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1、湖南省常德市市鼎城区蔡家岗镇联校高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. After graduation from college, he began to go from city to city, _ a suitable job. A. hunting for B. taking on C. looking after D. bringing up参考答案:A略2. She is very _ to call on you tonight according to what she said to me.A. likely B. probable C. possible D. prope

2、r参考答案:A3. She doesnt _ her daughters marriage.A. approve for B. agree with C. receive D. approve of参考答案:D4. My friend _ me of the fact that I had a gift for painting.A. believed B. was convinced C. convinced D. believed in参考答案:C5. Hello, Rosa! I heard you went to New Jersey. I _ away for a week. But

3、 Im back now. A. am B. have been C. was D. had been参考答案:C6. Only when the old man lost his lovely daughter his stupid mistake.A. had he realised B. he had realisedC. did he realise D. he realised参考答案:C7. To protect the environment, we should take all the plastics and newspapers to _.A. recycle B. th

4、row C. cycle D. store 参考答案:A8. With the development of economy , even people in remote villages can have access _ computers.A. with B.to C. of D. on 参考答案:B9. I tried to _ in my speech we were all grateful for his help.A. speak B. tell C. express D. convey参考答案:D10. As soon as we said goodbye, my frie

5、nd went back to his room, _ the door behind him.A. to close B. closed C. close D. closing 参考答案:D11. I arrived home at midnight, _ my parents had been waiting for nearly three hours. A. at that time B. by that time C. at which time D. by which time参考答案:B略12. He never studies anything. I wonder how he

6、 _ to pass the examination. A. managed B. tried C. succeeded D. able参考答案:A略13. 32 The good thing about children is that they _ very easily to new environments Aattain Ballocate Cadapt Dadopt参考答案:C略14. He left his hometown with the _ of finding a good job in Shanghai.A.decisionB. intentionC. permissi

7、onD. determination参考答案:B略15. Shall we stay at home or go fishing? _.A. Thats not the point.B. So what?C. Oh, come on!D. Its up to you.参考答案:D【详解】考查情景交际。A. Thats not the point.那不是重点;B. So what? 那又怎么样;C. Oh, come on!加油;D. Its up to you.完全由你决定。句意:我们是呆在家里还是去钓鱼?完全由你决定。结合句意可知答案为D。16. We missed the bus. Wer

8、e _ to be late. A. beneficial B. elegant C. bound D. annoyed参考答案:C17. He was asked to _the facts just as he remembered them. A. set down B. set out C. set up D. set about 参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,然后将答案 写到答题卡相应的位置上。选项中有两项多余。(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分。)A: Whats wrong with you, Tom? You lo

9、ok upset today. 51 B: No, Mum, butA: 52 B: Well. What shall I do? I happened to break a window in Mr. Henrys house.A: Oh, did you apologize to Mr. Henry?B: 53 A: Come on, dear, please tell me the truth.B: Paul and I were together. 54 A: You shouldnt have done that.B: I know, but I darent phone Mr. H

10、enry. And Im also very sorry for Paul.A: 55 Then youd better hurry to see Paul. Give him back the money and if you like,invite him to tea tomorrow.B: I will do as you say.A. I think you must make an apology to Mr. Henry.B. We both ran away.C. But the trouble isD. Come on, son, tell me what has happe

11、ned.E. I was able to run away but he was caught and had to pay for the damage.F. Can I help you?G. Is there anything wrong?参考答案:GDCEA三、 阅读理解19. What are American high schools like? Well, Im happy to tell you what I know.When I started school here, it had already been a week since the school opened.

12、At this school, freshmen usually go on a trip for about three days at the beginning of school. Unfortunately I missed that wonderful trip, which would have been the best time to get to know my classmates. I was really sad. I wished Id known about it earlier.Despite the disappointment, however, I gra

13、dually adapted to my new life and school.There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other. As we do not always have the same classrooms and classmates, the school wants us to get to know each other there. Students usually come to school early, sit in that space and have fun. Around the space, there are many lockers for students to leave their books in, so that students do not have to carry a heavy schoolbag everywhere.It r


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