:( 1) _ A:Because shes really talented.She is good at playing the piano,the guitar and the viol

8、in.And she is good at all the subjects.But Im not. B:You are also talented,Li Ming.(2) _ A:Thanks.But I want to learn how to make computer programming this summer vacation. B:( 3) _ A:Do you know any training schools? B:Im not sure. (4) _ A:OK.Look,Ive typed computer programming school,and there are

9、 so many results coming out. B:( 5) _ Little Bee Training School,summer computer programming,600 yuan,and get a programming license within three weeks. A:This school is OK. B:I think so. A.Thats a good idea. B.Why do you admire her? C.How do you like her? D.You can search for them on the Internet. E

10、.Let me have a look. F.You are good at drawing.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)My neighbor is a doctor.He and his wife are some of the(1) _ people I have ever met.A few years ago,we started this kind offavor (善举) warwhere one of us would do something kind for the other,such as(2) _ the driveway or building a shed(棚;

11、简易房),and next time the other would(3) _ to top it with another favor. Yesterday morning there was about two or three feet of(4) _ on the ground.I(5) _ he shoveled (铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip last winter.So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driv

12、eways because it was my turn to do a favor(6) _ .It took a while on such a cold day but I finished it with another favor. That night I got a(7) _ on my door.It was my neighbor.He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling(8) _ driveway and side walk,so that he was able to get to work ear

13、lier and(9) _ a boy. As soon as I started the car early this morning,a(n)(10) _ came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill.(11) _ ,my partner and I were only about two minutes away,but the closest ambulance(救护车) was 10 minutes, added he.A young boy got to live his life(12) _

14、 you did me that favor earlier this morning It was not a big(13) _ to shovel a driveway,but what I did enabled a young boy to see his family again,go back to school again and live his life again. ( 14) _ favor is too small.Even the smallest favor can make the biggest(15) _ .One favor will always be followed by another.17. A. nicestB. busiestC. richestD. happiest18. A. looking forB. going downC. cleaning upD. walking across19. A. tryB. buildC. buyD. fly20. A. rubbishB. snowC. leavesD. rain21. A. sawB. thoughtC. expectedD. remembered22. A. soonB. back


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